Larry gone wild!!!!

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And once again you've wasted half an hour of your precious life pointlessly texting...
That's all you do here at RT. Besides bating people for deposits on amps you're fully aware you'll never deliver.
... but that won't have much of an impact on your time balance, since you'll spend days high on drugs anyway and will never get that time back - on the contrary, it will actually shorten your life expectancy.
I much rather be a drug addict than a sober thief like you.
In any case, you should try to get rid of envy and hatred towards others, because it has been medically proven that frustrated people die much earlier than happy people.

Take me as an example! Extremely healthy despite being somewhat advanced in age :cool:
Another bullshit lie. All your pictures show how old you are, and how sweaty and crusty your face is, which is not a sign of health at all. You're 75 years old, I'm still 49!

I won't respond to your post because it is pointless and would be a complete waste of time to counter your untrue, made-up stories and paranoid, dramatized representations.
You've been responding to me ever since I told you to fuck off and to shove that back grille up your loose geriatric ass. You will not stop responding now.

The people who currently have to do with me professionally know what they are doing and would just laugh out loud at your portrayal anyway.
Another bullshit. That's why no one is sending you more money, and you keep going nuts around here, like a desperate monkey jumping from branch to branch, begging for attention.
You should've learned with Mike Fortin how to do publicity, and be successful at it, but instead, you decided to just badmouth him, begging for his clients attention, while at the same time, ripping off the ones that had already trusted you their money.
That's because you have absolutely nothing good to say about you and your business, so you have to play the angry monkey and lie about everything online, in order to get attention.
The fake photoshopped girl proves that.
No one trust you anymore. That's the truth.

So now you can pull your next line up your nose. You have my blessing for this!
Again, I would rather be a honest drug addict, alcoholic, depressed person than being a failed amp maker, who can't run a business, it's getting to old to do anything, that has pedophile tendencies and is a thief.
I'll take the drugs, alcohol and depression all day long over your attributes.
Wow, you knew Dumble personally? Now I understand where those Dumbles on the profivle pic come ?
Yep. Was fortunate to meet and become friends with two of my three heroes... Dumble and Jim Marshall. Didn't have the chance to meet the third one, Leo Fender. Sir Jim Marshall I would only see once a year, which was during the Tuesday morning pre-NAMM show, as every year he would go to the store on Tuesday before NAMM and hang out from 10:00am to noon, every year, from 2001 until a year before he passed. What a great and inspiring man he was.
Dumble was one of the best person I've met too, but we used to be close from 2002 till 2011, and we would talk at least twice a week during that time. What a phenomenal human being and amp genius.
Too bad I didn't have the chance to meet Leo. He was the one responsible for both Dumble and Sir Jim Marshall achieving what they did.
A true genius and amazing human being too.

? Here's my Lady's opinion on all the bullshit above: ?


Oh wow, the little old bitch has gone wild!!!!
That photo is as real as your integrity, Helmut(!%!&!(*@%!#!^&????).
Just like the first one you posted and bragged as being your new 19 years old girl.
You're nothing but Mike Fortins bitch. He can run a company, build amps, build pedals, attend shows, interact with bands and artists, design new gear, run his social media incredibly well.
You? You can only pretend to a tough guy, while everyone knows you're just a geriatric grumpy, who could only cultivate it's fame as the most idiotic, pathetic and liar senior on earth.
Time for your nurse to change your diapers.
Oh no... she is fake too! Maybe your mommy will help you to change them, and wash your ass too.
Fake: CHECK!!!
Next thing you know, Larry is on the streets of Germany, marching, with his raised right arm and chanting "Frrrrooooom MK1 to Z Rev C, of Brrrraaaaaazzzzilians vvee'll be freeeeee!".:unsure::unsure:
Yes, my dear, you are absolutely right on all points.

If I couldn't bear reality, I would create it in my imagination just like you.

Therefore again...


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