How many of you believe the Earth is flat? Go.......

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Don't give me that jive, slick. Jesus rose from the dead after three days and you believe that but are criticizing me over my "bonkers conclusions"? Get real. You're one of us. Or maybe you aren't, and that is even worse. You are trying to make friends with the world. Not a good choice.
I might not actually be Australian at all. I might actually be collecting intelligence for the CIA on people like you as a risk assessment.
I might not actually be Australian at all. I might actually be collecting intelligence for the CIA on people like you as a risk assessment.
There only needs to be considerably less adverse events under the vaccine to the what would have happened without it from catching the disease.
What's your best guess of the rate of serious adverse events that meets your criteria?
Even if people caught it and had it mildly where they might have had it severely. That also creates herd immunity.
Do you have a study that shows this or does it just sound better than acknowledging it is a complete failure?
Are you a simpleton. Incidentally, that’s the same reason the medical profession advocates the vaccine. What do you do for a living? A landscape gardner? A bricklayer? A bloke that lives in his mum’s basement typing lame things here all day?
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Alright, flat earth shit is funny.

HOWEVER I would like to use this opportunity to point something out. All this "free speech" crying we see these days is coming from people that want to spread BS like this. They expect everyone to give them an open platform so they can propagate total horseshit freely without any push back.

Now you might be thinking IDGAF this is great if it gets my bullshit belief system across to others so we can have a bullshit belief system utopia.

WRONG, just like taking drugs to enhance your "mental state", it's a double edge sword. It'll eventually blowup in your face.

Right now many of you are reading this, and about to write "I could say the same about you" ;)
HOWEVER I would like to use this opportunity to point something out. All this "free speech" crying we see these days is coming from people that want to spread BS like this. They expect everyone to give them an open platform so they can propagate total horseshit freely without any push back.
I dunno man. If I push hard enough you will fall off the edge and I will be done dealing with you so pipe down if you don't want to take a ride into the void.