Is this part of conforming to the YT algorhithm, Bad.Seed?

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I would like to give credit where it's due though. I like Kyle's vids because of how consistent they are- if I really want to hear some differences I feel like I can trust what I'm hearing since he always uses the same basic setup & mic.

Same, that's a good practice

Ironically the thumbnails mean I don't click on it to watch it ever

But credit where it's due

I'm pretty sure Ola started and perfected that trend.

Ola is a trendsetter for players but not for recording. Ola has basically no in depth recording info, so im going to hard disagree on that
No, from what I could gather, a few guys, including a few Youtubers decided to create some gear-based facebook page that was more 'inclusive', because they took issue with some of the things said here, or the tone of it.
Yeah, what is it called? Discussing brutal amps for those who can’t handle brutal honesty?
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No thank you, I've read the threads! :ROFLMAO: I did have a shortly lived channel about computer nerd stuff, but people get pretty vulgar and invasive fairly quickly, tbh. Anyways, I love these new fingerboard conditioning wipes that I have yet to try, but they will change your life! To die for! The chemical smell is completely normal and not at all repulsive. In fact, they are wondrous and possibly won't cause birth defects! Did I mention that they'll change your life?! Just click on this link, I promise it's not for information harvesting even if you don't buy the conditioners. Which you should, because they'll change your life!
Who cares what overweight, cheeto eating keyboard warriors think?

I hope Kyle sells out and makes a million dollars and clickbaits tf out of everyone.

Seriously though, a 6 page thread because someone used the word everyone instead of what some random viewer thought they should name their video? Lol go outside
In my mind these guys jump the shark and shed credibility when they get to the point where they feel they must “entertain” vs merely “informing” consumers. You all have seen it unfold, formerly reserved personas start “hamming it up” on camera, replete with brief cutaway gags/sound effects and other goofy shit. Seriously, it’s not flattering and quite honestly, with some, I repeat, some of these YouTubers, their guitar playing itself is comedic enough. This transformation usually coincides with the desire to “brand” themselves and they get themselves a cute little logo, push merch, align themselves with large companies, etc. BTW love the hat in the linked video. How about getting that logo inked on you? Might as well go all the way buddy! “Real world” trusted reviews are only going to come from those who “keep it real” by staying small and doing it part time/purely for fun IMO. Like some of the bigger YT names used to do. Another particularly pathetic trend I’ve noticed is what I call “content dry spells”. E.g. no new gear to review this week but I have to keep the videos flowing so how about I take the viewers on a guided tour of my fridge? Lastly, I must question how wise their decision making process was that led some to pursue YT as a full time career choice since it is by nature so incredibly fickle. How long until we see go fund me campaigns because “clicks are down”? Or other pity party endeavors? You know it’s going to happen.
Spot on truth.
And you guys wonder why I don't do videos ............

Whenever I think about doing even the simplest demo of one of my pedals ....... I feel the weight of a gazillion people being able to see it ( not that they would .. but they could )

The pressure to inform .... entertain .... not be a stumbling idiot ..... etc ..... etc ...

I always come back to " just be yourself " but I got to be honest ...... I'd be editing all day taking out all the " motherfuckers " I'd let go ....

then you guys would cancel my ass ..... then where would I be ....
And you guys wonder why I don't do videos ............

Whenever I think about doing even the simplest demo of one of my pedals ....... I feel the weight of a gazillion people being able to see it ( not that they would .. but they could )

The pressure to inform .... entertain .... not be a stumbling idiot ..... etc ..... etc ...

I always come back to " just be yourself " but I got to be honest ...... I'd be editing all day taking out all the " motherfuckers " I'd let go ....

then you guys would cancel my ass ..... then where would I be ....

i dont know man as long as the thumnail doesn't have a pic of you with a constipated face and size 900 font proclaiming "the pedal the industry pros dont want you to know about" i bet you'd be a roaring success (around these parts anyway!)
Seriously though, a 6 page thread because someone used the word everyone instead of what some random viewer thought they should name their video? Lol go outside
You're clearly missing the point.
That's ok. I'm actually outside now. ?

Y'know, some things come with certain jobs, whether it's smelly hands when you're a plumber, paparazzi when you're a movie star or criticism when your YT channel is evolving into a certain direction. And it seems some of these guys can't really deal with that part, dismissing actual, valid comments as being 'haters'. That's the part where I think "you made your bed..."

Same with movie studios releasing some crap movie (often with some DEI content) and when audiences write negative reviews, the studio will rather accuse them of bigotry, racism and narrow mindedness, than actually taking the criticism to heart and release a better product/story the next time.

@Bram576 what's your take on the apocalypse tone? Bestest evah (for this week of course) or kinda lacklustre, given the name, price and 200W power section?
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I'm pretty sure Ola started and perfected that trend.

i see many people say this and i honestly just dont understand, as he sounds the most similar to me playing through the few amps that we both have and why i trust his demos the most. maybe my tones all sound the same too, idk :dunno: :ROFLMAO: i did just watch his iconic video, i know many people are pumped on this amp but it sounds like utter shit to me.

No, from what I could gather, a few guys, including a few Youtubers decided to create some gear-based facebook page that was more 'inclusive', because they took issue with some of the things said here, or the tone of it.

cant imagine what i said to set that off
Man, some of you guys are really making Kyle’s point stand strong about this place.

i have been saying forever the over the top hatred for a lot of these guys and what they do is a little odd to me, i watch some of these guys for entertainment purposes based around the same topics we discuss here all day every day and take whatever "info" with a grain of salt, i cant imagine actually getting so annoyed lol
I have leaned a lot from Kyle’s channel and enjoyed the recent pickups video. If I am not interested in the video topic, I don’t watch. If I start watching and realize that I am no longer interested, I click away.

I applaud him for having the balls to YT professionally and to follow his passion.
Man, some of you guys are really making Kyle’s point stand strong about this place.

And yet every major YouTube guitar channel, and even famous metal artists, have heard of or at least graced their presence here and may even continue to do so incognito at any one point in time. Why? It’s the best metal and rock forum period. The go to for information on anything metal and who’s who. Major amp companies have started and ended their careers here. Major artists have joined and provided Q and A. This forum is a collection of talent and guitar gear knowledge that doesn’t cater to anyone but the admin team and a horny monkey you have to look out for once and a while. It’s a hot kitchen in here that’s always cooking - some parts smell great and others you just close the lid to that pot and keep walking.