Is this part of conforming to the YT algorhithm, Bad.Seed?

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Same, the headroom and low end behave completely differently

I think there's a place for both the big guys and the little guys, though - I just couldnt fathom how he (the tone dig) was going that far in on "youre an idiot and there's no difference whatsoever"
The biggest thing for me was that he went back and edited his comments in all the threads where me and you decimated him for his arrogant ignorance.

That is another level of ego. His sins really put this thread in perspective.

These clickbait you tubers should be embarrassed, no doubt. But kyle seems pretty cool otherwise and isnt even in the same conversation as that dickwad tonedig
The biggest thing for me was that he went back and edited his comments in all the threads where me and you decimated him for his arrogant ignorance.

That is another level of ego. His sins really put this thread in perspective.

These clickbait you tubers should be embarrassed, no doubt. But kyle seems pretty cool otherwise and isnt even in the same conversation as that dickwad tonedig

Oh for sure, not in the same category at all
These clickbait you tubers should be embarrassed,
Most gear reviews suck anyways. I somehow got over the clickbait titles and now only care about whether the dude demoing the stuff can actually play a guitar well enough that I know I am getting a pretty good overview. And they have to do it without yakking like a woman at a ladies aid session. There are gear "demo" vids out there that are 95 percent talking. I'd say there are decent demos maybe 4 or 5 out of 100 vids but even then pretty much everyone with more than a couple hundred subscribes is using the clickbait titles, that's become another dumb part of life to add to the mountain of stupid this world has to offer.
The biggest thing for me was that he went back and edited his comments in all the threads where me and you decimated him for his arrogant ignorance.

That is another level of ego. His sins really put this thread in perspective.
This reminds me of some asshole Benderslash or something on TGP, who tried to outwit me on numerous occasions with regards to the tube layout of an EVH 50W amp, as I recommended someone to replace V3 and V4 with lower gain tubes, specifically to change the Red channel's gain.

The thing was, he kept editing shit AFTER I quoted his posts, and the quotes remained original of course. It was both funny and pathetic to see him squirming like this, doubling down and shifting his story every time. Gawd that dude was a waste of sperm. :jerkit:
LOL, just read most of this. He never showed up? 4 out of 10 rating for this thread but would read again …

I happen to agree with Kyle’s premise as I use pickups more like PAFs than anything else. But big surprise - the one set of hot pickups that I do have (Nailbombs) beat the shit out of my amps’ front end in a good way. Despite my preference, both have a place.

But yeah, the “me too” delivery and faces are annoying as fuck.

I also like that I can speak in my native language on this site.
Yep 100w+ > over anything else. And yes to the glorious full stack. It's hard with a 2 guitar band unless everyone's gear is on point though.

But more watts.....It just sounds better at volume. I dont need or want to dime them and I don't fuck with 1970s Marshall amps so what do I know?‍♂️ I'm also in the if you need an attenuator to make your amp sound good then get fucked camp.

I've had killer sounding 50w heads, a Monomyth origin and a MT15 in particular. Both sound incredible in my bedroom but there's no way I would have brought either of them to a gig. I could barely even practice with a drummer with the Marshall.

Even miked on stage it is just not enough, I need to feel them juicy balls slapping me in the ass as im melting all 7 faces at the metal show for peak performance.

Seriously though. You don't NEED IT. I've seen bands gig at mid sized venue with a miked combo amp and it worked just fine but.....if you know you know.
I'll be the first to admit there's a place for both (given that I own 2 lunch box heads), but basically he's telling me he's never played a real big stage. :ROFLMAO:

I've played for a crowd of 3k+ on a big stage and not a second did I think "you know what, I don't need all that push, volume, 'tonal girth', etc. on stage. I'll just bring my Ironball and a 1x12 cab." HELL. FUCKIN'. NO!
I brought the Invader 100 and a 4x12 and I *still* wanted some extra on my floor wedge monitors, since the stage was big enough.

Recently I did a festival where I brought both my Marshall 2x12 cabs for a 3/4th sized full stack. Sounded bloody marvellous, and I'm not even from the UK!

How can one look in the mirror after releasing a gear review video and seeing their own orgasm face thumbnail without turning red from shame and embarrasment?
The issue with Kyle is even when he luckily gets one comment or statement correct, that statement is viewed in the context of his dreadful persona and attitude. I personally know many who know him and for awhile he's okay and then he turns into the typical giga-chad. I have interacted with him on a few occasions. He was okay enough in many of them but those weren't interactions with his channel or his sales. I've messaged him when he spams groups with his equipment that he has for sale. I wouldn't buy anything from him. Most of it he picked up after beating people down on their price, or using his "influence" to obtain equipment that an owner was going to sell to a GC but the manager directs them to Kyle so he can buy it for pennies on the dollar.

