Has Rig Talk become The Gear Page ?

Hey even a broken clock is right every now and then. :D

When it comes to social policy, I'm more of a live and let live guy. I don't understand gay people at all and I think the whole trans thing is an insane mental illness and that the most left-leaning libs are off their fucking rockers trying to force everybody to play into the fantasies of like 0.5% of the country. But I don't think their existence should be illegal. I think they should be able to do their thing freely, marry each other, whatever... but away from me.

But as far as financial policy goes, I'm liberal. I'm not a socialist because I don't think the government should own the means of production, and I'm not a communist because I don't believe nobody should be able to own anything (I like guitars and amps way too much for that lol). What I'm for is HEAVILY REGULATED capitalism. I think if a billionaire exists, it represents a failure of economic policy. Nobody becomes a billionaire without stomping on the backs of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of people getting there. Working hard and getting rich is fine, go nuts and good luck! But a billionaire cannot exist without severe exploitation that can only occur due to a failure or oversight in economic and human rights protection policy, which is not cool.

I honestly think this les sais faire capitalism horseshit Trump is trying to usher back in by disolving every regulatory body in the government is going to drag us back to the feudal age.
I pretty much agree with your thought processes here, the system is a failure if the wealth inequality reaches the levels it has. The only thing I disagree on is the outlook shared by a lot of the left on where the economy has been headed and what could happen going forward. There is no way anyone can tell me the last 4 years was anything but a disaster, governmentally speaking, and we don’t know what’s actually going to happen the next 4 years. Fear mongering extrapolation has proven to be wrong often enough for me to still feel hopeful some things change for the better.
when this thing mean reverts...which it absolutely will...it'll all make sense

I actually agree with American's being spoiled asses and wanted to say part of the problem maybe ties into what you are saying about homes being too much money. Well, generation pussy doesn't want to find those cheaper, more affordable properties and put sweat equity into them either. That's what my old man did. That's what I did. Probably do it again. They don't want to do dirt work or pay dues, they want boujee crap from the cradle. Every beginner guitar player thinks they deserve a Wizard. :LOL:

Dude I honestly think most conservatives and liberals are a lot closer than media would have us believe. The TV constantly shows the most extreme soy harpy blue hairs telling people their grandmothers are disgusting transphobes for not running out and celebrating in the streets the instant their grandson comes out of the blue and introduces them to his new "girlfriend" who is actually some dude in a wig despite the grandmother not knowing what the fuck "trans" even is, and the TV also shows non-stop nazi saluting rednecks straight out of Deliverance who scream through their three remaining teeth that if you're not a white male Christian, you should be burned at the stake because you're a devil worshiping witch. It's exhausting.

I think the difference between MOST everyday liberals and conservatives at their cores is more about a matter of degrees and where their focus is, rather than having polar opposite life philosophies or whatever. Most conservatives want the government to be less wasteful and they want to live in a meritocracy where hard work is rewarded, and most liberals want the money the government brings in to go to the right places, and they want people treated fairly.
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Sorry, but your side does nothing but lie about everything. I will never believe anything coming from a lefties mouth. Ever.
Politically I'm on my side and omnidirectional, pal. And if you choose to disagree with others out of sheer spite, then you're an idiot of the highest order. I sincerely hope you're never in a situation where you are being treated by a "lefty" EMT or doctor/surgeon.
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It's insane to me that anyone can identify as property of a political party. I do a lot of lobbying for a trades union across our 3 major parties. I feel pretty confident telling you there are scumbags and honest, well-intentioned people in every walk of life. The facades people put on are generally pretty far removed from reality. There's a certain "hard-line, take no shit" guy up here vying for Prime Minister, yet he literally scurries when he sees little ol' me. All I ever did was question his BS.

As an aside, I hate lobbying. It should be illegal imo. If you're not at the table though, you're on the menu.
Politically I'm on my side and omnidirectional, pal. And if you choose to disagree with others out of sheer spite, then you're an idiot of the highest order. I sincerely hope you're never in a situation where you are being treated by a "lefty" EMT or doctor/surgeon.
I’m not your pal.

I too hope I’m never in a situation where I’m treated by a lefty EMT or doctor/surgeon. I don’t want to have a heart attack and wake up with fake boobs and vagina.
He won the popular vote, the electoral college, and all 7 swing states.

Thats a big fucking deal and everyone knows it.

You and the rest of the libtards are on the wrong side of history and it’s awesome. Your stupid clown world ideas are over.

