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I think they sound great, but like others have said, they are basically SLOs - if you really like the sound, you really like the SLO sound.

Just like the SLO, the low end is going to be round and you're going to need a boost to play metal or else it's going to be a little flubby.

Just like the SLO, that round low end is going to make leads sing and sound absolutely glorious

I haven't played the apocalypse, so that might be different than the Mzero and Trinity, but IMO they all sound great

basically if it was me, I would absolutely grab one if it was a good deal and I wanted that tone - for new prices though? I would just buy a BAD SLO and be done with it.

OTOH, if I wanted that sound for shorter cash, I would grab a Jet City 100 head
I hear this so much . I’ve not played one but over and over hear this .
I should’ve pointed out that I don’t play metal. I’m a rock guy.

Yeah that's why either the mezza or an SLO is gonna be a great shout for you, I think.

The roundness is going to be a benefit for those types of music, instead of a detriment as it would be for metal
Yeah that's why either the mezza or an SLO is gonna be a great shout for you, I think.

The roundness is going to be a benefit for those types of music, instead of a detriment as it would be for metal
That's the new tone term- "roundness" LOL
You guys crack me up. You micro-examine every nuance of tone on other amps, then when Wizard clips are posted (that blow it out the ass) you worship it like it's the second coming.
I'd own a Mezzabarba over the highly overrated and "incapable of a decent clip" Wizard all day long.
Damn dude --glad you said it first !!!!
You guys crack me up. You micro-examine every nuance of tone on other amps, then when Wizard clips are posted (that blow it out the ass) you worship it like it's the second coming.
I'd own a Mezzabarba over the highly overrated and "incapable of a decent clip" Wizard all day long.
Honestly, Mezzabarba and Wizards are completely different amps.
Hmm...owned the Trinity for a bit. Bigly disappointed that it did not work for me. Just nothing I could do with it. I like tight amps, I could never get the roundess out of it. OD, EQ, front, loop - nada. I mean it's got gain, no problem there but if I still owned it, it'd be shipped to Jeremy for that tightness mod. I owned an SLO back in the day and I just don't get comparison that so many mention. I really didn't have issue getting the SLO tight.

Loved the look of the amp, the build quality was freaking a work of art, just not for me tonally. Was actually the last high dollar amp I gave a go. I'll say this, I had the ENGL Artist afterwards and "for me", the Artist put it in the weeds tonally.
I'll 2nd that. The Engl Artist has kicked many high gain amps to the curb including the Trinity
Having not played the Apoc, I've owned the MZero, Trinity and the Skill and the Skill is the best of the 3
I love the idea of a SLO with a little more gain on the crunch mode but I didn't hear enough differences to justify considering a Mezzabarba