Good on him for his hustle but the celebration of that individual is befuddling to me. His demeanor is not pleasant. I do not want to comment on the playing because that feels like it's a pot shot. The video thumbnails of him making some moronic face and then the behavior in the videos. It's almost as though he wants to be the temu/shein version of Ola...the difference is Ola is a professional musician who can actually play and produce.

The fact that Kyle has the audience that he has and that he's able to monetize that and dupe music store into falling for his bullshit makes me lose faith in humanity.

Feel free to disagree with me, that's certainly your right. But imagine the guy in the videos, only in person, and at a music store when you're looking at buying equipment. If it wasn't music related, you would probably be annoyed too. I guess I'm saying I really don't like that guy.
For the record, I’ve given positive comments about his vids as well, yet he won’t acknowledge that. Seems to be the type of guy that if offered lavish praise on 99/100 things, that one negative exception will get to him in a disproportionate manner, despite publicly denying it.
Careful, he will resort to the oft overused topic of crying that he received hate mail and death threats. Not sure if you saw that gem of a series he produced. He was bragging about all of his stupid cabs and amps that he bought for next to nothing in one video and then in his next video he went on crying about how people made fun of him. I wouldn't be upset to find out that he cries himself to sleep over the one, not even negative, but rather "constructional critique."

MOM THEY WERE MEAN TO ME ON YOUTUBE!!! "oh kyle, come here baby, you can still drink this milk and I'll make you a sandwich."
The issue with Kyle is even when he luckily gets one comment or statement correct, that statement is viewed in the context of his dreadful persona and attitude. I personally know many who know him and for awhile he's okay and then he turns into the typical giga-chad. I have interacted with him on a few occasions. He was okay enough in many of them but those weren't interactions with his channel or his sales. I've messaged him when he spams groups with his equipment that he has for sale. I wouldn't buy anything from him. Most of it he picked up after beating people down on their price, or using his "influence" to obtain equipment that an owner was going to sell to a GC but the manager directs them to Kyle so he can buy it for pennies on the dollar.

Good on him for his hustle but the celebration of that individual is befuddling to me. His demeanor is not pleasant. I do not want to comment on the playing because that feels like it's a pot shot. The video thumbnails of him making some moronic face and then the behavior in the videos. It's almost as though he wants to be the temu/shein version of Ola...the difference is Ola is a professional musician who can actually play and produce.

The fact that Kyle has the audience that he has and that he's able to monetize that and dupe music store into falling for his bullshit makes me lose faith in humanity.

Feel free to disagree with me, that's certainly your right. But imagine the guy in the videos, only in person, and at a music store when you're looking at buying equipment. If it wasn't music related, you would probably be annoyed too. I guess I'm saying I really don't like that guy.
It’s fine you don’t jibe with his personality in the video. We’re all different in what we like. Dating myself here but what is a giga-chad? ?
Anyhoo…I don’t see any of the things you mentioned as negatives as far as him wheeling and dealing to keep gear flowing. Everyone’s a grown up and doesn’t have to say yes to his offer on gear. I would dig having a GC hookup on used gear too. It’s only helping the person selling the gear. If they’ve resorted to the store, private selling wasn’t an option or not fast enough. Seller get’s more than the store would offer so it’s a win for everybody.
I don’t get the gripe with his perceived lack of finesse with playing or tones. From day one he’s very plainly said how he’s going to do it, what he’s going to play and is self deprecating to a fault about his knowledge and ability.
If anything I appreciate him holding to his method. The consistency helps really compare some of the amps. You can go back a year and find a certain amp you want to hear vs. what he did last week and it’s still going to be the same mic on the same speaker.

Granted, you have heard of more, in person, off camera interaction but I’m just some schmo who will never meet or hear about these people beyond the iPad. Even though I did see Beato in the Marietta GC several years ago. Was like sighting a rare animal ?
But there’s people out there who genuinely enjoy Fricker’s video’s which vexes me to no end so, it’s all normal….different strokes and all.
There’s people who actually hate Pete Thorn….fuckin’ Pete Thorn. Probably one of the nicest dudes doing gear on YT, along with The Pedal Show guys. ?‍♂️
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Kyle has always been up front and forthcoming of what to expect in his vids. Unpolished, dialed in best, no post production mastering magic, and his honest opinion in the room of what video and audio can’t describe.

I’ve got nothing against the dude and he’s successful because his recipe works. You also have to remember he survives off of buying and selling gear as well as making videos. It literally keeps his lights on - however he does it I can’t shame the dude for having the balls to do what he loves as a full time job.

With that said he’s new to the game - Ola’s been doing it for way longer and he’s exceptionally talented. I feel it’s a competition at times for views or content.

Honestly all of this thread falls into not my business/stay in my lane. To be honest I believe a lot of people could do with staying in their own lane but that’s a whole different thread entirely.
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