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Right down to the black album cover itselfMetallica has unintentionally become spinal tap, wild
Right down to the black album cover itselfMetallica has unintentionally become spinal tap, wild
This is exactly what it is. If I were touring I'd take a modeler out too versus having my tech spend half the day trying to figure out the issue with my signal chain across a massive stage. That's a waste of time with current technology. Their techs even talk about it in rig run downs. It isn't a secret. I'm dumbfounded that people think these big bands are trying to pull a fast one on them.I think their switch to Fractal was more based on getting a consistent sound night after night than amps/cabs being too expensive to lug around. Queue the "what's the point in sounding consistent if it sounds like shit" but I'm sure that's the real reason.
Tbh, it was and the smartest decision they've ever made. Imagine the frustrations of having to EQ your amp and it's mic every single night on tour to make it sound somewhat pleasant.I think their switch to Fractal was more based on getting a consistent sound night after night than amps/cabs being too expensive to lug around. Queue the "what's the point in sounding consistent if it sounds like shit" but I'm sure that's the real reason.
They grew up on the Rock River from Rockford Il and in the RRHOF. In the 70's during the Budokan craze my best friends sister was Robin Zanders GF and when band members were at his house in our town [about 20 minutes from Rockford] i was sworn to secrecy and couldnt say a word.View attachment 335172
Rick Beatoffs message to anyone who doesn't like or agree with him wearing 3 guitars per song in his set and displaying dozens upon dozens on stage....
Go home you Corey Feldmans and get the fuck out of my concert!!!
Here's some recent live metallica recordings :Live, they had the luxury of and started using expertly mic’d isolation boxes for their 4x12 cabs in 1991 for that exact reason, consistency. And they stuck with that for a very long time, plus their FOH guy Mick loved it. Sure, the digital stuff is probably even more consistant but I bet the worst that 1991 setup ever sounded is still miles better than the Fractals.
I actually remember watching an interview a month or so ago where that's exactly the reason they said they do it. Real tube amps sound great, but due to power grid differences, the way power is routed in the venue, the lights, etc change the sound slightly and they can't do anything about it. But with their modelers, they say they can recreate the exact same sound every night, regardless of where they are.They need to ditch the bullshit transport excuses and just say it’s about knowing they’ll get the exact same sound, every night, every place. It may not be the best sound but it will be consistent. Probably saves time on setup and dialing it in. Not saying I like that but it may just be what they want to do.
Shit, I’ve only seen them once, around ‘95/95 and it was boring as shit (Suicidal were much better) and I’d been wanting to see them ever since I heard Kill ‘em All in ‘84. You just aren’t seeing that shit in Perth, Australia back then. Didn’t move to the States until ‘89.
So I can’t say I care too much how they do it now. It’s purely about nerding out on gear.
FixedHere's some recent Meshuggah tablature:
Sadly, seeing Metallica in 2000 was the most disappointed ive ever been seeing a band, it was at Giants stadium along with Slayer, Slipknot and a bunch others. Lars was at his pinnacle of not even attempting any double bass, James and Kirk from what i could actually hear of them didnt even sound like they playing the same song, James voice had no grunt anymore.. it was just offensively terrible, especially comparing to Slayer and all the others who killed it that day. No guitar, amp or new strings was going to help them on that night.
Maybe they're referring to the Headbangers Ball MTV specials but ironically that's considered Metallica's best live recordings til this day, out of any era of theirs. Especially by the fans who were listening to them in the 80's.Are you referring to the summer sanitarium tour? None of those bands were even on that tour lol. Same for the 2003 run.
Are you referring to the summer sanitarium tour? None of those bands were even on that tour lol. Same for the 2003 run.
Maybe they're referring to the Headbangers Ball MTV specials but ironically that's considered Metallica's best live recordings til this day, out of any era of theirs. Especially by the fans who were listening to them in the 80's.
JFC, it's like people here love to whine, make up shit and live in opposite of reality....
Didn't realize they were on that tour. I'm one of the weird ones who really liked the late 90s early 2000s live metallica. I went to the summer sanitarium concert as a kid so it's likely a nostalgia thing for me.no, it was Metallica that joined with the tattoo the earth tour
Best drummer Metallica ever had...