How many of you believe the Earth is flat? Go.......

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All this talk about free speech.....just remember, free speech is what led to Germany being conned by Hitler. And we all know how THAT ended up.
Democracy is just too dangerous. Maybe people like you should rule over us so we don't become hitlers.
That has more to do with smooth function of a website than it does allowing the two surviving cult members to post up and get laughed at. You're way off base but you probably spend a lot of time in front of a screen so it's distorting your perception of reality.

You have a special pleading problem, sir. So you're cool with shutting down scammers, unless you like the scam they are peddling :ROFLMAO:
WTH are you talking about? I never said jail anyone 🤷‍♂️ :hys:
It's Apple and Googles app store, they can do what they want. Parlor needs to make there own phone, and own app store. Done
So you're against public utlitily laws? That's pretty libertarian of you!
Well there you have it @Monkey Man, and @JackBootedThug stop shutting down scammer, and spam accounts. We don't want to be stepping on their free speech rights :ROFLMAO:
What evidence are you considering exactly? …what the tv says? …I’ve personally posted more studies demonstrating harms than any of you that think it’s “safe and effective.” How many “rare” side effects have to pile up before you acknowledge problems mate?
You've posted NOTHING that proves ANYTHING at all.

Because, for a medical/scientific study to be a THING at all, it has to be proven....and it's not PROVEN until it's repeatable. And, BTW, the only so called study that was done by an organization that is actually real, was the one done by Circulation.

And, that study (hasn't been repeated, BTW so it's UNPROVEN) suggests that in the 12-39yo age group, there's a 1/100th of 1 percent chance
(that's pretty damn small if you haven't noticed) that someone will have Carditis....which, BTW usually resolves itself on its own without the help of medication.

So, no, you have no proof of ANYTHING. At all.
But keep trying to push your bullshit narrative!
You've posted NOTHING that proves ANYTHING at all.

Because, for a medical/scientific study to be a THING at all, it has to be proven....and it's not PROVEN until it's repeatable. And, BTW, the only so called study that was done by an organization that is actually real, was the one done by Circulation.

And, that study (hasn't been repeated, BTW so it's UNPROVEN) suggests that in the 12-39yo age group, there's a 1/100th of 1 percent chance
(that's pretty damn small if you haven't noticed) that someone will have Carditis....which, BTW usually resolves itself on its own without the help of medication.

So, no, you have no proof of ANYTHING. At all.
But keep trying to push your bullshit narrative!
Why are the vaxxed so quick to blow a gasket?

Or has white supremacy negatively affected your morning?
You've posted NOTHING that proves ANYTHING at all.

Because, for a medical/scientific study to be a THING at all, it has to be proven....and it's not PROVEN until it's repeatable. And, BTW, the only so called study that was done by an organization that is actually real, was the one done by Circulation.

And, that study (hasn't been repeated, BTW so it's UNPROVEN) suggests that in the 12-39yo age group, there's a 1/100th of 1 percent chance
(that's pretty damn small if you haven't noticed) that someone will have Carditis....which, BTW usually resolves itself on its own without the help of medication.

So, no, you have no proof of ANYTHING. At all.
But keep trying to push your bullshit narrative!
For like the hundredth time, "science" can't "prove" anything. Can you post any sources for your claims? Serious adverse events are way more common than that.
You think Apple, and Google app stores are public utilities? LOL
There's an argument to be made if you think free speech is important. But I was suggesting that if you think as I do that private businesses should be allowed to do what they want, then you're against public utility law, or laws against "discrimination" for that matter.
There's an argument to be made if you think free speech is important. But I was suggesting that if you think as I do that private businesses should be allowed to do what they want, then you're against public utility law, or laws against "discrimination" for that matter.

Ok so it's not discrimination IF the rules are applied equally. For example if the rules state "No hate speech allowed, on/or through our platform, your app cannot allow hate speech"

Then you have 0 discrimination claim. Unless you can prove they selectively applied these rules.