Is this part of conforming to the YT algorhithm, Bad.Seed?

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I did say I was probably getting that wrong but…I fucking hate hearing that constantly….

No harm, no foul. I used to get really irritated by people saying "strawman argument" and "logical fallacy" at one point of time. Especially because none of them understood what it meant.
Honestly all of this thread falls into not my business/stay in my lane. To be honest I believe a lot of people could do with staying in their own lane but that’s a whole different thread entirely.

I honestly think the world needs a lot less of people staying in their lane. Not caring and being satisfied with one's lot in life is a pretty callous attitude when you think about it.

As far as music, I'd go so far as to say that Youtubers have taken a dying industry and made it even worse.

Lord knows they've ruined metal at least. Videos by bands like Obscura get less hits than Ola Englund and Jared Dines, allegedly.

But it's only because of bot farms and manipulation of Youtube algorithms through shit like the weird faces and clickbait titles and dumb thumbnails.

Consequence is that companies like Musicman want to have models by Fluff and Rabea.

Meanwhile, ESP won't even give Mille Petrozza of fucking Kreator a full-fledged signature, he gets an E-II.

It also means that when a record deal is signed, they will look at your social media presence and how many hits you have, rather than your content.

That means that a lot of bands just game the system and pay lots of money to bot farms to watch and uplike their videos.

Seen any shitty bands that are huge of late?

I know that it happens in India to a very large extent. Have a friend who's into band management who says it's literally so cheap to get a million hits on your videos.

It happens in South Korea to a great degree as well. Enjoy your K-Pop wave.

I guess the basic problem why none of that is being called out basically boils down to that "staying in your lane" mindset that you mentioned.

"Let's be happy and gay everyone!"

No, fuck that.
PS: And Obscura is a huge band. Massive.

You really should compare smaller bands and the hits they get on their music videos and playthroughs. They're getting murdered out there.

This is an Obscura video. 24k hits is all. Makes it really hard to believe that a video about pickups is getting 30-40k hits, but hey, there's the magic of that wonderful algorithm.

As far as music, I'd go so far as to say that Youtubers have taken a dying industry and made it even worse.
It also means that when a record deal is signed, they will look at your social media presence and how many hits you have, rather than your content.
It happens in South Korea to a great degree as well. Enjoy your K-Pop wave.
I feel like k pop is more the new wave of boy bands to a great degree. But as my wife is a huge kpop fan, i hear a lot of their dipshit practices. They basically make their stars slaves..very weird
I honestly think the world needs a lot less of people staying in their lane. Not caring and being satisfied with one's lot in life is a pretty callous attitude when you think about it.

As far as music, I'd go so far as to say that Youtubers have taken a dying industry and made it even worse.

Lord knows they've ruined metal at least. Videos by bands like Obscura get less hits than Ola Englund and Jared Dines, allegedly.

But it's only because of bot farms and manipulation of Youtube algorithms through shit like the weird faces and clickbait titles and dumb thumbnails.

Consequence is that companies like Musicman want to have models by Fluff and Rabea.

Meanwhile, ESP won't even give Mille Petrozza of fucking Kreator a full-fledged signature, he gets an E-II.

It also means that when a record deal is signed, they will look at your social media presence and how many hits you have, rather than your content.

That means that a lot of bands just game the system and pay lots of money to bot farms to watch and uplike their videos.

Seen any shitty bands that are huge of late?

I know that it happens in India to a very large extent. Have a friend who's into band management who says it's literally so cheap to get a million hits on your videos.

It happens in South Korea to a great degree as well. Enjoy your K-Pop wave.

I guess the basic problem why none of that is being called out basically boils down to that "staying in your lane" mindset that you mentioned.

"Let's be happy and gay everyone!
I would also add that people will say that is the way it is as if that is an excuse.

I have been over the top in this thread and had a bit of fun at Kyle's expense. But the reason that it inspires so much feeling is that the more people that go along, the less chance of change.

I speak of being a man. You dont need to lift weights or work with your hands. But you goddamn sure need to stand up on your principles against pressure from outside forces.

That literally is what lifting teaches you anyway, it is why it is so often used as a parallel. But I have known Men that have never touched a weight, and males that try to pretend to be a man
That literally is what lifting teaches you anyway, it is why it is so often used as a parallel. But I have known Men that have never touched a weight, and males that try to pretend to be a man

The only way for us to all accept Kyle is for him to post his beanch, squat and deadlift 1RM
I honestly think the world needs a lot less of people staying in their lane. Not caring and being satisfied with one's lot in life is a pretty callous attitude when you think about it.

Definitely disagree. Stay in your lane means mind your own god damn business. Too many people telling others how to live their life and not worrying about their own.

As far as the rest of your post that’s a marketing issue and a demographic issue. As Kyle said if you don’t like it then why click on it or even make a thread about it that funnels interest to his channel anyway?
Meanwhile, ESP won't even give Mille Petrozza of fucking Kreator a full-fledged signature, he gets an E-II.

:mad: He's one of my heroes, and as pivotal to the German/Teutonic thrash scene of the early 80's as Hetfield was for the USA part.

