Holiday Ampfest SAT Nov 28th Mike Fortin will be in Town!!

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Gainfreak":1fo481p0 said:
I can also tell you that if Greg is really good at recording and if he had your amp in his studio he would have had more time with it and he most definitely can record a clip that would make you smile!!

I'm betting the same thing Ralphie!!

As far as everything i have heard from clips of the Dino and British Purist amps, they sound killer Larry! I'd love to test one out sometime :rock: :)
zewango":3nns00ox said:
This was a good time, I guess I missed the pizza. :doh: Emergency diaper run needed :no:
Awesome players and people. Canadian beer with maple syrup :thumbsup:
The Larry sounded real good in the room. Lots of tones in there. Just had to get dialed in the way you liked it. Don't sweat the clips. The amount of knob turning and volume levels was insane.
Not a bad sounding amp in the room.

Didnt think the camera audio would work (from the volume). I only took a couple. Next time.

Man John is such a sick player, always loved the clips i have heard from him in the past! Monster chops and phrasing :rock:
novosibir":17knmner said:
Have had 5 hours sleep meanwhile and listened to the DINO clip again with fresh ears - and no!
This is simply annoyingly and strange for me to hear, what a DINO sound should be :no:

I don't know what has happened! Was it the recording situation, the cab, the room? Or the amp itself?
That's far away from what a DINO is sounding like and I don't have an idea, what might have happened to the amp?
Has it been maybe 48+ hours on standby non-stop? So that all the tube's cathodes now are poisoned heavily and the tubes have lost 40% or 50% of their emission? Or what?

On the clip I can hear kind-a nasty static distortion sometimes on the top end, like recorded with a 'overblasted' Zoom H2, the lows are muffling nearly always, far not the strong tightness a DINO has! No Piero, no hunter! That's not what a DINO is sounding like in reality - it's only distressing!


Hi Larry,

I did get to play the Dino amp at the Fest yesterday, and I can tell you that the amp DID sound excellent in the room! I really did enjoy playing through it ... excellent cleans and crunch tones. All 5 settings/channels have their own sound ... very versatile amp. Very high fidelity. I think the amp has it's own unique vibe and tone ... which is really nice. We also had a recorder going, but I am not sure if we got any Dino samples ... as soon as I can get the source audio from my partner, I will check ... and if so, and if my performance is acceptable ... perhaps I can post a clip.

Also, I think Greg had initially set the mic up based on the Fortin Meathead ... my experience based on close mic recording tells me that moving that mic a fraction of an inch one way or another will greatly effect the tone. It is very possible that the mic was not in the best position to capture the best tones of Larry amp to disk ... and favored the Meathead. This issue of mic positioning is all black magic ...

Just wanted to chime in and say the Dino is an excellent sounding amp ... versatile and toneful on all 5 channels. It sounds awesome! :rock:

zewango":96hg8ggw said:
This was a good time, I guess I missed the pizza. :doh: Emergency diaper run needed :no:
Awesome players and people. Canadian beer with maple syrup :thumbsup:
The Larry sounded real good in the room. Lots of tones in there. Just had to get dialed in the way you liked it. Don't sweat the clips. The amount of knob turning and volume levels was insane.
Not a bad sounding amp in the room.

Didnt think the camera audio would work (from the volume). I only took a couple. Next time.

John has a great touch ... awesome clip! As mentioned, we did film and record parts of the fest ... you can see Dave Elf in the foreground setting up a room mic ... will go through all ... I think he also got some footage of many of the guys jamming through the amps ... each with their own tone! Amazing how all the amps really let the sound of the player and guitar shine through .... think we got some killer footage of Ralph, Scott, Dan and Dave ... and some more John footage. we'll make rock stars outta you guys before the week is out. All we ask for is 10%! :lol: :LOL:
carl roa":x8rv58zg said:
zewango":x8rv58zg said:
This was a good time, I guess I missed the pizza. :doh: Emergency diaper run needed :no:
Awesome players and people. Canadian beer with maple syrup :thumbsup:
The Larry sounded real good in the room. Lots of tones in there. Just had to get dialed in the way you liked it. Don't sweat the clips. The amount of knob turning and volume levels was insane.
Not a bad sounding amp in the room.

Didnt think the camera audio would work (from the volume). I only took a couple. Next time.

John has a great touch ... awesome clip! As mentioned, we did film and record parts of the fest ... you can see Dave Elf in the foreground setting up a room mic ... will go through all ... I think he also got some footage of many of the guys jamming through the amps ... each with their own tone! Amazing how all the amps really let the sound of the player and guitar shine through .... think we got some killer footage of Ralph, Scott, Dan and Dave ... and some more John footage. we'll make rock stars outta you guys before the week is out. All we ask for is 10%! :lol: :LOL:

YOU ROCK Nuff said!! :rock:

Guess what I'm working on now? guessed it !!! I'm also surprised lol :D Pattern 1 say's hello :D
Gainfreak":39jo56x4 said:
carl roa":39jo56x4 said:
zewango":39jo56x4 said:
This was a good time, I guess I missed the pizza. :doh: Emergency diaper run needed :no:
Awesome players and people. Canadian beer with maple syrup :thumbsup:
The Larry sounded real good in the room. Lots of tones in there. Just had to get dialed in the way you liked it. Don't sweat the clips. The amount of knob turning and volume levels was insane.
Not a bad sounding amp in the room.

Didnt think the camera audio would work (from the volume). I only took a couple. Next time.

