Has Rig Talk become The Gear Page ?

Not sure, what is a Vai?
He won the popular vote, the electoral college, and all 7 swing states.

Thats a big fucking deal and everyone knows it.

You and the rest of the libtards are on the wrong side of history and it’s awesome. Your stupid clown world ideas are over.

The next four years will be great and will prove just how stupid you people are. Can’t wait!

They are making a post-hoc (that means after the fact, for all the canadians and liberals reading this) rationalization of events after they got their daily brainwashing from corporate legacy media, who got their talking points from their advertisers (pfizer, et al - "et al" means et alia in latin, which means "and others" for all the liberals and canadians reading this) who pay the bills.

They are screaming babies pretending their totalitarian worldview isn't totalitarian by screeching "NO U!!!! U ARE NAWTSZEE!" at the top of their effeminate lungs.
I know. I was just joking. Everyone knows about Vai, Carvin's head amp engineer.
One thing that puzzles me though is why is the drummer from Def Leopard featured in that ad playing a guitar?
I figured, but you can never tell these days.

Most don't realize he played carvin because of Frank. Most don't realize how long he actually played carvin amps, even before the sig lines.

So I just operate that way ..oops.

Also ...not sure about the one armed drummer thing ....i always thought he was tapping real fast. 🤣
He won the popular vote, the electoral college, and all 7 swing states.

Thats a big fucking deal and everyone knows it.

You and the rest of the libtards are on the wrong side of history and it’s awesome. Your stupid clown world ideas are over.

The next four years will be great and will prove just how stupid you people are. Can’t wait!

Hahaha I cannot wait for you people to find out.

Hey here's Trump's tax plan:

Oh you're not a billionaire? Then feel free to thank daddy Trump for raising your taxes.

Also hey, do you know how tariffs work? Because not a single conservative I know does. They all think it's when the US charges other countries for them to import goods. WRONG. Tariffs are when the government charges American companies more to import goods, and since most imported US goods don't have local alternatives, prices on everything are about to go way the fuck up. And you're a fucking idiot if you think US businesses aren't going to just keep importing anyway and pay the new tariffs, then pass off the extra costs onto the consumer.

Tariffs are mostly used to encourage local economic growth and start up new industry by discouraging imports. Other countries don't get charged. The thing about this is that ramping up alternatives takes A LONG TIME. Way longer than Trump's term is going to be.

Oh and this comes just when Trump is really moving forward deporting all those foreign workers who do all the jobs most Americans won't do.

Oh and bird flu is currently tearing the poultry AND dairy industry multiple new assholes, just in time for Trump to shut down regulatory bodies that tell us about the diseases doing it and trying to enforce ways to stop the diseases spreading, because hey, if we don't know about it, it doesn't exist right? Trump did the same thing with Covid. Covid still spreading and fucking people over? No problem just make reporting on it illegal, problem solved! As bird flu continues to destroy our chickens (and cows), egg prices (and dairy prices) are going to skyrocket even more.

Buckle up buckeroos. Trump doesn't give a single fuck about any of you. He and the GoP suckered you into voting against your own interests and it's going to be fucking hilarious watching all you retards going "buh buh buh why is everything so expensive now... there has to be a way to blame this on the democrats" hahaha.

Get ready, it's going to be so goddamn funny.
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Hahaha I cannot wait for you people to find out.

Hey here's Trump's tax plan:

Oh you're not a billionaire? Then feel free to thank daddy Trump for raising your taxes.

Also hey, do you know how tariffs work? Because not a single conservative I know does. They all think it's when the US charges other countries for them to import goods. WRONG. Tariffs are when the government charges US companies more to import goods, and since most imported US goods don't have local alternatives, and you're a fucking idiot if you think businesses aren't going to pass off the extra costs onto the consumer... prices on everything are about to go way the fuck up.

Tariffs are mostly used to encourage local economic growth and start up new industry by discouraging imports. Other countries don't get charged. The thing about this is that ramping up alternatives takes A LONG TIME. Way longer than Trump's term is going to be.

Oh and this comes just in time for Trump deporting all those foreign workers who do all the jobs most Americans won't do.

Oh and bird flu is currently tearing the poultry AND dairy industry multiple new assholes, just in time for Trump to shut down regulatory bodies around that stuff because hey, if we don't know about it, it doesn't exist right? As bird flu continues to destroy our chickens, eggs are going to skyrocket even more.

Buckle up buckeroos. Trump doesn't give a single fuck about any of you and it's going to be fucking hilarious watching all you retards going "buh buh buh why is everything so expensive now... there has to be a way to make this the democrats fault" hahaha. Get ready.
I'm ready! All you did is list libtard talking points. I already don't believe a single word they say. Nothing.

If we could tell the future, we'd be rich. We'll see, but we just saw our country almost destroyed in 4 years by fools. I'm guessing anything will be better.
I'm ready! All you did is list libtard talking points. I already don't believe a single word they say. Nothing.

If we could tell the future, we'd be rich. We'll see, but we just saw our country almost destroyed in 4 years by fools. I'm guessing anything will be better.

lol, spoken like a true conservative. "These literal, demonstrably provable facts don't fit what I want to believe so I'll just say they're liberal lies! Fingers in ears lalala everybody I don't like is a libtard!"

And dude the country wasn't "almost destroyed" by democrats. If anything, it's being killed by businesses being allowed to run crazy and fuck everybody sideways. Private industry buying up all the houses and keeping an entire generation renting and unable to build equity, companies raising their prices to crazy levels and blaming it on "uh, uh, inflation! yeah that's it" while they post record profits. If they were just "passing on the costs of inflation" then they wouldn't be posting record profits.

