How many of you believe the Earth is flat? Go.......

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So what's the correct math equation? Can you provide a reference?

Here is a good example. As you can see, the exponents disappear from the variables once the equation is solved, as they do
I already did back in school, that’s why I can understand this stuff
You've proven you really don't know anything you're talking about. You're just blindly defending globe earth, just repeating some dumb shit you learnt in 10th grade science class in between cutting up worms and fetal pigs.
I’m just willing to learn from people smarter than me.
You look for people that agree with you
No man, this is just about the math you are in denial of. You want to keep playing games, have at it. But you're being a dishonest little cunt about it for no reason other than to try and save face.
No man, this is just about the math you are in denial of. You want to keep playing games, have at it. But you're being a dishonest little cunt about it for no reason other than to try and save face.

Keeping it classy, nice.