Matt Walsh Demonetised on YouTube ~ Free-speech Debacle

  • Thread starter Thread starter Monkey Man
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If you cannot beat the US on a battlefield (which I am not sure would still be the case), you use subversion.

Look man, my wife was a democratic congresswoman for a period. We got an all access behind the scenes view of part of what is going on. We are now conservative leaning non party affiliated. Her time as an elected drove us away from both camps.

The public roles these people play are just that: roles. Some of the biggest liberals and conservative names you can name are very different, both personally and ideologically; than you might think.

Also the “power meetings” amongst the political elite all have the same big $$$ donors doling out cash along with their marching orders to those willing to do their bidding… regardless of party affiliation.

Appreciate your insight but you still haven't addressed what the goal of the elites is.

There's no Queen Bee without a shitload or worker bees.
Why would the queen want to mess with her workforce?
The likely answer (no, it’s not total destruction in a satanic takeover, lol), is…if the ruling elite can keep the working class at odds with one another, over ridiculous perceived ideological differences, then the working class will continue to elect the ruling elite into positions of power to fight for our “rights”. All the whole, the working class fails to realize, regardless of our specific ideologies, we have more in common with one another than we don’t. And less in common with our respective “leaders” than we realize.
The likely answer (no, it’s not total destruction in a satanic takeover, lol), is…if the ruling elite can keep the working class at odds with one another, over ridiculous perceived ideological differences, then the working class will continue to elect the ruling elite into positions of power to fight for our “rights”.

But that's been already happening for 250 years.
Why the need to suddenly drive the wedge in so much deeper?
Who's going to do the rebuilding if all the workers are at war with one another?
The infrastructure is here. They rebuild the system dummy. This will not come to all out war and destruction… or that is not the plan anyway.
Since when is Matt Walsh not a lying liar who lies all the time?

God bless you, Satan😉👍