John has a great touch ... awesome clip! As mentioned, we did film and record parts of the fest ... you can see Dave Elf in the foreground setting up a room mic ... will go through all ... I think he also got some footage of many of the guys jamming through the amps ... each with their own tone! Amazing how all the amps really let the sound of the player and guitar shine through .... think we got some killer footage of Ralph, Scott, Dan and Dave ... and some more John footage. we'll make rock stars outta you guys before the week is out. All we ask for is 10%! :lol: :LOL:

YOU ROCK Nuff said!! :rock:

Guess what I'm working on now? guessed it !!! I'm also surprised lol :D Pattern 1 say's hello :D

Sunday morning and working on the scales? NICE! I'm gonna start shedding for the next Amp Fest myself ... were I'd leave that fiddle o' mine ...
There was pizza there ? Now I feel real bad about missing it.

Been enjoying the clips and story's :yes: so far ....
The Larry sounded great in the room to me but the clips not soo good. It was being played on the Mills 4x12, I'm thinking it would have sounded better on the old Marshall loaded with Blackbacks. IMHO, everything sounded better on the Marshall cab.
Gainfreak":aribiyk3 said:
novosibir":aribiyk3 said:
Maybe Mike can chime in and express some clarifying words?
I've emailed him a few days ago, but he didn't reply yet. Maybe he's been too busy just before the Ampfest?

But I have to take some sleep now, already 8:00am here in Germany :confused:
See ya, hear ya tomorrow ;)


Mike doesn't really have that much access to a computer since he is not at home at the moment and is on a mini vacation here in NY. I'm sure that he will answer your e-mails as soon as he can!! With that said, I can tell you with 100% certainty that Mike has not done anything to the Dino amp as far as modifications go. Please dont go by the clips because the room wasn't the best and there were definitely some electrical problems in there that caused a lot of noise or static when we played lol. There were definitely some electrical issues lol :D
Mike absolutely loves the amp and had nothing but great things to say about you and your amps nad your amps build quality. The clip is what it is given the amount of time we had and there was a possibility of a tube going bad.

I can also tell you that if Greg is really good at recording and if he had your amp in his studio he would have had more time with it and he most definitely can record a clip that would make you smile!!

I hope all is well!!


Thanks for the kind words, Ralph. I hope to play/record a Larry one day again. It definitely sounded a lot better in the room than on those clips.
carl roa":z49s8ha5 said:
Also, I think Greg had initially set the mic up based on the Fortin Meathead ... my experience based on close mic recording tells me that moving that mic a fraction of an inch one way or another will greatly effect the tone. It is very possible that the mic was not in the best position to capture the best tones of Larry amp to disk ... and favored the Meathead. This issue of mic positioning is all black magic

Carl, I generally use the same mic positioning give or take a few tenths of an inch for 95% of my amplifier recording. I've mic'd up A LOT of amps in my short time engineering. Microphone positioning doesn't tend to favor one amplifier over another as much as tone stack settings do, or the cabinet itself. When you get too far from the dustcap of a speaker, it starts to sound muffled and nebulous. When you get closer, you get more clarity and sheen. I gotta try a G12H30 loaded cabinet at some point with that Larry!
I've rethought my long winded explanation about why the Dino may not have sounded the best on the recording. The amp will sound fine on any speaker, but on some better than others.

More importantly, I don't think its fair to compare these clips to Iced Earth recordings because Schaffer's right hand :worship: was not at the ampfest !

While all these awesome amps at the ampfest all have something different to offer, at the end of the day, my favorite amp to date, personally for my style, is the Dino :)
I agree with ralph, that room first off with it's dirty power, crap all over, neon bulbs, a nightmare to record in and Greg had just minutes to set up and geta sound going through cans while others were wailing and talking.

He did great for what he had to work with and I am sure he would make that amp sound great.

I really enjoyed the chance to play the Larry and wished I had the amp for a day or two.
Digital Jams":v99u53d5 said:
I agree with ralph, that room first off with it's dirty power, crap all over, neon bulbs, a nightmare to record in and Greg had just minutes to set up and geta sound going through cans while others were wailing

Nobody had a power conditionner or a ISP decimator or anything?
stefvorcide":1l7etvkh said:
Digital Jams":1l7etvkh said:
I agree with ralph, that room first off with it's dirty power, crap all over, neon bulbs, a nightmare to record in and Greg had just minutes to set up and geta sound going through cans while others were wailing

Nobody had a power conditionner or a ISP decimator or anything?

Of course we did. My Decimator still couldn't kill all the noise i was getting from the lights or whatever.
i think the dino and hulk dominated from the soundclips, thanks for posting pictures and clips guys, ralph your playing is awsome. whoever did the tastey eric-johnsonesque first cameron clip is also a badass :lol: :LOL:
stefvorcide":12gru6vy said:
Digital Jams":12gru6vy said:
I agree with ralph, that room first off with it's dirty power, crap all over, neon bulbs, a nightmare to record in and Greg had just minutes to set up and geta sound going through cans while others were wailing

Nobody had a power conditionner or a ISP decimator or anything?

I guess we never suspected a guy would bring his entire recording rig to an informal ampfest, there was a ISP there on a pedal board but even that was having issues.
novosibir":1lpvpaui said:

The upper one was a '69 Super Bass
The middle one is a '71 Super Lead (a rarity with Drake irons instead of Dagnall)
The bottom one is a '73 Super Bass

The girl btw. is not my girl friend - it's my stepdaughter (who I've trained to press the eyelets into my boards).


Larry, I hope you don't mind if your stepdaughter is in my background with your arshall amps and rebuild? :lol: :LOL:
glpg80":3czben87 said:
i think the dino and hulk dominated from the soundclips...
Yes, the Hulk discloses an interesting sound!
Is this the rebuilt JCM800 with the "Grind & Girth" controls?
What might be ~pretty similar~ to the "Bite & Punch" controls of a DINO?

Can we simplify this to: "Great minds think alike"? Or... :confused:
... just thinking a bit louder as usual :scared:
