Who's going to protect your misinformed, unsuspecting customers if I don't? I don't like seeing people, even complete strangers, getting duped. I may have called you some unflattering things in the past week but senile wasn't one of them. Now I'm reconsidering.
Nobody has to protect my customers, because they are all (with the exception of 2 or 3 idiots*) completely satisfied and happy with their Larry amps
(*) even these 2-3 'idiots' are absolutely satisfied with their amps and their sounds, they just thought they were at a disadvantage because of 'other events'.
But with now well over 500 customers who have found me within the 32 years since I have been running this business, it happens because of human misunderstandings that one or the other of these feels 'not treated properly'.
Such ridiculous events, which are actually at kindergarten level, should not prompt a sane adult, despite any sense of having been treated unfairly, to (figuratively speaking) shoot a javelin in the living room window of the neighbor just because he did dislikes his loud music (his dissenting opinion).
In particular because of such discrepancies, you don't have to open even two threads with his name in the title and then chase him through the entire board like a medieval inquisitor with 'fire & sword', as if he were an escaped murderer on the run.
Such behavior is simply embarrassing and pathetic for an adult and supposedly mature man, from which conclusions can ultimately be drawn about his state of mental health.
I'm really sorry if this lonely man doesn't get any attention anywhere and therefore alternatively courts attention with such methods in a forum for musicians.
Below are two examples of customers who seem to be very satisfied with their Larry amps despite being upset with me: