I wish you all could come over

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Seriously and 100% Glitch if you so much as emoji in my fucking direction you'll be in court explaining your predator behavior to a judge. I am sick and tired of you losers and your fantasy garbage trolling.
None of your fucking business, predator.
That's the only answer you will get from now on.
Okay Jeff Stacy. I see we're devolving here and you're getting more angry.

If you change your mind, I'll be here to talk....


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Seriously and 100% Glitch if you so much as emoji in my fucking direction you'll be in court explaining your predator behavior to a judge. I am sick and tired of you losers and your fantasy garbage trolling.
By all means, please do so. You already know my actual name lol You're far more predatory behavior than me. Bring it on.. mods are in my favor here and judges will be too. You're a joke and you're sick. You can't just admit you're wrong so you go off rails, I've tried to make peace with you and you insult and threaten me. You can't censor or control me so here's some emojis ? ? ? ? ?

You can't handle being proven wrong? STFU and move on, don't cry and cyber bully people lol
For some reason I read through..... whatever it was supposed to be.

It basically said I don't want to fight and didn't mean for things to go this far or hurt you.
Now let me insult you several times over.
And while I'm at it I should insult a couple of other members as well
Let's all be friends.

If the forum only knew what's going on behind the scenes right now.
Pretty much would have any of you over I know . I just wish you amp lovers could hear my Hermanson Marshall /Wizard HellRazor tone mix in the room . I can’t capture THAT . It sounds heavenly and it’s the first time I’m actually happy with my time exactly . Hopefully my Larry will come and make me happier . But atm I’m running an Ibanez RG228 with Lundgred m8s into a Keely Framptone . From there it goes to amp 1 . Hermanson boosted by Koko v1 and boss ns2 . Then into a Diezel FL cab with v30s . Then it’s blended with amp 2 a Hell Raxor 100 . Not boosted but gated with ns2 . It goes into a Bogner Uber cab with v30s and 75s .
I wanted to share this but also jott this down incase . I left out the Marshall cab and the warhead cab shockingly .
But ya I’m happy . Might throw a Diezel underneath for extra flavor . Who knows .
Anyhow I wish you can hear it in the room.
Don't be surprised the day I'll stop by, while traveling through your area, and yell at you :"Let's crank them bitches"!!!! Lol
Seriously, would love to stop by someday and listen to those amps!