Holiday Ampfest SAT Nov 28th Mike Fortin will be in Town!!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Gainfreak
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When the Hulk mod was recorded it was on the Marshall cab, and i remember we had it CRANKED. In the room i prefered the Cali mod and i didn't like playing on the Hulk because it just didn't work with how i play. I liked hearing other guys play on it though. It's really funny how things come across different on the clips. I bet some guys here that listen to the clips and declare a favorite amp would have a different opinion if they were in the room.
novosibir":305q5r6b said:
glpg80":305q5r6b said:
i think the dino and hulk dominated from the soundclips...
Yes, the Hulk discloses an interesting sound!
Is this the rebuilt JCM800 with the "Grind & Girth" controls?
What might be ~pretty similar~ to the "Bite & Punch" controls of a DINO?

Can we simplify this to: "Great minds think alike"? Or... :confused:
... just thinking a bit louder as usual :scared:


Yes, The Hulk is awesome !!
With that said Larry, Let me ask you a question.

Does your Dino amp have a Bass,Treble,Midrange and presence control?
I'm just asking because that might be ~pretty similar~ to the Bass,Treble,Midrange and presence control on Marshall or Fender amps.
I'm just wondering if we simplify this to: "Great minds think alike"? Or... :confused:
... just thinking a bit louder as usual :scared:
Gainfreak":1a9go5ft said:
With that said Larry, Let me ask you a question.

Does your Dino amp have a Bass,Treble,Midrange and presence control?
I'm just asking because that might be ~pretty similar~ to the Bass,Treble,Midrange and presence control on Marshall or Fender amps.
And after I've answered your question, you claim, that all the Marshalls, Fenders, Boogies, X, Y, Z, aso. amps also do have "Bite & Punch" controls, or let's rename it to "Girth & Grind" controls? Don't you?

I don't think, that the users here are so green, to not recognize the aim behind your question ;)

novosibir":1p87tfkj said:
Gainfreak":1p87tfkj said:
With that said Larry, Let me ask you a question.

Does your Dino amp have a Bass,Treble,Midrange and presence control?
I'm just asking because that might be ~pretty similar~ to the Bass,Treble,Midrange and presence control on Marshall or Fender amps.
And after I've answered your question, you claim, that all the Marshalls, Fenders, Boogies, X, Y, Z, aso. amps also do have "Bite & Punch" controls, or let's rename it to "Girth & Grind" controls? Don't you?

I don't think, that the users here are so green, to not recognize the aim behind your question ;)


I know of many amplifiers that have extra controls with different sayings on them and I find it odd that you would be so egocentric to think that just because Mike has one of your amps that he took the idea from you. As far as people being GREEN then why not be a man about your accusations instead of hinting about them. Mike has had nothing but great thinks to say about you to me and to be honest with you, I can't see why. I say what I mean and mean what I say and when I see someone hinting towards something I have to call them out. So here we are plain and simple.
Just for the record, Your Bite & Punch" controls can be found in the Ultimate tone books by Kevin O’Connor and the RCA manuals.

I'll let this go for now because I don't want to make this thread about you.
Cool clips. :thumbsup:

I actually dug the Larry Dino clip even if the recording wasn't true to the amp or whatever, sounded killer to me actually. :lol: :LOL:
Shiny_Surface":254p5elh said:
Cool clips. :thumbsup:

I actually dug the Larry Dino clip even if the recording wasn't true to the amp or whatever, sounded killer to me actually. :lol: :LOL:

That's the thing, this was NOT a James Lugo professional shootout recording. Amps were tweaked once maybe and pass the guitar started which damn I still get ball shrinkage when it gets to me :cry: One channel was picked, quick mic placement and away we went.

The clips are VERY cool they are out there as we never did that before but very little prep time was taken.

Damn back seat recorders and players :lol: :LOL: :D
lolzgreg":1zhvqclg said:
heybanna":1zhvqclg said:
Carla FiFi here, Im glad that I didnt show up, Im just really not on the level of any of you guys but I do talk a big game behind the safety of my PC. In the end, Im really just a legend in my own mind and simply cant hang, its a good thing that Im so friggin delusional because if I ever accepted the truth, Id probably hang myself with one of my tits. The only thing that Im any good at is making excuses so Im going to take off and try to find a bra that doesnt bind as much, carry on

Quite interesting that you're the only person who wasn't there who didn't appreciate the work/time that Mike puts into this. Oh well, not everyone's opinion can matter :lol: :LOL:

HAHAHAHAHA That edit just made my day. I love this forum more and more everyday.
Gainfreak":1r5guvi8 said:
I know of many amplifiers that have extra controls with different sayings on them and I find it odd that you would be so egocentric to think that just because Mike has one of your amps that he took the idea from you. As far as people being GREEN then why not be a man about your accusations instead of hinting about them.
I haven't claimed anything, just assumed and asked! Read my posts once again!
Moreover I wasn't hinting against anyone here, just spoke out my thoughts, what's certainly not wrong.
And any straightforwarded guy can chime in here anytime and express a clear YES or NO ;)

But it's not only been the "Grind & Girth" controls on the Hulk mod, what made me thinking - it's been the amp's sound, with which I'm so familar, especially played through a Marshall cab (what's been confirmed above), hence my thinking continued...

