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I’m a big fan up to and including ReLoad. I think most of his solos fit the songs great. I can’t really comment on anything after Reload as I really haven’t listened to anything else.
You fucking nailed it, as usual. This is why people who make money playing music laugh at people on guitar forums, they just don’t get it at all. You nailed it homie.
Sorry if I didn't articulate properly. My point is, not all internet critics are 15 year olds learning their pentatonics.Not sure how most of that has anything to do with what I wrote, I didn’t claim everyone who criticizes wants to be a rockstar nor did I bring up anything about “better musicians”, which I think is so subjective it’s better left to 15 year olds debating shit like “Who is better? The Periphery guy or the Polyphia guy?” like I did when I was 15 and shit all over everything that wasn’t technical playing.
Maybe….just maybe….Kirk plays what he does because he loves to?
How about the producer saying " Kirk, that really sucked man... do it again". I think that's all most people are asking for. Kirk doesn't need to be replaced, Kirk needs to try harder. Kirk also needs to not talk nonsense about how technically he could play if he wanted and how he knows his modes because well....
Being rich and famous shouldn't automatically make you immune to criticism.....either ignore it or do better if it bothers you
Being rich and famous shouldn't automatically make you immune to criticism.....either ignore it or do better if it bothers you
Lots of arrogance in Metallica’s minds these days. It seems lost on Kirk that any type of solo, be it a sparse minimalist approach or a busy shred style could work well, if DONE well. He can’t manage either now I’m afraid. And would it kill Lars to admit that they’ve had the occasional artistic misstep along the way, instead of blaming it on the fans?
Of course, and bands that just pump out uninspired rehashes of what they did before get criticized too. I’m not saying an artist should abide by criticism whether from fans or the press. I think if you do that you would drive yourself completely mad.I’ll agree to most of that too. But I also think every successful band is damned if they do, damned if they don’t. You put out the same record for 30 years? People talk shit. Change, evolve, do different stuff over the years? People talk shit. Human nature I guess.
But I’ve said this many times here and I’ll say it again because it’s 100 percent true to me. Metallica isn’t the Metallica of the past because they aren’t pissed off anymore. MOP and ride the lightning etc were all filled with rage and angst. They were hustling, had a reason to bust their ass every night. They had the drive and were pissed the fuck off, and this came out in their music and inspired them to write what they wrote. What do they have to be pissed about nowadays? Being the biggest band in the world and being worth a gazillion dollars? They’ve got no drive like they used to, and who would? Age is also of course a factor here too.
I don’t disagree, to a point.
I busted someone’s balls about this the other day when they were going hard on a critique of someone and they replied “So I need to be a Chef in order to say a meal doesn’t taste good?”, which is silly, of course not. But there’s a difference between saying “I don’t like this meal” and “The chef sucks, they clearly have no passion for their work, they’re just throwing shit on a plate. They should have used less salt and more basil”
It’s perfectly fine not digging something, I just think all the baseless accusations and imposed will aspect of it is really odd behavior. Maybe that dish tastes exactly how the chef wanted it to taste and it’s a simple matter of it not aligning with your tastebuds, why should the person not putting the time into making the dish feel right saying what goes into it? Just odd to me.
You sure? Kinda sound like it already tbhI hope I would be way more humble than him. His talent doesn't match his attitude.
But I am sure I wouldn't be a whiny little homo.
I am already humble about my wealth and talents unlike a certain whiny little homo.You sure? Kinda sound like it already tbh
By JAMES writing amazing songs, you meanI guess that’s true too, but now you’ve brought in context; how did Kirk get rich and famous? By writing amazing songs. The criticism is as if he doesn’t have the clout already that got him to that level in the first place. Like no one talked shit about Favre or elway towards their end. People respected them for what they had done in the game, and didn’t criticize them thinking they should still be that same guy that won championships.
Are you trying to say that he is not a whining little bitch? So, he exudes tough guy like Zakk?Interviewer: How did you respond to the criticism over your solos on the new stuff?
Kirk: “I was just laughing the whole time,”
You can’t fire the team.Hot take on this that I forgot to say: Metallica needs a new producer who actually understands guitar and arrangement. I legitimately 100 percent think this is the problem here after thinking about it and talking to some others I listen to about it. Fidelman just isn’t the guy for this band, it’s just obvious. Atleast when it comes to guitars. Bob was a drill sergeant, and who cares if that’s what it took to get the best take and best ideas out of someone? Beats copying and pasting a riff/solo note for note in the DAW. ( I’m looking at you necrophagist, although still a huge fan).
I could talk about this for hours, but I think a new producer would help a lot with this. It’s no different than a sports coach at times. How many times in your youth did a coach push you to do something you didn’t think you had in you but he got it out of you? It was there all along, you just had to find it.
On that note, Metallica is still putting out the best records they have in the last 20 years with FidelmN Atleast in my opinion, so something is working.