The next four years will be great and will prove just how stupid you people are. Can’t wait!
So you’re backpedaling from landslide to “big fucking deal and everybody knows it.” Lmao
So basically you got corrected then conveniently slid into vague bullshit Trumpspeak….So predictable…(yawn)

The fact that you believe you’re on the right side of history as you support a felonious rapist, insurrectionist, traitorous authoritarian as he plunges us deeper into oligarchy to depths never imagined just shows how brainwashed and politically retarded you really are…
So you’re backpedaling from landslide to “big fucking deal and everybody knows it.” Lmao
So basically you got corrected then conveniently slid into vague bullshit Trumpspeak….So predictable…(yawn)

The fact that you believe you’re on the right side of history as you support a felonious rapist, insurrectionist, traitorous authoritarian as he plunges us deeper into oligarchy to depths never imagined just shows how brainwashed and politically retarded you really are…
Won the popular vote
Won the Electoral College
Won all 7 swing states

Not my problem if you're too dumb to understand that.

I watched you mother f'ers do all kinds of evil shit over the last 4 years and I will never, ever forget it. I am your enemy for life.

If I wasn't into "freedom", I'd suggest we round all of you up and bulldoze you into a pit.
interesting to see the naysayers that hope America fails. It's been a long time since I've seen this much optimism in the American people. There is a new sense of hope that is palpable. My teenage children entering college have a chance to enter their adulthood being judged on merit and character, rather than the color of their skin or gender. There might actually be a curb in the fentanyl that crosses the border. Everyone I know, at least knows someone, or has a had a family member die because of fentanyl. It isn't always because they knew they were taking it either. Maybe foreign countries that have had lopsided trade agreements with us, actually come back to the negotiating table. Maybe tariffs will force foreign companies to produce goods in the US if they want to do business here, and avoid tariffs. We'll see, but I'm going to look at it glass half full until I see otherwise
interesting to see the naysayers that hope America fails. It's been a long time since I've seen this much optimism in the American people. There is a new sense of hope that is palpable. My teenage children entering college have a chance to enter their adulthood being judged on merit and character, rather than the color of their skin or gender. There might actually be a curb in the fentanyl that crosses the border. Everyone I know, at least knows someone, or has a had a family member die because of fentanyl. It isn't always because they knew they were taking it either. Maybe foreign countries that have had lopsided trade agreements with us, actually come back to the negotiating table. Maybe tariffs will force foreign companies to produce goods in the US if they want to do business here, and avoid tariffs. We'll see, but I'm going to look at it glass half full until I see otherwise.
I’ll be the first to admit that Dems have been far too soft on border policy for far too long, and they died on that hill this past election. Also I have little problems with many of Trump’s border policies. We’ve got more than enough needy, destitute people in this fucking country already. Shut it down and take care of our own. Unfortunately my money is on him extending trillions more in tax cuts to the wealthy and corporations and sticking it right up the asses of the lower and middle classes yet again.
As far as tariffs go? WE the consumers pay for price of tariffs..
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It's America first from here out, and 2 genders.. Duh.. You Libs fuck up everything with your narrow self interests..
Cry harder like the tranny bitch you are and jack off to Richard Maddow on MSN while you wait for the next lie to cry about.
Get owned by facts and reply with weak, childish insults while completely avoiding the topic at hand.
How MAGA of you. Dipshit…
No it didn’t

Yes you did

lol with that pedantic shit, you know exactly what I meant.

Covid came out of nowhere in that it was accidentally released from the drug lab in Wuhan and spread across the world faster than anybody could react to it, and I didn't personally pay for the vaccine out-of-pocket when I got one. Obviously.
Won the popular vote
Won the Electoral College
Won all 7 swing states

Not my problem if you're too dumb to understand that.

I watched you mother f'ers do all kinds of evil shit over the last 4 years and I will never, ever forget it. I am your enemy for life.

If I wasn't into "freedom", I'd suggest we round all of you up and bulldoze you into a pit.
Show me where I said he didn’t win those?
Apparently YOU’RE too dumb to understand.
I’d ask you to list these purported “evils” that you speak of, but I’ve already lost too many IQ points reading your previous comments.
I think you’re true enemy is the education system that obviously failed you.
See ya in the pit, jagoff!
Covid came out of nowhere in that it was accidentally released from the drug lab in Wuhan
First it was tainted pangolin steaks from a wet market, then it was "accidentally released". Let's not be naive, they released that with bad intentions.
I think this is why “America First” is so attractive for many Americans. We are sick of bad actors on both sides of the aisle caring more about their donors than the American people.
I sincerely understand the sentiment. So does Trump. So too have multiple other politicians of the past who parlayed that into success for their personal interests and gain. If you guys actually think as one of the most globalist countries in the world engaging in mass trade wars is going to benefit you as a country, power to you. I can tell you this much; win or lose for USA, it'll be a not-soon-forgotten loss for literally everyone else.