Matt Walsh Demonetised on YouTube ~ Free-speech Debacle

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So Republicans and Democrats are all on the same team at the end of the day.
Where's MAGA fit in?
My wife was long out of office by the time MAGA became a thing. My best guess: a competing faction that wants to secure their slice of the pie.

No need for name calling.

Then don’t be a dummy, dummy. That is actually somewhat kind compared to some of the other shit you get here. But seriously Donnie fucking B admonishing people for name calling? That is fucking rich.
My wife was long out of office by the time MAGA became a thing.
How about the Tea Party then. They were ready to tear the entire thing down just out of principle.
Maga is just the Tea Party with another 12 pack in them after all.

But seriously Donnie fucking B admonishing people for name calling?

Do you know the difference between a punch and a counter punch?
I counter punch really hard - but you did punch first.
How about the Tea Party then. They were ready to tear the entire thing down just out of principle.

Do you know the difference between a punch and a counter punch?
I counter punch really hard - but you did punch first.

Oh, we are all frightened of your counterpunch, 🤡Donnie🤡.

Hold your head up high, you are the supreme Internet tough guy.
I counter punch really hard - but you did punch first.
Chuckles, the MMA fighter of RT
:hys: :hys: :hys: :hys: :hys: 🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡 :hys: :hys: :hys: :hys: :hys:
Here's Chuckles counter punching now

How about the Tea Party then. They were ready to tear the entire thing down just out of principle.
Maga is just the Tea Party with another 12 pack in them after all.

Do you know the difference between a punch and a counter punch?
I counter punch really hard - but you did punch first.
You think that was a punch? Grow some thicker skin.

Counter punch? You said “Dick head”. Owie! But seriously don’t give a shit what names I am called, and dude you are a fucking gnat.

As for the tea party. You keep buying into the distraction. It is just like a magic trick: don’t look there look here! MAGA, Antifa, Tea Party, Progressives, etc are all just tools.

Again the game is to stress the system to its breaking point so that it breaks down and has to be rebuilt. That is where the power and money are. Everything else is just about moving the chess pieces.
Not sure how someone in drag is any different than Gene Simmons or Slayer during their makeup days or any completely straight non makeup wearing person reading to kids. Trans or drags aren't going after kids anymore than any other demographic AFAIK.

If anything I'd be more worried about people like Poison, Motley Crue, or Stryper reading to kids!
As far as I know these dudes are NOT reading "Talk Dirty to Me" or "Girls, Girls Girls" to kids.

It is not ok for Trans/Drag people to read or strip or dance in front of children. It's weird and it is confusing for kids. If they want to be Trans or Gay or whatever when they are an adult, that's their call, but lets not fill their brains with that shit now. :dunno:
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It is not ok for Trans/Drag people to read or strip or dance in front of children.

Amazing that you put READ right alongside DANCE and STRIP.
Shows how your mind works.

Your mind is fucked up.


How come whole generations of kids didn't get messed up by this on TV?
Weekend after weekend after weekend. All with our parent's permission.

It's not Drag Queens reading to kids that's the problem.
It's your fucked up imagination.
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Look man, my wife was a democratic congresswoman for a period. We got an all access behind the scenes view of part of what is going on. We are now conservative leaning non party affiliated. Her time as an elected drove us away from both camps.
That sounds super familiar to me. From someone here a while back. Who were you before you were Clig if you don't mind me asking? Kudos for your wife BTW.
Amazing that you put READ right alongside DANCE and STRIP.
Shows how your mind works.

Your mind is fucked up.


How come whole generations of kids didn't get messed up by this on TV?
Weekend after weekend after weekend. All with our parent's permission.

It's not Drag Queens reading to kids that's the problem.
It's your fucked up imagination.
Probably because I was responding to and quoting Stripped Rights who used the word 'read' 🤷
The reason a whole generation didn't get messed up watching Bugs Bunny is because it is a cartoon, and even kids realize that it isn't real.
Oh now it's my imagination that is the problem :lol: Riiiiiiight.
You don’t get it.

It is not a left/right, conservative liberal issue.

Don Lemon just got his ass canned. So did Tucker Carlson. Polar opposite political views. Polar opposite ratings.

Tech companies and the media are ultimately all owned wholly or in part by the same very small group of wealthy individuals.

Cancellation by tech and media companies is about driving a specific agenda not an ideology and that agenda is not what it appears to be on the surface. That agenda is to divide and conquer this nation by pitting us against one another. They can spin the narrative left or right, but under the covers it is serving a common purpose/agenda.

Part of the push against conservative pundits is specifically to piss off conservatives. Get them riled up and spoiling for a fight. They do the same thing to liberals. They just push different buttons for the liberals (guns, abortion, etc).

The role of media and influnencers in they eyes of the elite who own everything is simple: to drive polarization and outrage. Anyone who strays from serving that narrative will meet a swift end. Some will also be sacrificed to drive people to feel targeted and under attack.
^^ there is big iron in these words
Probably because I was responding to and quoting Stripped Rights who used the word 'read' 🤷
The reason a whole generation didn't get messed up watching Bugs Bunny is because it is a cartoon, and even kids realize that it isn't real.
Oh now it's my imagination that is the problem :LOL: Riiiiiiight.
That's because we were taught what is real, what is not, and what is just unrealistic. I also had to work for my trophies
Well to be fair, I think that was in response to someone bringing up my children and therefore also my parenting ability, which is pretty scummy to be honest.
Donnie was responding to me having called him a “dummy”.

I never mentioned your children. Didn’t know that you had children for that matter.