Matt Walsh Demonetised on YouTube ~ Free-speech Debacle

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By intellect I meant mindset / perception of.

I was definitely not inferring that "stupid" or uneducated people misconstrue what he says; it's a matter of basic comprehension and resisting taking offence to something that's true, something that's unfortunately very-difficult for some.
“What man sees depends both upon what he looks at and also upon what his previous visual-conception experience has taught him to see.” -Thomas S. Kuhn
By intellect I meant mindset / perception of.

I was definitely not inferring that "stupid" or uneducated people misconstrue what he says; it's a matter of basic comprehension and resisting taking offense to something that's true, something that's unfortunately very-difficult for some.

I apologize for the dick comment but this is still total condescending bullshit.
You simply agree with the man.
No need to try and make up excuses for those who don't.

Dude's the king of Clerical Fascism.

God loves those mentally ill drag queens as much as he loves me or you. hate the sin, love the sinner.....but I will leave you with this oldie but goodie-

Transgenderism is a MENTAL DISORDER period. Those who enable and encourage it have a mental disorder as well, it's called LIBERALISM.
I don't think anyone is encouraging it. We just don't discriminate against them. It's called acceptance. They don't harm anyone.
The Trans agenda is about demanding your obedience to mentally ill insanity.

Transgenderism is a MENTAL DISORDER.
So are people with autism, anxiety, depression, multiple personality disorder etc demanding obedience too or do you only feel that way about trans people?

I don't care about them. They are a non-factor to me. Live and let live. Keep it movin as far as I'm concerned. Just don't try and force their way of life down my throat. Or tell me I'm fucked up for not agreeing with them. And don't go after our kids. Drag queen story hour? GTFOOHWTBS....
I don't care about them. They are a non-factor to me. Live and let live. Keep it movin as far as I'm concerned. Just don't try and force their way of life down my throat. Or tell me I'm fucked up for not agreeing with them. And don't go after our kids. Drag queen story hour? GTFOOHWTBS....
Not sure how someone in drag is any different than Gene Simmons or Slayer during their makeup days or any completely straight non makeup wearing person reading to kids. Trans or drags aren't going after kids anymore than any other demographic AFAIK.

If anything I'd be more worried about people like Poison, Motley Crue, or Stryper reading to kids!
I don't care about them. They are a non-factor to me. Live and let live. Keep it movin as far as I'm concerned. Just don't try and force their way of life down my throat. Or tell me I'm fucked up for not agreeing with them. And don't go after our kids. Drag queen story hour? GTFOOHWTBS....
