How many of you believe the Earth is flat? Go.......

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@Aynirar27 do you agree with the calculation result I posted in the screenshot — yes or no? 🤣
Okay: you’re being evasive and weirdly seeming to get off on it.
I just don’t owe it to you to explain anything to you, so stop demanding it. You sling insults at me all day and then want me to hold your hand through something, as if anything I say to you would even matter. Even when I agree with you you argue with me. Get over it dude
I just don’t owe it to you to explain anything to you, so stop demanding it. You sling insults at me all day and then want me to hold your hand through something, as if anything I say to you would even matter. Even when I agree with you you argue with me. Get over it dude
I’m not insulting you. You’re a yankee right?
8”, yes
calculation result dingle wad
Well, you are being very obstinate man. It's like talking to someone who is really drunk. They always think they are in the right no matter what is presented to them.

You’ve shown me nothing to change my mind. That’s not obstinance.
I just don’t owe it to you to explain anything to you, so stop demanding it.
Whatever man, you make claims and don't even know what the hell you're talking about but then continue running your mouth about how you're right. D-bag behavior.
Whatever man, you make claims and don't even know what the hell you're talking about but then continue running your mouth about how you're right. D-bag behavior.

Always an insult

Tell me this. Why would I take your links seriously? You call me a “glober” and then try and tell me the correct way to calculate the curvature of the earth. You don’t even think they are right. You are simply shit posting, and that doesn’t work on me