Matt Walsh Demonetised on YouTube ~ Free-speech Debacle

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Not sure how someone in drag is any different than Gene Simmons or Slayer during their makeup days or any completely straight non makeup wearing person reading to kids. Trans or drags aren't going after kids anymore than any other demographic AFAIK.

If anything I'd be more worried about people like Poison, Motley Crue, or Stryper reading to kids!
I see what your saying and agree...not 100% though....not trannies but....

I see what your saying and agree...not 100% though....not trannies but....

The video is advocating for acceptance and nothing else from what I heard. Maybe I'm wrong, I didn't understand a couple of words because of multiple vocal parts.
My 2 cents

Folks who monetize hate under the guise of a supposed 'an opposing conservative viewpoint'
are starting to go out of vogue from a purely profiting business model standpoint.

I'm old and have known/still know lots of conservatives who are able to have opinions that
aren't just frosting on a cake of fag bashing and/or anti-VAX profiting like Walsh.

The ripples of the Dominion settlement are only starting.
And that's just the first of many upcoming trials.

Smarttech has already said that there's NO WAY they'll settle for what Dominion did.
You don’t get it.

It is not a left/right, conservative liberal issue.

Don Lemon just got his ass canned. So did Tucker Carlson. Polar opposite political views. Polar opposite ratings.

Tech companies and the media are ultimately all owned wholly or in part by the same very small group of wealthy individuals.

Cancellation by tech and media companies is about driving a specific agenda not an ideology and that agenda is not what it appears to be on the surface. That agenda is to divide and conquer this nation by pitting us against one another. They can spin the narrative left or right, but under the covers it is serving a common purpose/agenda.

Part of the push against conservative pundits is specifically to piss off conservatives. Get them riled up and spoiling for a fight. They do the same thing to liberals. They just push different buttons for the liberals (guns, abortion, etc).

The role of media and influnencers in they eyes of the elite who own everything is simple: to drive polarization and outrage. Anyone who strays from serving that narrative will meet a swift end. Some will also be sacrificed to drive people to feel targeted and under attack.
You don’t get it.

It is not a left/right, conservative liberal issue.

Don Lemon just got his ass canned. So did Tucker Carlson. Polar opposite political views. Polar opposite ratings.

Tech companies and the media are ultimately all owned wholly or in part by the same very small group of wealthy individuals.

Cancellation by tech and media companies is about driving a specific agenda not an ideology and that agenda is not what it appears to be on the surface. That agenda is to divide and conquer this nation by pitting us against one another. They can spin the narrative left or right, but under the covers it is serving a common purpose/agenda.

Part of the push against conservative pundits is specifically to piss off conservatives. Get them riled up and spoiling for a fight. They do the same thing to liberals. They just push different buttons for the liberals (guns, abortion, etc).

The role of media and influnencers in they eyes of the elite who own everything is simple: to drive polarization and outrage. Anyone who strays from serving that narrative will meet a swift end. Some will also be sacrificed to drive people to feel targeted and under attack.
They're never gonna bring about the Satanic New World Order if you guys keep explaining to everyone how it all works !

easy....destruction.....of everything....

But don't the elites simply want more money and power?

You like my new T?

When I see a dude in a dress wearing lipstick, that ain’t normal, never will be. Fucking Creeps. Dummy B changing avatars already. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
How often do you see these things? Maybe frequent different establishments. Just as a suggestion. It’s okay to be curious. I just can’t figure out how your life is so engrossed in pedophilia, homosexuality, transvestism, and transgenderism. Lol
But with what end goal in mind?
Happy bees make more honey after all.
If you cannot beat the US on a battlefield (which I am not sure would still be the case), you use subversion.

Look man, my wife was a democratic congresswoman for a period. We got an all access behind the scenes view of part of what is going on. We are now conservative leaning non party affiliated. Her time as an elected drove us away from both camps.

The public roles these people play are just that: roles. Some of the biggest liberals and conservative names you can name are very different, both personally and ideologically; than you might think.

Also the “power meetings” amongst the political elite all have the same big $$$ donors doling out cash along with their marching orders to those willing to do their bidding… regardless of party affiliation.
If you cannot beat the US on a battlefield (which I am not sure would still be the case), you use subversion.

Appreciate your insight but you still haven't addressed what the goal of the elites is.

There's no Queen Bee without a shitload or worker bees.
Why would the queen want to mess with her workforce?
If you cannot beat the US on a battlefield (which I am not sure would still be the case), you use subversion.

Look man, my wife was a democratic congresswoman for a period. We got an all access behind the scenes view of part of what is going on. We are now conservative leaning non party affiliated. Her time as an elected drove us away from both camps.

The public roles these people play are just that: roles. Some of the biggest liberals and conservative names you can name are very different, both personally and ideologically; than you might think.

Also the “power meetings” amongst the political elite all have the same big $$$ donors doling out cash along with their marching orders to those willing to do their bidding… regardless of party affiliation.