Gainfreak":1r5guvi8 said:
Mike has had nothing but great thinks to say about you to me and to be honest with you, I can't see why. I say what I mean and mean what I say and when I see someone hinting towards something I have to call them out. So here we are plain and simple.
Thanks for your self-expression! And I feel honored, hearing that Mike says nothing than great things about me. I also can't remember, that I've said anything bad about him ever. But seeing, that you probably take my posts as personal offenses makes me still more thinking...

Gainfreak":1r5guvi8 said:
Just for the record, Your Bite & Punch" controls can be found in the Ultimate tone books by Kevin O’Connor and the RCA manuals.
No, they aren't there! You can find different filter circuits there, but not my Bite & Punch controls.
If you still think different, then it's certainly easy for you, to simply copy and paste it here - and you'd get a straightforward answer from me.

Gainfreak":1r5guvi8 said:
I'll let this go for now because I don't want to make this thread about you.
I anyway can't understand, why you think to must speak for others, which have their own registration here :no:

Shiny_Surface":1r5guvi8 said:
I actually dug the Larry Dino clip even if the recording wasn't true to the amp or whatever, sounded killer to me actually. :lol: :LOL:
Hey, thanks for the flowers! :)

Thanks for your post, snider! But I think, that I've already said, what had to been said, so no reason to respond to this theme once again.

I was wondering when someone was going to say something... :confused:
I'd like to thank Mike again for his efforts. He really busted his balls every step of the way and made a legitimate effort to make everyone happy. Everyone had time with the amps they wanted to.

Next ampfest, hopefully we can get two awesome cabinets there again, and well put them side by side and have all the amps toward the middle of the room so we can do a/b shootouts with the micing. I would love to have an hour dedicated to me tone tweaking, and we could either get some double tracked riffs nailed at the ampfest, or maybe some of the talented players on this forum could come over to my little studio and record some DIs BEFORE hand, and I'll have backing tracks ready and we could re-amp every amp there for a real consistent shootout.

Not to stir up trouble, but someone mentioned Lugo's shootout. I don't think James Lugos shootout really represented many of the amps there to sound like they really do. They definitely did a great job organizing and had some AWESOME stuff there, but I expected to be wow'd much more. I own a 5150 and a Recto, and they sound NOTHING like those clips under a microphone.

I think the next ampfest should be just as fun as the last, but uphold a ridiculous standard of quality recording wise. :rock:

Anyone who is in, say I!
novosibir":d096n1t3 said:
Gainfreak":d096n1t3 said:
I know of many amplifiers that have extra controls with different sayings on them and I find it odd that you would be so egocentric to think that just because Mike has one of your amps that he took the idea from you. As far as people being GREEN then why not be a man about your accusations instead of hinting about them.
I haven't claimed anything, just assumed and asked! Read my posts once again!
Moreover I wasn't hinting against anyone here, just spoke out my thoughts, what's certainly not wrong.
And any straightforwarded guy can chime in here anytime and express a clear YES or NO ;)

But it's not only been the "Grind & Girth" controls on the Hulk mod, what made me thinking - it's been the amp's sound, with which I'm so familar, especially played through a Marshall cab (what's been confirmed above), hence my thinking continued...

Gainfreak":d096n1t3 said:
Mike has had nothing but great thinks to say about you to me and to be honest with you, I can't see why. I say what I mean and mean what I say and when I see someone hinting towards something I have to call them out. So here we are plain and simple.
Thanks for your self-expression! And I feel honored, hearing that Mike says nothing than great things about me. I also can't remember, that I've said anything bad about him ever. But seeing, that you probably take my posts as personal offenses makes me still more thinking...

Gainfreak":d096n1t3 said:
Just for the record, Your Bite & Punch" controls can be found in the Ultimate tone books by Kevin O’Connor and the RCA manuals.
No, they aren't there! You can find different filter circuits there, but not my Bite & Punch controls.
If you still think different, then it's certainly easy for you, to simply copy and paste it here - and you'd get a straightforward answer from me.

