No, from what I could gather, a few guys, including a few Youtubers decided to create some gear-based facebook page that was more 'inclusive', because they took issue with some of the things said here, or the tone of it.
Now, FWIW, I too am tired of some of the chest-pumpin' gorillas in OT calling everyone pdf files, fags, or some other politically driven derogative (soy this, libtard that...) just because you have a different view on life.
God forbid you tell them you eat veggies next to your steak... BOOM! "
Fuckin' pussy! Be a REAL man, blah blah, muh guns, freedom, monster trucks!"

I like monster trucks too and when it comes to veggies, I still wrap them in bacon tho'... ?

, just sayin'.
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But at the same time, if you spend time here long enough, you get a feeling for whose opinions you can trust, who's only busy projecting themselves as the tough guy, slagging others, etc. so you tune out the noise, basically.
I get a feeling that if some of these YT guys are crossing into shilling territory or otherwise are playing the revenue game a bit too hard, they don't like it when you point that out. Notice the absence of a certain forumite in this thread? ?
But... I just probably 'crack him up' and that's all there is to it.

Meanwhile I'll be enjoying my 10 times tighter and more brutal Savage 60, compared to that Aflopalypse, even if it has fist-sized PT and OT's.