How many of you believe the Earth is flat? Go.......

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Going by how much they like to show it off like some shiny new toy, I swear it seems like all these nut jobs only learned of, and added, the word ‘narrative’ to their vernacular in 2020. Narrative this, narrative that. Yeah yeah, everything is a narrative, including the daily local weather forecast.
…well, that’s your narrative anyways
Well, every time I look up a 'supposed' medical study that you anti-vaxxers post, I notice there's only 1 study. Which doesn't prove anything because a study has to be repeatable. Then, the study comes from some unsubstantiated source that has NEVER done a study in the past. Or, the 1 study suggests that there's a 1/100th of 1 percent chance of something adverse happening, which is obviously EXTREMELY rare.
Ok, fine, I don't expect you to change your opinion on are set in your ways, as are most people.

Then, the 'fake moon landing' thread which is comical to me, almost beyond belief. Some of you anti vaxxers are just straight up conspiracy addicts! It's very entertaining.

So, now I start a thread that simply asks, who here believes in the flat earth? With all the conspiracy nut jobs out there, I don't think it's too silly to ask that question.

It gets to the point here, that when I read some of the threads posted I laugh so damn hard I get the hiccups. I mean, are you people that blockheaded? I literally show some of my co workers what I'm dealing with, and they get a good laugh too.
Sorry, just the way I see it.

I think it's safe to say there are only two types of rig talkers, those who subscribe to what they are told, and those who question what they are told. That doesn't make someone a flat earther though it seems a few of the fully vaxxed and boosted science fiction ball heads like to use it as an insult for anyone who questions the globe model.

Today I personally think it's a globe but it has stitches on it like a baseball, holding that skin on.. Probably where the tectonic plate theory springs from so they are a little off base about the plates, it's stitches. The stitches actually form mountain ranges, you can see them on a map but only if it's mercator projection because it is a cylindrical globe, not just a regular one. The center being pure high quality cork. It also floats. Tomorrow I think the earth will be canolli shape with tapered, angled ends because thursdays tend to curve in towards the weekend if you can grasp that concept but I seriously doubt it considering the myocarditis has restricted blood flow to your reptile brain since you injected snake venom into your aortic valves.

Stick that in your co-workers pipe and let 'um smoke it holmes.
I think it's safe to say there are only two types of rig talkers, those who subscribe to what they are told, and those who question what they are told. That doesn't make someone a flat earther though it seems a few of the fully vaxxed and boosted science fiction ball heads like to use it as an insult for anyone who questions the globe model.

Today I personally think it's a globe but it has stitches on it like a baseball, holding that skin on.. Probably where the tectonic plate theory springs from so they are a little off base about the plates, it's stitches. The stitches actually form mountain ranges, you can see them on a map but only if it's mercator projection because it is a cylindrical globe, not just a regular one. The center being pure high quality cork. It also floats. Tomorrow I think the earth will be canolli shape with tapered, angled ends because thursdays tend to curve in towards the weekend if you can grasp that concept but I seriously doubt it considering the myocarditis has restricted blood flow to your reptile brain since you injected snake venom into your aortic valves.

Stick that in your co-workers pipe and let 'um smoke it holmes.
Wow, you sure put a lot of energy into that response. If only you would have put that energy into your education, maybe then......
Nah. You seem like the lucky one that decided not to drink the Kool aid, when the spaceship went and picked up all your friends in that cult you frequented...what was it, Heavens Gate?
Good for you man, good for you.
Have a great unvaccinated day!
Wow, you sure put a lot of energy into that response. If only you would have put that energy into your education, maybe then......
I received poor treatment from educators and public school buildings smell like mustard and mayonnaise so I quit all schooling when I was 17. I was young and dumb so unfortunately made the mistake of attending a college briefly where I also received poor treatment from the gay communists who teach there.

My old man was big on education and lemme tell you he's got all the fancy guitars and abalone inlaid string winders and crap and he still sucks at guitar to this day so a big NO THANKS. Spend time in classroom=suck at guitar. Spend time on stage=guitar chops. I gotta buddy who says I should get a kindle and do some reading and learning but I told him that real books burn better.
will do, thanks 👍
I got blood flow like a creek overflowing it's banks in the springtime buddy thanks to not being an experimental pincushion. I thought people were supposed to get compensated for those kind of studies.
Well, every time I look up a 'supposed' medical study that you anti-vaxxers post, I notice there's only 1 study. Which doesn't prove anything because a study has to be repeatable. Then, the study comes from some unsubstantiated source that has NEVER done a study in the past. Or, the 1 study suggests that there's a 1/100th of 1 percent chance of something adverse happening, which is obviously EXTREMELY rare.
Ok, fine, I don't expect you to change your opinion on are set in your ways, as are most people.