Gainfreak":d096n1t3 said:
I'll let this go for now because I don't want to make this thread about you.
I anyway can't understand, why you think to must speak for others, which have their own registration here :no:

Shiny_Surface":d096n1t3 said:
I actually dug the Larry Dino clip even if the recording wasn't true to the amp or whatever, sounded killer to me actually. :lol: :LOL:
Hey, thanks for the flowers! :)


I don't need to re-read your posts Larry in order to know what you were implying and it's clear that you don't want to be upfront about what you wrote in this thread. I'll let people judge for themselves because everything they need to form an opinion is here in plain simple text for them to see and I don't need to go into this any further because everyone here can think for themself.
And just for the record...After doing a bit of research on you Larry, I don't need for you to lie to my face about what you are really trying to say. There are plenty of German based websites that I could link everyone to that has you talking about this subject in your native language .....without all the fancy underlying smilies lol
I told you I call it as I see it. You opened up this can of worms and Feel free to continue to backpedal.
Gainfreak":32ixqy5r said:
I don't need to re-read your posts Larry in order to know what you were implying and it's clear that you don't want to be upfront about what you wrote in this thread. I'll let people judge for themselves because everything they need to form an opinion is here in plain simple text for them to see and I don't need to go into this any further because everyone here can think for themself.
But you did it already again. So hopefully this is the last time, I have to respond to this theme. Any further rant we can clarify by PM, if you like to make your lawyer-like behavior to a hobby.

What I've said was just my impression! My impression about my amp's sound on this clip, my impression about another amp's sound, and my impression about the labelling of some control knobs. I haven't agitated against people, haven't offended or badmouthed about anyone. All my saying has been factually and in no way emotional ;)

Gainfreak":32ixqy5r said:
And just for the record...After doing a bit of research on you Larry, I don't need for you to lie to my face about what you are really trying to say. There are plenty of German based websites that I could link everyone to that has you talking about this subject in your native language .....without all the fancy underlying smilies lol
I don't have any prob with this. Just do it! You even can run it through a translation program before and paste it in here - if anyone is interested on this at all. Or still better send it as a PM to anyone, who's interested, to keep the topic clean. You can send me the translation before, then I'd check it for a correct translation. Or ask Olaf or Piero for doing this. Just how you like it.

Gainfreak":32ixqy5r said:
I told you I call it as I see it. You opened up this can of worms and Feel free to continue to backpedal.
My view on this is quite different! I've posted my impressions, but you've made a can of worms of it. Hopefully you haven't to eat all the worms anywhen later :)

I'm confused. An amp that cost $7,500 should have shit on everything that it came near and should have easily been the highlight of the Fest. :confused:
Stratboy151":pp7n7yq8 said:
Beyond Black":pp7n7yq8 said:
Can somebody please tell me what kind of guitar and pup were used during the second Cali clip? That is some sweeeeeeet tone. :thumbsup:

that was a suhr pro series with an aldrich in the bridge, not sure what was in neck but if you notice when i switched to the neck it was SUPER noisey, we were having issues with that. but for whatever reason that same guitar was fine when playing thru the meathead and the axefx(which i dont believe there is clips of). i dug that tone too! and couldve played that guitar all day
Thanks bro. :thumbsup:
novosibir":294e2ijf said:
Gainfreak":294e2ijf said:
I don't need to re-read your posts Larry in order to know what you were implying and it's clear that you don't want to be upfront about what you wrote in this thread. I'll let people judge for themselves because everything they need to form an opinion is here in plain simple text for them to see and I don't need to go into this any further because everyone here can think for themself.
But you did it already again. So hopefully this is the last time, I have to respond to this theme. Any further rant we can clarify by PM, if you like to make your lawyer-like behaviout to a hobby.

What I've said was just my impression! My impression about my amp's sund, my impression about another amp's sound, and my impression about the labelling of some control knobs. I haven't agitated agains people, haven't offended or badmouthed about anyone. All my saying has been factually and in no way emotional ;)

Gainfreak":294e2ijf said:
And just for the record...After doing a bit of research on you Larry, I don't need for you to lie to my face about what you are really trying to say. There are plenty of German based websites that I could link everyone to that has you talking about this subject in your native language .....without all the fancy underlying smilies lol
I don't have any prob with this. Just do it! You even can run it through a translation program before and paste it in here - if anyone is interested on this at all. Or still better send it as a PM to anyone, who's interested, to keep the topic clean. You can send me the translation before, then I'd check it for a correct translation. Or ask Olaf or Piero for doing this. Just how you like it.

Gainfreak":294e2ijf said:
I told you I call it as I see it. You opened up this can of worms and Feel free to continue to backpedal.
My view on this is quite different! I've posted my impressions, but you've made a can of worms of it. Hopefully you haven't to eat all the worms anywhen later :)


Ok Larry, I can see that this will go knowhere so I will drop it :hys: . We will have to agree to disagree on this subject.
Ive already translated your words on the other forums and its more of the same.

Regardless, I hope all is well with you and yours.
Gainfreak":2nxcqgpk said:
Ok Larry, I can see that this will go knowhere so I will drop it :hys:
The Minister of Defense spoke - and I'm already so afraid :confused:

No place to hide, no place to run... :cry:
