Look, another new Metallica song "Screaming suicide" RED MEAT!! Go attack them guys... lol

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I like that we all have opinions and like various bands and even have disagreements as fans of the same band, like Metallica.

Granted, I've been a Metallica fan since 85' and there has been ups and downs with this band but for me personally, I'd rather them keep coming out with music if they are feeling it. I loved the last album and like what I've heard so far. It is so far removed from my friends and I in the basement listening to a cassette of Kill Em' All or reading the liner notes of the album Master of Puppets but it is still Metallica.
The lead playing just sounds so damn amateur now. It doesn't belong with the rest of the production.

Tune and riffs/vibe are ok bit it just doesn't work any more with Jame's vocals. It sounds too poppy. With age it just doesn't fit somehow. He's still a good singer but it feels like this needs to be a deeper voice and with sung with more scorn.

Overall I would say good but easily forgettable. Lead playing though.. it's gotta stop. This clip below really highlights how bad he has become.

I've been on guitar forums too long.

Out of everything in that video, the first thing I thought was "Kirk's Randall is eating that Marshall's goddamn lunch. Holy shit it sounds so much better."
Schenker is just so good 😍

Like I've said before, with the tons of music out now and polished recordings people.can do in their basement, it is easy to just lump anything Metallica, Megadeth, or other bands from the 80s do in and compare it. At least it is not Lulu, at least it isn't St. Anger, and at least it isn't LOAD. I can sleep at night, lol.
oh look another troll thread wanting people to bag Metallica .. grown ups in the house
I think I probably just want 'my metallica' back, as a way of identifying with the 14 year old me, as long as James et al are happy playing and writing then who am I to say different....
Here's a little advocate o/t devil* view:
While this song is quite lacklustre mid-tempo meh... think about it. This is released now, with internet, social media, forums, etc.

Now think back about 1982-1983. No internet (at least for the common man), no easy platforms to discuss opinions directly... Kill 'Em All drops... contains a mid-tempo song by the likes of 'Jump in the Fire'...

That song was eventually released as a single/EP. That song is quite meh too, compared to say 'Hit the Lights' and "Whiplash'. Sure, it was 40 years ago, but still...

#irony, since the song is apparently written from the devil's point of view. At least Kirk was still full of...fire. Solo is fuckin' great.
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oh look another troll thread wanting people to bag Metallica .. grown ups in the house

You're right. It's much more mature to latch onto your favorite band as if they're a part of your own identity and tell everybody who doesn't like everything they do no matter how bad it is to shut up.
I like it better than the lux eterna crap. Also..alittle too long. I think it 5 mins plus? As said above..its boring
You're right. It's much more mature to latch onto your favorite band as if they're a part of your own identity and tell everybody who doesn't like everything they do no matter how bad it is to shut up.
yeah that is pathetic as well .. I know you're implying that this is me but you could not be further from the truth.
Honestly the people who are butt hurt are the ones who have Metallica as part of their teen identity, they just hate that Metallica didn't just keep making Master of Puppets and it truely hurts the "feelings" as if James is attacking them personally
Upon a revisit, the tones and mix sound far better on my decent headphones than at first listen on my phone, I'll give it that. The bass sounds really solid. It's grown on me a little with a couple of listens. Not a huge progression since HWTSD, but thats ok I'll live with it. I just need to temper my expectations and be glad they're still playing at 60ish and putting out new tunes.
I have wondered about Kirks health for a long time. His mumbling speech mannerisms and coherence in interviews has been weird for years. I read he quit the booze around 10 years ago, but I don't know what else he's on, or what else has perhaps had some long term affect on him.
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Upon a revisit, the tones and mix sound far better on my decent headphones than at first listen on my phone, I'll give it that. The bass sounds really solid. It's grown on me a little with a couple of listens. Not a huge progression since HWTSD, but thats ok I'll live with it. I just need to temper my expectations and be glad they're still playing at 60ish and putting out new tunes.
Im a huge fan . I think 83-98 they were creative and great . These last two sound ok . Just basic . I see the disappointment because they were so great for years . But definitely this is what I expect from them these days . It’s not terrible. Not great . I do with Kirk woujd practice lol
You're right. It's much more mature to latch onto your favorite band as if they're a part of your own identity and tell everybody who doesn't like everything they do no matter how bad it is to shut up.
If I'm honest, that is me to some extent. I started playing guitar in 85' and my first riffs were Metallica ones, I started wearing black alot (when not wearing Air Force blue 🤣) and I even wear a Skull ring i had made by the Great Frog in London that is the one Cliff wore. I dig most of what they do.

Saying all of that, I definitely won't defend everything they do because there is a lot of their music that would have fit in better on the Nicelodeon awards show than Headbangers Ball and they have had a lot of misses.

I have no problem with someone not liking Metallica. There are definitely bands I can't get when my friends try to convince me to listen.
Fuck. Where are Eric Peterson and Alex!!!!! These guys need some guidance. Like now!!!!😈
I'm with ya....we need Erick Peterson stat. I was blown away when I heard the opener to children of the next level. Holy crap it smokes just about anything I've heard in some time. Just imagine the look on those two when they hear power like that hahaha. All those years around Hamhead have taken their toll.
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not sure how you figure that one out but i'm sure in your pee sized brain it is logical

The logic is that when you call this a “troll thread” because most people here don’t like Metallica‘s new direction, you’re effectively saying that Metallica is beyond criticism and everything they do must necessarily be great, and that nobody could actually think their new album is anything less than great, so obviously anyone saying they don’t like it is just a “troll.”

Then you sarcastically said “grownups in the house” as if it’s childish to not blindly worship something just because of what it is, when that is one of the most childish thing you can do, which you did by writing that post.

That’s why people are making fun of you. You’re white knighting for the band in an obvious way while offering nothing of substance to show anybody any alternate opinions. Instead you just go for vague, lazy personal insults to anybody who would dare to not like the thing you like.
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