nitro":1go0sdwd said:
Eds early sound(first album Van halen 1)is very bright,I set the tone controls on the amp that im using the same way,i have been for many years.
Ed's early tone was a combination of two amplifiers - not a modded Marshall. Jose did remove the "mustard" caps and the stock transformers, but that was pretty much it. For his original tone, Ed played into a Vox AC15 pushed into power-tube distortion - into an attenuator - into a Marshall Plexi. He didn't use this rig on VH II, as he had a PPIMV installed into his Marshall. He didn't like that setup, so he went back to his Vox/Marshall rig... From there he used his Soldano SLO 100, then other configurations followed... The "Jose mod" circuit is complete BS!
You have to understand that us "old-timers" didn't have a ton of distortion pedals to plug into. To get good distortion, you had to turn the amp up as loud as you could. Some amps "broke-up" nicely - others not so nice. The Vox and Marshall amps were the best for power-tube distortion.

If you want this tone without the hassles of a multi-amp rig, find a Cornford "Hellcat" amplifier. It's basically a "balls-to-the-wall" hot-rodded AC30! The early issue models seem to sound better than the later models? The Guytron "GT100" was designed with Ed's early rig in mind... It's basically a Vox AC15 into an attenuator circuit, and then into a 100 watt EL34 back-end amp. The later FV models seem to "cut-through" better than the early issue models. More voicing options for sure.
The Peavey 5150 is a basically copy of the SLO 100 circuit (as so many amps are...). Peavey used 100 ohm screen resistors, and made some other minor changes. The 5150 III is in the same category.
Here's Ed playing through his VH I rig: