How many of you believe the Earth is flat? Go.......

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Yes, in fact I would support giving them their own sub-forum and recruiting as many members as possible.
Yes, in fact I would support giving them their own sub-forum and recruiting as many members as possible.

I think you would be opening yourself up for a major lawsuit from the family members for enabling a death cult, but you do you :ROFLMAO:
I think you would be opening yourself up for a major lawsuit from the family members for enabling a death cult, but you do you :ROFLMAO:
You're probably gonna have a nervous breakdown when I tell you this but the two survivors have already been given a voice through visual media in a video documenting heaven's gate. They are still true believers despite the evidence. Kind of like people who still think the earth is a ball suspended from nothing, coasting through the void of space.
I nominate @CrazyNutz and @Racerxrated to moderate.

I think You should be allowed to call the moderation shots for a month. I'd love to see how overwhelmed we get with spam/scams. OR will you falter on your belief system, and shut them down :unsure:
You're probably gonna have a nervous breakdown when I tell you this but the two survivors have already been given a voice through visual media in a video documenting heaven's gate. They are still true believers despite the evidence. Kind of like people who still think the earth is a ball suspended from nothing, coasting through the void of space.

So you thinking of signing up? :hys:
So you thinking of signing up? :hys:
No man, I just watched the documentary. The dude was a doctor of music who lost his marbles and convinced a lot of weak people to follow him in his delusion. It's actually a pretty sad story.
Ok so it's not discrimination IF the rules are applied equally. For example if the rules state "No hate speech allowed, on/or through our platform, your app cannot allow hate speech"
Hate speech is not a real thing bro. It's made up. It's subjective. But nonetheless, if you think that private business should be allowed to do what they want, including censor things they don't like, fine, but be consistent about it.
Hate speech is not a real thing bro. It's made up.

That's your opinion, fine.

It's subjective.

Just like your opinion

But nonetheless, if you think that private business should be allowed to do what they want, including censor things they don't like, fine, but be consistent about it.

I am constant about it. I have no problem with business doing what they want as long as it's not illegal, and they apply the rules in a non-discriminatory manner.
For like the hundredth time, "science" can't "prove" anything. Can you post any sources for your claims? Serious adverse events are way more common than that.
What about all that stuff you copied and pasted about centrifugal force?
No man, I just watched the documentary. The dude was a doctor of music who lost his marbles and convinced a lot of weak people to follow him in his delusion. It's actually a pretty sad story.

I've seen some stories on it, pretty wild you could convince people to go along with such a thing.
I am constant about it. I have no problem with business doing what they want as long as it's not illegal, and they apply the rules in a non-discriminatory manner.
Consistent. And no, it's not consistent. Consistent is having an objective principle and applying it to everyone, not making exceptions, carve out's, excuses, etc. when it suits your personal values, tastes and worldview.
Consistent. And no, it's not consistent. Consistent is having an objective principle and adhering to it for everyone, not applying carve out's, excuses, etc. where it suits your personal values, tastes and worldview.

Bro, don't get all grammar Nazi on me :ROFLMAO:
Kind of like people who still think the earth is a ball suspended from nothing, coasting through the void of space.
That's due to something called gravitational force. Look it up. Then look it down, left, then right because it's effects are everywhere.
That's due to something called gravitational force. Look it up. Then look it down, left, then right because it's effects are everywhere.
Tell me more about this invisible force that keeps us from flying off the spinning ball.
Not wild at all. Look how many people went corona-cuckoo and injected the koolaid.
The "safe and effective" talk essentially became a cult like mantra. Like a cult it preyed on weak minded, fearful, unthinking people who needed an identity during a difficult time. "We're in this together". Inclusive talk designed to corral a bunch of jellyfish.
Tell me more about this invisible force that keeps us from flying off the spinning ball.
Water sits level but not when it's wrapped carefully around a wildly spinning ball like a new Brunswick crown jewel under the tree covered in gift wrap. Then it can curve. Water curves. Amazing. That makes so much dang sense. Curved water. I wonder if they sell it at the gas station? I don't think they do. I could get rich marketing something like that to globe heads.