@glpg80 I hear you, man and that's why I actively chose NOT to be a dick about Kyle's idiosyncrasies, how he looks or chooses to portray himself, etc. I'm not going down that road where some went re: Pete Thorn. I also think Thorn is a knowledgeable nice guy.

What I *have* seen is a change in how he seems to be handling constructive criticism, now that he's apparently more famous so to speak combined with the shift to hyperbolic click-baity statements. And THAT's what this thread was about. And surely, once you make money as a 'public' persona, shouldn't the public be allowed to have opinions of that, instead of shrugging it off with 'you're old, don't like it? move along' fallacies? Especially if you're looked up to for gear advice, but then suddenly if you look closer, that gear advice isn't as neutral as it used to be?

He wasn't handling the Mezzabarba stuff well and he hasn't shown up in this thread at all. That speaks of character, or lack thereof.
Even a little 'yeah man, this is what it takes now that I'm in the big(ger) leagues. Sorry/not sorry to see you go as a subscriber, cryin' all the way to the bank' would suffice. :p

Then we'd properly know "ok this guy used to keep it real... alas." :whistle:
This one goes out to all the constipated face YT'ers out there......i love you all...even you Thorn...despite your political leanings

If the video doesn’t tickle you, move on with your life. He’s earning a living. You old fucks spend too much time on the internet.

If you don't like people making fun of gay ass thumbnails with soyface and click bait titles, move on with your life. They're having a laugh. You old fucks spend too much time on the Internet.

Do you see how much of a pointless nothing comment that is now?
PS: And Obscura is a huge band. Massive.

You really should compare smaller bands and the hits they get on their music videos and playthroughs. They're getting murdered out there.

This is an Obscura video. 24k hits is all. Makes it really hard to believe that a video about pickups is getting 30-40k hits, but hey, there's the magic of that wonderful algorithm.

Don't want to get out of context of this thread but saw them in Osaka in 2018. That's not my usual style of music but that was a nice show

So, Ola posted a video on the Mark IIC+ and I had to have a look since we have all been having a huge discussion on these forums about the lack of videos about this amp.

Here is the video:

Yes, it chugs.

I also noticed that Ola has his volume at over 9 and his treble at over 9 as well.

Guess it doesn't oscillate *cough cough*
The issue with Kyle is even when he luckily gets one comment or statement correct, that statement is viewed in the context of his dreadful persona and attitude. I personally know many who know him and for awhile he's okay and then he turns into the typical giga-chad. I have interacted with him on a few occasions. He was okay enough in many of them but those weren't interactions with his channel or his sales. I've messaged him when he spams groups with his equipment that he has for sale. I wouldn't buy anything from him. Most of it he picked up after beating people down on their price, or using his "influence" to obtain equipment that an owner was going to sell to a GC but the manager directs them to Kyle so he can buy it for pennies on the dollar.

Good on him for his hustle but the celebration of that individual is befuddling to me. His demeanor is not pleasant. I do not want to comment on the playing because that feels like it's a pot shot. The video thumbnails of him making some moronic face and then the behavior in the videos. It's almost as though he wants to be the temu/shein version of Ola...the difference is Ola is a professional musician who can actually play and produce.

The fact that Kyle has the audience that he has and that he's able to monetize that and dupe music store into falling for his bullshit makes me lose faith in humanity.

Feel free to disagree with me, that's certainly your right. But imagine the guy in the videos, only in person, and at a music store when you're looking at buying equipment. If it wasn't music related, you would probably be annoyed too. I guess I'm saying I really don't like that guy.
Most youtube personalities and many endorsees are there this day and age as a personality. It's a form of entertainment, form of information, whatever you want it to be. I go watch Glenn flicker to laugh and learn a little about recording, not for guitar lessons.

I see a lot of guitarists who can't really play well at all with companies backing them because they get the views. Weather it's the thumbnails, the Goofy attitude or large boobs, doesn't matter. Not knocking anyone here but I also remember a time early on when Ola's channel wasn't much bigger than Kyle's and to be frank his playing was very mediocre at the time. He's definitely a player and has come quite a long way now days but the point is you don't have to whale a guitar to sell a guitar.

I know a few guys who would shred circles around most of the youtube guys with ease but if they had a youtube channel it would fail miserably. It's a completely different skill set.

I also cannot think of a better situation to use the phrase all publicity is good publicity. Weather you love or hate kyle....shit hating him probably helps his channel more :lol: who's really winning here?
I can get behind that. He full stop admitted to singling me out for calling bullshit on a $5,000 amp thats as useful as a limp dildo.

Those can actually be used to keep a draft from coming in under a door. If it’s one of those huge double-ended ones like in Requiem For A Dream. At least that’s what I’ve heard.
This calls for an arm wrestling contest. First round is Smash vs Kyle. Winner arm wrestles Kordoba. The winner of that round arm wrestles Dan Travis.

? ???
PS: And Obscura is a huge band. Massive.

You really should compare smaller bands and the hits they get on their music videos and playthroughs. They're getting murdered out there.

This is an Obscura video. 24k hits is all. Makes it really hard to believe that a video about pickups is getting 30-40k hits, but hey, there's the magic of that wonderful algorithm.

Well, I just checked that out and wish I could take my view back and put it on a Joyo pedal shootout instead ?