Hermansson Build: 5GS “Marsnall”

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No, you were, and still are, being an ass while continuing to derail the OP’s thread.
I'm not the one that came in the thread to advertise my own shit as being better than Hermansson (again, it seems like you've never tried one in person). If something that mild set you off this way, I can't imagine how you're going to deal with the various personalities and temperaments of customers. Best of luck to you and them.
It’s spelled Hermannson.

He builds amazing amplifiers and I wish I could own one someday too. I only replied to Tiago’s comment that no one else builds amps that shake cameras.
Sorry, I'm just seeing this now.
You're wrong... it's spelled Hermansson.
You're wrong again... I didn't say only his amps do that. I said "It's a unique and awesome feel that his mod does it incredibly well!" I've never mentioned other amps don't do that. I also never mentioned you in my post.
Rig-talk is fun because we can say whatever we want, but please, don't try distort what I said to advertise your mod on someone else's ANAD(Almost New Amp Day). You're being rude. And both me and OP haven't done anything to you.
He’s running a business. Not a charity. He’s bending every lead and layout is immaculate and not half assed. All top end components some of which I’d probably struggle to find and stock in bulk IMO. Hacks are charging $1400. I’d say at $1800 he’s not charging enough.
It’s the best amp on earth . This and hell razor . These 2 amps make me feel I should sell everything else . So I agree he could charge way more
Sorry, I'm just seeing this now.
You're wrong... it's spelled Hermansson.
You're wrong again... I didn't say only his amps do that. I said "It's a unique and awesome feel that his mod does it incredibly well!" I've never mentioned other amps don't do that. I also never mentioned you in my post.
Rig-talk is fun because we can say whatever we want, but please, don't try distort what I said to advertise your mod on someone else's ANAD(Almost New Amp Day). You're being rude. And both me and OP haven't done anything to you.
I’ve got nothing against you but the word unique means one of a kind unlike anything else, keyword one. However I am not in the wrong here to state it’s not unique.

I’m elated for the OP and have said countless times it’s a badass amp, however nothing was misquoted. I however won’t be attacked for no reason.
I’ve got nothing against you but the word unique means one of a kind unlike anything else, keyword one. However I am not in the wrong here to state it’s not unique.

I’m elated for the OP and have said countless times it’s a badass amp, however nothing was misquoted. I however won’t be attacked for no reason.
You did read what I've said wrong, you've misquoted me, I've already explained myself, and you have not understood it yet? And now you're saying I'm the one who attacked you? Dude, what the fuck is wrong with you?
This kind of bullshit cheap narcissist psychology for dummies don't fly with me.
So, fuck you and your shaking piece of shit sounding amp and video.
Guessing it's this one? If so, congrats! It sounds killer \m/

Sounds guuuud. Quite different from the one I played that was built into a PA. But I didn't really get to crank it as loud as in this video
One thing that puzzles me is why he blacks out the values of some resistors. Like I get it when it comes to components that might be unique values that other builders aren't using in certain spots/combinations. But he takes the time to sharpie a vintage Piher or Beyschlag resistor that's just a normal B+ dropper and has no real proprietary/secret sauce effect. But at least he doesn't goop the amp.

That said, nice builds for sure. I have no idea what's going in them lol
It’s spelled Hermannson.

He builds amazing amplifiers and I wish I could own one someday too. I only replied to Tiago’s comment that no one else builds amps that shake cameras.
Actually it's Hermansson. Aka Hermans Son. Aka Son of Herman.
Not to be Confused with Dickinson aka Dick in Son. Which is really weird. And sick.
This you? http://www.wallaceamps.com/
I want a miked clip from you too, if that's possible? How much customs do you need to pay?

I’ll be doing a clip with line out from power station and some IRs lol

I don’t own any mics and am not planning on going down that rabbit hole this year ?

You can have all the shitty iPhone clips you want too lol

No clue on how much customs will be, I’ll find out when i get the bill ??
Wow I did not realize people were faking the camera shake!

How does it compare to your Cameron’s btw? You’ve got so many great amps of all types, would love to hear where the Hermansson fits in!

my Carlsbro is pretty polar opposite from my cameron, way drier and tighter and the feel is the most immediate of any amp ive played by a mile, really unique. Brams recent clip of his marshall though sounds smoother than ive heard from any of them, i can not get mine that smooth.
my Carlsbro is pretty polar opposite from my cameron, way drier and tighter and the feel is the most immediate of any amp ive played by a mile, really unique. Brams recent clip of his marshall though sounds smoother than ive heard from any of them, i can not get mine that smooth.

Dang dude what’s a carlsbro? I’ve never heard of that…any clips you could point me to?