More and more I'm starting to hate cops.

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nbarts":78f80 said:
True. The sad part is that noone can protect you from law enforcement officers/agents commiting crimes against you. Except if you had a lot of money...

It's unfortunate but the alternative is anarchy and chaos. Defending yourself against a knife or firearm at the ATM isn't going to be an easy situation either. There are no easy answers to this issue.

Twice I haven't been issued a ticket, when actually I wouldn't have anything to say, because I did the violation - they were both women. 90% of male cops I've met were corrupt power addicted morons, they should be set on fire.

Dang, it must be your face because I've not encountered anywhere near a 90% rate.
I didn't say anything. All I did was post what he posted.
Oblivion DC":476e9 said:
I used to want to be a cop when I was younger but the more I see and hear - the more I'm starting to just despise them. Piece of shit, power tripping fuck stains. And then they wonder why they get shot and why people don't trust them. If you have a few minutes, check this shit out. ... 7759&hl=en

The radar detector will drive you crazy.

You generalizations about the police show your ignorance. Out of 700,000 officers in the US you see a couple of examples of bad officers and you dispise police in general?

Then you make a stupid ass comment like "And then they wonder why they get shot".

Show me 700,000 of any profession and I'll show you more criminals and assholes than you can find examples of in the ranks of police officers.

Cops are human, they make mistakes, and some just plain shouldn't be police. But to make comments like yours shows pure ignorance.

The officer in this video was out of line IMO. He did have probable cause to initiate a traffic stop, and the kid in the video did come right out with a shitty attitude. But as police officers you are supposed to be able to control yourself and deal with people who give you attitude. Obviously, that particular officer did not control himself and was out of line in my opinion. I would not defend that officers way of handling that stop. I don't know if he's a bad cop or just a cop having a bad day, but either way his behavior was not the right way to handle that stop. If that happened here I guarantee there would be serious consequences for the officer.
Copperhead":0f725 said:
True, she does cost me a lot of money, but she did give birth to my kids...............

Can you please ask her if that's not a normal procedure to take foot prints & fingerprints when someone brakes into & steals from somebody else's property? Can they be held responsible for not doing this?
Oblivion DC":35769 said:
And here's a few pics of a cop fucking up a roller girl - I think this happened sometime last year.









I know all cops aren't bad, but this kind of shit really makes my head hurt.

Don't get me started on this one, I know what happened with the "roller girl" and the police did nothing wrong.

Let me educate you on something that you may not be aware of. If you interfere with a police investigation you may be placed into custody. if you choose to fight the police, the police will fight back. If you choose to fight the police on pavement while wearing wheels on your feet and a miniskirt, not only will you prove to the world that you are a dumbass, you will likely experience some injuries. If you don't believe everything I just told you please call Michelle Metzinger (the dumbass in the pics) and ask her if everything I said isn't true.

If you want sympathy for people please pick someone who wasn't injured while fighting the police.

In the photos above, the roller girl was drunk and disorderly in a downtown club district. She was skating in and out of traffic across the street. Officer Gordon asked her to come over to his car to talk to her about her being in the street and when she approached the officer could see that she was intoxicated. The officer was in the process of giving her a ticket for PI when she decided she wanted to fight. She attempted to gouge the officer's eye out with her finger during the fight.

Nothing in those photos shows any wrong-doing by police. The officer performed a standard arm bar takedown and the knee on the back is standard procedure for control and handcuffing when a subject is taken to the ground. The police don't get to choose when people fight or how hard the ground is when people choose to fight. If you choose to fight the police you should expect to be taken under control swiftly.
Odin":7f8a0 said:
Oblivion DC":7f8a0 said:
I used to want to be a cop when I was younger but the more I see and hear - the more I'm starting to just despise them. Piece of shit, power tripping fuck stains. And then they wonder why they get shot and why people don't trust them. If you have a few minutes, check this shit out. ... 7759&hl=en

The radar detector will drive you crazy.

You generalizations about the police show your ignorance. Out of 700,000 officers in the US you see a couple of examples of bad officers and you dispise police in general?

Then you make a stupid ass comment like "And then they wonder why they get shot".

Show me 700,000 of any profession and I'll show you more criminals and assholes than you can find examples of in the ranks of police officers.

Cops are human, they make mistakes, and some just plain shouldn't be police. But to make comments like yours shows pure ignorance.

Well put....the cop bashing on amp forums gets very old.
Digital Jams":b40fc said:
Three weeks ago I was nailed dead to right.......65 in a 30 and I pulled right over and had my hands on the wheel with paperwork off.

Most officers that I know (with the exception of traffic officers, who write tickets only as their job description) do not want to write tickets. They will stop you and talk to you and if you don't get a bad attitude you have a very good chance of getting a verbal warning instead of a ticket.

Of course there will be exceptions, and some officers like to write tickets, but a good attitude will go a long way in determining if you get a warning or a ticket.