BTW if liberal fiscal policy is destroying the country, how do you explain the fact that almost all of the richest states are blue, and they ALL subsidize the poorest states in the country, almost all of which are red and take way more money from blue states than they put back in? Seems strange.
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And dude the country wasn't "almost destroyed" by democrats. If anything, it's being killed by businesses being allowed to run crazy and fuck everybody sideways. Private industry buying up all the houses and keeping an entire generation renting and unable to build equity, companies raising their prices to crazy levels and blaming it on "uh, uh, inflation! yeah that's it" while they post record profits. If they were just "passing on the costs of inflation" then they wouldn't be posting record profits.
You have said some retarded shit before but this is 100% true. The extremely wealthy are akin to fantasy stories about evil gold hoarding dragons terrorizing nearby villages. It’s why the Luigi situation has played out the way that it has.
Oh and this comes just when Trump is really moving forward deporting all those foreign workers who do all the jobs most Americans won't do.
Speak for yourself. I am willing to do all kinds of dirt work on the side when gigs don't pay the bills. I was moving concrete blocks across a yard this morning. More jobs "most American's don't want" means I can quit when I get a last minute gig offer and then find a new bottom rung gig in short order. Not enough people to fill positions means employers will pay more to get enough workers. Fewer workers=more flexibility from my part time employer. Win-win.

Also, your proposed tax claims seem off base because people in the bottom brackets never pay in anything, they get refunded.
Private industry buying up all the houses and keeping an entire generation renting and unable to build equity, companies raising their prices to crazy levels and blaming it on "uh, uh, inflation! yeah that's it" while they post record profits. If they were just "passing on the costs of inflation" then they wouldn't be posting record profits.

BTW if liberal fiscal policy is destroying the country, how do you explain the fact that almost all of the richest states are blue, and they ALL subsidize the poorest states in the country, almost all of which are red and take way more money from blue states than they put back in? Seems strange.
I agree with your first paragraph. Something should be done.

As for your 2nd paragraph, I'd still rather live in Mississippi than California but I suppose a bluesman has his own idea of paradise. :LOL:
You have said some retarded shit before but this is 100% true. The extremely wealthy are akin to fantasy stories about evil gold hoarding dragons terrorizing nearby villages. It’s why the Luigi situation has played out the way that it has.

Hey even a broken clock is right every now and then. :D

When it comes to social policy, I'm more of a live and let live guy. I don't understand gay people at all and I think the whole trans thing is an insane mental illness and that the most left-leaning libs are off their fucking rockers trying to force everybody to play into the fantasies of like 0.5% of the country. But I don't think their existence should be illegal. I think they should be able to do their thing freely, marry each other, whatever... but away from me.

But as far as financial policy goes, I'm liberal. I'm not a socialist because I don't think the government should own the means of production, and I'm not a communist because I don't believe nobody should be able to own anything (I like guitars and amps way too much for that lol). What I'm for is HEAVILY REGULATED capitalism. I think if a billionaire exists, it represents a failure of economic policy. Nobody becomes a billionaire without stomping on the backs of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of people getting there. Working hard and getting rich is fine, go nuts and good luck! But a billionaire cannot exist without severe exploitation that can only occur due to a failure or oversight in economic and human rights protection policy, which is not cool.

I honestly think this les sais faire capitalism horseshit Trump is trying to usher back in by dissolving every regulatory body in the government is going to drag us back to the feudal age. If anybody thinks businesses are already bending people over a barrel now, just wait. I think it's going to get a lot worse in the coming years.
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Speak for yourself. I am willing to do all kinds of dirt work on the side when gigs don't pay the bills. I was moving concrete blocks across a yard this morning. More jobs "most American's don't want" means I can quit when I get a last minute gig offer and then find a new bottom rung gig in short order. Not enough people to fill positions means employers will pay more to get enough workers. Fewer workers=more flexibility from my part time employer. Win-win.

Also, your proposed tax claims seem off base because people in the bottom brackets never pay in anything, they get refunded.

Hey I grew up on a farm. I'm no stranger to getting muddy and working long hours in the heat and dust either.

But that doesn't mean America as a whole is going to instantly replace all the illegal alien work being done for pennies, and prices are definitely going to change to reflect the sudden drop in market supply.
1. Wow, so did they increase the level of advertisements there or what? That is annoying AF.
2. So is anything in 'The Pub' free from scrutiny - aka safe?

TGP has more than ten times the members and active members as RT. Moderation is a reflection of this. They have stricter rules and wider interpretation. It's the only way they can do it with limited resources.

There just isn't too many places on the internet as open as Rig Talk. ... and why many of us are here.

Most people are not going to hang out on the internet with as open a range as Rig Talk.

TGP is designed to make money. This stuff would never work there. Think about where you work. No way is this stuff going to fly at business that designed for the public.
Hey I grew up on a farm. I'm no stranger to getting muddy and working long hours in the heat and dust either.

But that doesn't mean America as a whole is going to instantly replace all the illegal alien work being done for pennies, and prices are definitely going to change to reflect the sudden drop in market supply.
I actually agree with American's being spoiled asses and wanted to say part of the problem maybe ties into what you are saying about homes being too much money. Well, generation pussy doesn't want to find those cheaper, more affordable properties and put sweat equity into them either. That's what my old man did. That's what I did. Probably do it again. They don't want to do dirt work or pay dues, they want boujee crap from the cradle. Every beginner guitar player thinks they deserve a Wizard. :LOL:
Cognizant reality denialism (trademark pending) rears it's ugly head again. Those aren't lib talking points. It's what's already in the works, in total accordance to precisely what he said he'd do, SgtTrump.
Sorry, but your side does nothing but lie about everything. I will never believe anything coming from a lefties mouth. Ever.