Then, the 'fake moon landing' thread which is comical to me, almost beyond belief. Some of you anti vaxxers are just straight up conspiracy addicts! It's very entertaining.

So, now I start a thread that simply asks, who here believes in the flat earth? With all the conspiracy nut jobs out there, I don't think it's too silly to ask that question.

It gets to the point here, that when I read some of the threads posted I laugh so damn hard I get the hiccups. I mean, are you people that blockheaded? I literally show some of my co workers what I'm dealing with, and they get a good laugh too.
Sorry, just the way I see it.
Yes - exactly.
Critical thinking doesn't necessarily mean contrarian. You do have to come up with common sense conclusions based on the balance of evidence rather than completely bonkers ones.
What evidence are you considering exactly? …what the tv says? …I’ve personally posted more studies demonstrating harms than any of you that think it’s “safe and effective.” How many “rare” side effects have to pile up before you acknowledge problems mate?
What evidence are you considering exactly? …what the tv says? …I’ve personally posted more studies demonstrating harms than any of you that think it’s “safe and effective.” How many “rare” side effects have to pile up before you acknowledge problems mate?
If you read the side effects of some laxatives it says it can do all sorts of things potentially in terms of side effects. Antivaxxers are like the side effects of laxatives too... ie. they really shit me lol. The important think is how rare are those side effects ie. the frequency per lets say 1000000 people or whatever per capita metric you choose to use. When you list the side effects and the frequency of the vaccine it's important to then list the effects of catching what it's there to reduce the effects of. If the benefits outweigh the costs you go ahead and use it. That's what happened with the vaccine. All the nut jobs get fixated on stories like "I know some whose daughter got a blood clot" or something like that rather than focussing on all the people who didn't end up in intensive care with stuffed up lungs or worse because they got vaccinated. Also you need to look at getting a large proportion of the population to take it to increase the effect of "herd immunity" and wackos who scaremonger because they are paranoid weirdos make herd immunity harder to achieve.
According to my new Solar Smash App - the planets are definitely balls :yes:


Theory proven
Critical thinking doesn't necessarily mean contrarian. You do have to come up with common sense conclusions based on the balance of evidence rather than completely bonkers ones.
Don't give me that jive, slick. Jesus rose from the dead after three days and you believe that but are criticizing me over my "bonkers conclusions"? Get real. You're one of us. Or maybe you aren't, and that is even worse. You are trying to make friends with the world. Not a good choice.
I received poor treatment from educators and public school buildings smell like mustard and mayonnaise so I quit all schooling when I was 17. I was young and dumb so unfortunately made the mistake of attending a college briefly where I also received poor treatment from the gay communists who teach there.

My old man was big on education and lemme tell you he's got all the fancy guitars and abalone inlaid string winders and crap and he still sucks at guitar to this day so a big NO THANKS. Spend time in classroom=suck at guitar. Spend time on stage=guitar chops. I gotta buddy who says I should get a kindle and do some reading and learning but I told him that real books burn better.
That explains a lot.
The important think is how rare are those side effects ie. the frequency per lets say 1000000 people or whatever per capita metric you choose to use.
How many would you consider a lot? What’s an acceptable number of serious adverse events?
Also you need to look at getting a large proportion of the population to take it to increase the effect of "herd immunity"
How can you hope to achieve herd immunity if the vaccine doesn’t prevent transmission? Are you retarded?
Don't give me that jive, slick. Jesus rose from the dead after three days and you believe that but are criticizing me over my "bonkers conclusions"? Get real. You're one of us. Or maybe you aren't, and that is even worse. You are trying to make friends with the world. Not a good choice.
You can just Foghat about talkin' to these guys about Jesus..

They actually want to burn in hell.


How many would you consider a lot? What’s an acceptable number of serious adverse events?

How can you hope to achieve herd immunity if the vaccine doesn’t prevent transmission? Are you retarded?
There only needs to be considerably less adverse events under the vaccine to the what would have happened without it from catching the disease. Still reduces infections and transmission. Even if people caught it and had it mildly where they might have had it severely. That also creates herd immunity. Are you a simpleton. Incidentally, that’s the same reason the medical profession advocates the vaccine. What do you do for a living? A landscape gardner? A bricklayer? A bloke that lives in his mum’s basement typing lame things here all day?