Honestly all of this thread falls into not my business/stay in my lane. To be honest I believe a lot of people could do with staying in their own lane but that’s a whole different thread entirely.
I honestly think the world needs a lot less of people staying in their lane. Not caring and being satisfied with one's lot in life is a pretty callous attitude when you think about it.
As far as music, I'd go so far as to say that Youtubers have taken a dying industry and made it even worse.
Lord knows they've ruined metal at least. Videos by bands like Obscura get less hits than Ola Englund and Jared Dines, allegedly.
But it's only because of bot farms and manipulation of Youtube algorithms through shit like the weird faces and clickbait titles and dumb thumbnails.
Consequence is that companies like Musicman want to have models by Fluff and Rabea.
Meanwhile, ESP won't even give Mille Petrozza of fucking Kreator a full-fledged signature, he gets an E-II.
It also means that when a record deal is signed, they will look at your social media presence and how many hits you have, rather than your content.
That means that a lot of bands just game the system and pay lots of money to bot farms to watch and uplike their videos.
Seen any shitty bands that are huge of late?
I know that it happens in India to a very large extent. Have a friend who's into band management who says it's literally so cheap to get a million hits on your videos.
It happens in South Korea to a great degree as well. Enjoy your K-Pop wave.
I guess the basic problem why none of that is being called out basically boils down to that "staying in your lane" mindset that you mentioned.
"Let's be happy and gay everyone!"
No, fuck that.