Is this part of conforming to the YT algorhithm, Bad.Seed?

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I agree, this place is great for the most part.
I just don't think this place is elitist in any sense of the word. Sign up, 50 posts, free classfieds. Everyone is welcome. Very few bans.

you guys know what we need, we need a discord server for rig-talk and then have live video chats every friday night after everyone has had a few.....i think we'd solve some of the worlds biggest problems before it was saturday
I mean sure, but freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from the consequences of that speech. We're all free to talk as much shit as we like about youtubers trying to make a better living or medical issues they can't help. But what do you think happens to awesome places like this when they start getting so elitist that they find shit to talk about every single person who starts to reach out to the broader world? Those people with reach start to leave, which means less exclusive info here, less consolidated knowledge, less of everything until eventually nobody worth having around is around and you've got a dead community.

Do you think maybe there's a reason all those famous and influential guys people brag about rubbing elbows with here leave in the first place, or only browse incognito?

I'm not advocating for a bunch of dick sucking kumbaya or whatever but I am saying I think there is a line between shit talking with decency and just outright being shitty.

This place has an awesome ability to weed out dumbasses, shitposters, and general bullshit other places tend to allow to grow like moss on a tree. There’s no elitism as everyone here truly loves guitar and I’ve personally made life long friends from being a member for so long.

With that said this place is highly opinionated. I don’t agree with some of the bashing that happens to some people nor do I condone it but I do want to hear opinions from others on gear. Many people here have killer ears and are awesome to listen to for advice.
This place has an awesome ability to weed out dumbasses, shitposters, and general bullshit other places tend to allow to grow like moss on a tree. There’s no elitism as everyone here truly loves guitar and I’ve personally made life long friends from being a member for so long.

With that said this place is highly opinionated. I don’t agree with some of the bashing that happens to some people nor do I condone it but I do want to hear opinions from others on gear. Many people here have killer ears and are awesome to listen to for advice.

That is true, weeding out dumbasses is something this forum is great at. I still remember the drama of that "20 watt amps sound the same as 100 watt amps" guy, it was hilarious. Most other places wouldn't have allowed all the shit that drove him off and he would have kept on with his nonsense for other people looking for real info.

I just hope the same qualities that keep this place sharpened don't file the knife down to the nub.
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Have you guys ever heard of the philosophical concept called "the Narcisism of Small Differences"?

It's a concept where the smaller and more niche and close-knit a community is, the more its members will lock into the tiniest differences between themselves and get into overblown bitch fits and drama about dumb shit that doesn't actually matter, and they will do this to a much higher degree than most other groups, when what they would be better off doing is supporting each other because of how fucking small and niche the group is compared to everything else.

No idea why I'm bringing this up, it just kinda crossed my mind for some reason.
you guys know what we need, we need a discord server for rig-talk and then have live video chats every friday night after everyone has had a few.....i think we'd solve some of the worlds biggest problems before it was saturday
It has been suggested, and discussed. Very little positive feedback. I think this place lends more toward older chatters, vs the latter.
Kyle is ok. He is a part of the forum that amuses him. The real reason his comment bothered me was that rig talk has some nerds, some losers, cool kids, jocks, psycopaths, etc. But we are all cool with eachother. I cant think of one guy on here I wouldnt hang out with.

Killertone once claimed shame of rig-talk on a youtube video. I dont get it. Dont be ashamed of your retarded cousin. You fuck her and be proud of it, goddamn it
Do you honestly think calling out faggotry like soyface thumbnails and clickbait titles is "being shitty?"

Wait till you get cancelled by a punk rock scene man.

oh god that brought back memories of this tune hahaha

Do you honestly think calling out faggotry like soyface thumbnails and clickbait titles is "being shitty?"

Wait till you get cancelled by a punk rock scene man.

Haha, nah... calling out soyface is fair game. :D
I might watch a handful of videos in a year. Never saw the allure of watching mostly amateurs "demo" shit. When I do, it definitely doesn't have the idiot faces and obnoxious tag lines. To each their own though.
And maybe I'm way off base here, but don't they live in Canada? Isn't healthcare there supposedly free (or mostly free)?
It is mostly free, but it's so fucked up right now that the odds are not good for any kind of success story. I know many people emptying their bank accounts and heading to the states to get proper help.
If I was going to start a channel, the very first vid would have to have me doing the hands out with pity lips with huge letters saying..

“I’ve made a Big Mistake!!!”
“I can’t Keep Doing This!!”

You know, just cut right to the chase. But then outline in the video how the drugs I had held for a small Cartel had gone missing, so the financing for the lights and Cameras I needed fell through. As the video progresses I start applying more and more of my disguise and then take a few new Passport photos for my docs hookup in Midtown.
But I still have a boost turned on the whole time and use plenty of Married with Children and Alf cutaways.

….Oh I forgot. The boost and fake moustache are from Sweetwater. Please click the affiliate links.
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