Well-known member
I pretty much agree with your thought processes here, the system is a failure if the wealth inequality reaches the levels it has. The only thing I disagree on is the outlook shared by a lot of the left on where the economy has been headed and what could happen going forward. There is no way anyone can tell me the last 4 years was anything but a disaster, governmentally speaking, and we don’t know what’s actually going to happen the next 4 years. Fear mongering extrapolation has proven to be wrong often enough for me to still feel hopeful some things change for the better.Hey even a broken clock is right every now and then.
When it comes to social policy, I'm more of a live and let live guy. I don't understand gay people at all and I think the whole trans thing is an insane mental illness and that the most left-leaning libs are off their fucking rockers trying to force everybody to play into the fantasies of like 0.5% of the country. But I don't think their existence should be illegal. I think they should be able to do their thing freely, marry each other, whatever... but away from me.
But as far as financial policy goes, I'm liberal. I'm not a socialist because I don't think the government should own the means of production, and I'm not a communist because I don't believe nobody should be able to own anything (I like guitars and amps way too much for that lol). What I'm for is HEAVILY REGULATED capitalism. I think if a billionaire exists, it represents a failure of economic policy. Nobody becomes a billionaire without stomping on the backs of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of people getting there. Working hard and getting rich is fine, go nuts and good luck! But a billionaire cannot exist without severe exploitation that can only occur due to a failure or oversight in economic and human rights protection policy, which is not cool.
I honestly think this les sais faire capitalism horseshit Trump is trying to usher back in by disolving every regulatory body in the government is going to drag us back to the feudal age.