My big belly is getting in the way of my guitar playing!

  • Thread starter Thread starter PeteLaramee
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Well-known member
So, I've put on a few pounds (or 50) over the past few years and my guitar just doesn't sit the same against my belly. :lol: :LOL: I can't see the fretboard properly while standing up (no problem while sitting down and/or recording). I already needed to lose I guess I have another reason. :lol: :LOL:

Anyone else had this issue?
Yep. But I stopped looking at the fret board long ago. I order my guitars with nekked fret boards, and just use the side markers.

And I should also loose some weight. But my girlie loves big guys, so I am not very self conscious about it.
Bro I'm one Dorito away from getting a stretch mark on my taint
Ive gained 60 lbs in the last 5 years since becoming a local truck driver... I too barely have sight of my penis these days...I also pay the fat tax(gym membership without going lol)
The only way to get rid of it is diet.
Gotta suffer, like it or not.
Working out is only 1/8 of the answer IMO
I work out more in a week than most people in a year and I'm 20 lbs overweight.
I eat a ton of shit at night when I watch TV for an hour.

Basically gotta cut out all whites. Sugar, pasta, bread. You know, all the good shit.
If you can discipline yourself at night to grab an apple or have some oat meal instead of a 1/2 rack of Oreos (yep that's me)
the weight will come off quick.

No beer, no booze.

The fastest way to do this is go plant based for a couple months. Easier said than done.
Holy crap...I thought it was just me...thanks for this post.
I'm 47 and work out more everyday than I'd like to admit. I mean hours. A normal person would be a twig. I eat a small bowl of raisin bran every morning. For lunch I have a bowl of soup...and for dinner I eat reasonably...but I'm still like 30 lbs overweight. I realized I just need to eat zero sugar, and now I have to eat 1/2 of what I do for dinner, and trust me, It's NOT a lot... :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh:


billsbigego":2y6nlfto said:
The only way to get rid of it is diet.
Gotta suffer, like it or not.
Working out is only 1/8 of the answer IMO
I work out more in a week than most people in a year and I'm 20 lbs overweight.
I eat a ton of shit at night when I watch TV for an hour.

Basically gotta cut out all whites. Sugar, pasta, bread. You know, all the good shit.
If you can discipline yourself at night to grab an apple or have some oat meal instead of a 1/2 rack of Oreos (yep that's me)
the weight will come off quick.

No beer, no booze.

The fastest way to do this is go plant based for a couple months. Easier said than done.
yngzaklynch":j8czzyzf said:
Bro I'm one Dorito away from getting a stretch mark on my taint
:lol: :LOL: I think I just found the title of my next album.
rottingcorpse":25pgbrrd said:
Yep. But I stopped looking at the fret board long ago. I order my guitars with nekked fret boards, and just use the side markers.

And I should also loose some weight. But my girlie loves big guys, so I am not very self conscious about it.
Back when I played out all the time I could get away w/out looking at my fretboard much...except over solos. Now I only play instrumental music so now I'm shit fucked. :lol: :LOL:
evhfan":20yxkvln said:
Holy crap...I thought it was just me...thanks for this post.
I'm 47 and work out more everyday than I'd like to admit. I mean hours. A normal person would be a twig. I eat a small bowl of raisin bran every morning. For lunch I have a bowl of soup...and for dinner I eat reasonably...but I'm still like 30 lbs overweight. I realized I just need to eat zero sugar, and now I have to eat 1/2 of what I do for dinner, and trust me, It's NOT a lot... :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh:


billsbigego":20yxkvln said:
The only way to get rid of it is diet.
Gotta suffer, like it or not.
Working out is only 1/8 of the answer IMO
I work out more in a week than most people in a year and I'm 20 lbs overweight.
I eat a ton of shit at night when I watch TV for an hour.

Basically gotta cut out all whites. Sugar, pasta, bread. You know, all the good shit.
If you can discipline yourself at night to grab an apple or have some oat meal instead of a 1/2 rack of Oreos (yep that's me)
the weight will come off quick.

No beer, no booze.

The fastest way to do this is go plant based for a couple months. Easier said than done.
I'm also 47 and I'm sure age has a lot to do with it too. That said I'm 50 pounds heavier than my fighting weight (for lack of a better term) and about 70 pounds heavier than my lightest weight back when I ran, worked out, didn't eat meat, and ate less than 10 grams of fat per day (sometimes less than 5) and fruit was my only sugar. But that was 15 years ago and I'm not in my 30s anymore. I have friends from school who are still in top shape - one of which still performs as an acrobat (Cirque Du Soliel), but they don't work full time jobs, have kids, etc. And they didn't have to fight back from borderline obesity. :lol: :LOL:

I just want to lose enough weight to see the front of my fretboard...that's all. :lol: :LOL:
I got a buddy doing this. Guy has clots, kidney failure, you name it. He's been on nuts and berries (basically) for 6 months and 90% of his issues are gone.

Came over my house a few weeks ago and ate a raw head of broccoli for dinner while I ate crock pot ribs laden with high fructose corn syrup BBQ sauce.
I have to tie a piece of string round mine to find it and then pull it out like a wobbly tooth.
JimmyBlind":sjvl2jm0 said:
I have to tie a piece of string round mine to find it and then pull it out like a wobbly tooth.
:lol: :LOL: Is that where you got your username? :lol: :LOL:
Thank the maker I have gorilla arms to reach around my Buddha belly to reach big Jim and the twins. I am built like a every way. 6'3 and 310lbs. With a permanent scowl. At least I am incredibly handsome and charming.

I have to be honest and say I'd rather be fat and enjoy my food than eat twigs and berries. Life is short anyway. Bring me bacon and nobody gets hurt.
Depends on your body man. My wifes diet is 90% boxed shit, heated in the microwave. She can down 1/2 a bottle of wine a night and get up at 5:30 with a smile on her face. If I did what she did, my body would give out on me by now.
Long story short, played sports is school, skinny, 8 years in the Marines, great shape, 15 years as a sales and service engineer ( lots of mechanic work, walking, lifting etc.) never over 215, laid off and hit 240 quick! My wife suggested counting calories and.. it works, I eat what I want, but not everything in sight. I cheat on weekends. You can look it up and find how much you want to weigh, according to how tall you are, sex, etc. and eat that many calories a day.. and going for a 15 minute walk a couple times a day won't hurt either. I'm back down to 205, 6' 2" and feel a whole lot better.
Just a fat man trying to get thru life! Both my parents died and I took a big change with my career. Im 58 lbs overweight! Mine is all I try to play guitar but I am a fat man when I sit and play so my guitar has a gut cut and I keep thinking about how to lose weight!
Rezamatix":z7zq6s78 said:
diet and exercise guys. cmon...this thread is super depressing.

How the fuck am I supposed to exercise when my kids, wife and all my employees take all my time? I mean, I want to take time for me...but the fucking horror that happens when I do is to stressful...