In Texas, a misdemeanor such as a traffic offense, can be dealt with 3 ways. The officer can give a verbal warning, issue a citation, or arrest the person and take them before a magistrate. In Texas, any traffic offense except 2 (speeding and an open container violation) is an arrestable offense. If someone came right out and started talking trash and mouthing off to me I'd be very tempted to arrest them for their traffic offense and let their car get towed and impounded. I'm not saying I would do that every time, but it would be an option. OTOH, if the driver in that video had simply handed over his license he would have been on his way in two minutes.
ejecta":b1112 said:
Check this shit out. At least she wins in the end.

That cop screwed up. There are so many things wrong with that deal I don't know where to start.

The most amazing thing is that a cop would actually go through the drive thru in a marked patrol car - that's a sure way to get sick or worse.
I've had my license for about a year, and I got stopped doing 50 in a 40 like 2 minutes from my house. The cop pulled me over, asked me what was up, I told him that I had no excuse and tried to act contrite, I gave him my license/regisration/proof of insurance, he asked me what school I went to, I told him, turns out he was an alumni, we talked for 5 minutes, then he let me go without even a written warning, and he waved and beeped when I pulled off. Couldn't have been a nicer guy. You get a handful of assholes every once in a while, but you get that with every profession.
if i was a cop, anyone who i deemed "shady" would be beaten. i would beat people down for wearing their pants too low, i'd beat people down for riding in lowered ford rangers; gold teefs, rebel flags on their vehicles, if they walked down the side of the road with an attitude, etc... i'd instill fear into the masses and my town would be rid of crime, other than my beatings, which would always get tossed out in court due to lack of video evidence and whatnot. if i ever pulled over a hot woman, i'd let her off the ticket for sexual favors. there would be no high speed chases b/c i'd grenade your ass. i would blast anthrax's "i am the law" anytime i have to come onto the scene.

You really can't assume that all cops are assholes just because there are few bad apples out there. The first video the dude was provoking it all so he could get another settlement out the city. The cop did overreact tho.

My experience is that cops, even if THEY seem to have a bad attitude as long as you remain calm, polite and answer their questions they'll end up letting you slide as long its a minoir traffic offense. I 've had them thank me for being so codial and coopertive :) They are just out there doing their jobs like the rest of us. I do admit there are some officers who really shouldnt be cops...the ones who have a god like complex and abuse their authority. I ran into one like that before and I got pulled over going home for lunch, for some reason he thought I had weed in my car (must have been the long ass hippy hair at the time), I told him I don't. Ran my info, nutin then asked if he could search my car. I said sure no problem....after about 10 minutes of him going through my car he let me go even though the longer it went without hoim finding anything the more of an attitude he seemed to get :)
peaveyT60":831dd said:
if i was a cop, anyone who i deemed "shady" would be beaten. i would beat people down for wearing their pants too low, i'd beat people down for riding in lowered ford rangers; gold teefs, rebel flags on their vehicles, if they walked down the side of the road with an attitude, etc... i'd instill fear into the masses and my town would be rid of crime, other than my beatings, which would always get tossed out in court due to lack of video evidence and whatnot. if i ever pulled over a hot woman, i'd let her off the ticket for sexual favors. there would be no high speed chases b/c i'd grenade your ass. i would blast anthrax's "i am the law" anytime i have to come onto the scene.


peaveyT60":e1b2f said:
if i was a cop, anyone who i deemed "shady" would be beaten. i would beat people down for wearing their pants too low, i'd beat people down for riding in lowered ford rangers; gold teefs, rebel flags on their vehicles, if they walked down the side of the road with an attitude, etc... i'd instill fear into the masses and my town would be rid of crime, other than my beatings, which would always get tossed out in court due to lack of video evidence and whatnot. if i ever pulled over a hot woman, i'd let her off the ticket for sexual favors. there would be no high speed chases b/c i'd grenade your ass. i would blast anthrax's "i am the law" anytime i have to come onto the scene.


I want to move to your town. :lol: :LOL:
Three weeks ago I was nailed dead to right.......65 in a 30 and I pulled right over and had my hands on the wheel with paperwork off.

I guess I'm lucky or something, but I've never had a problem with cops. If I'm pulled over I just get my license and registration out immediately,...I never argue, I just cooperate. More times than not when I've been pulled over it's been completely justified. My goal in that situation is to get my warning or ticket as quickly as possible and get back to going where ever I was going.

I would say by and large more cops than not are good people just trying to do their job,...but like with any other job or part of society there are bad ones that ruin it for the rest.
danyeo":608c1 said:
The driver of the car was a fucking asshole at first
:lol: :LOL:

I dont agree but either way the cop is FUCKING CRAZY.

Not all cops are bad but when I think of the type of person that becomes a cop I remember that they're not usually people I would hang out with. There are exceptions to that rule of course.
IIRC those pictures are TXRD rollergirls from Austin but I think that happened in Dallas. I remember when it went down though.