My big belly is getting in the way of my guitar playing!

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Jeff Hilligan":3ant0pfc said:
Rezamatix":3ant0pfc said:
diet and exercise guys. cmon...this thread is super depressing.

How the fuck am I supposed to exercise when my kids, wife and all my employees take all my time? I mean, I want to take time for me...but the fucking horror that happens when I do is to stressful...
How are they going to feel when you end up with a heart attack?

You only get one body and you have to treat it with respect. There is no justification for destroying your health when everything else you do in life relies on it...

Building a gut is real easy. You can drink a 1/2 a soda a night and you'll see no weight gain really, but over time, that's how it works.
It takes a fuck ton of discipline to lose weight and just not eat rubbish. Rubbish is EVERYWHERE.

I'm talking about cutting out sauce on meats and bread and pasta and all that good shit. Get use to the fact that food is a necessity, not a luxury. Discipline your mind to understand that not everything you eat has to have sugar and sauce and shit on it. We're a ketchup house. But I get the Simply Heinz. It has sugar instead of high fructose corn syrup. But if you can do something like honey and mustard sauce. That's better than fucking ketchup. Apple cider vinegar on salads and just a little bit of olive oil.

I also do not believe that fat is bad. Everything is low fat in this country and we're the fattest fucks on the planet. Obviously it doesn't work.

Milk is also rubbish as well. Milk is not milk anymore. When you get the raw milk delivered to your house in the am? That was milk. The stuff we get now is not milk, it's fucking PUSS.

I go by the Jack Lelane rule. When I eat something, I ask myself "did man touch this? If so, how much did he touch it?"
Everything man touches, food-wise, turns to shit.

You can go plant based and survive and feel great. But the issue is the recipes take a shit load of prep time, getting ingredients and cooking and whatnot. Most do not have the time for this. So, we turn to the easy shit, which is not good for you really.

I'm trying to incorporate more potatoes and vegetables and squash and other starches. Oat meal, apples, tons of ginger. Kale shakes. Tangerines, bananas.
No cheese, no milk products. I eat meat, but usually just at dinner. It's all the sugar laden rubbish that is the primary issue. I also eat eggs. Man has not yet figured out a way to fuck up an egg. Unless you get the liquid chemical egg beaters in a container. If you're too lazy to cook an egg, go fuck ya mother, LOL
sah5150":1y5mu6dp said:
Jeff Hilligan":1y5mu6dp said:
Rezamatix":1y5mu6dp said:
diet and exercise guys. cmon...this thread is super depressing.

How the fuck am I supposed to exercise when my kids, wife and all my employees take all my time? I mean, I want to take time for me...but the fucking horror that happens when I do is to stressful...
How are they going to feel when you end up with a heart attack?

You only get one body and you have to treat it with respect. There is no justification for destroying your health when everything else you do in life relies on it...


Thanks for this have always been very kind to me!
Here's the other side of this. I love this country, but I fucking hate this country too. Michelle Oblama is going to schools telling kids that tater tots are bad. Which is good. But you think they'd instead make some real mashed potatoes? I'm not talking about powder in a bag either mixed with water.
They wont call out the companies that are fucking poisoning kids with HFCS and mac and cheese and other processed rubbish. Most inner city kids don't even know what a fucking tomato is.

They're all about HEALTHCARE HEALTHCARE HEALTHCARE and it's 100% fucking bullshit. If people were educated. If Kraft, Nabisco, General Mills and all the other companies poisoning people with their SHIT FOOD were prosecuted and forced to not use chemical shit ingredients, there would be a less of a need for fucking healthcare. But it's all about CASH in this corrupt fucking country.

I've been using Truvia in my coffee in the am. For weeks I've felt like shit. Body aches and all that. Truvia is not completely stevia. So I google Truvia, body aches and YEP. Countless others experiencing the same symptoms. So into the rubbish goes the truvia.

I'm not usually a conspiracy theorist, but I'm pretty much 100% convinced that the system is designed to make you sick, so the HMO's and Big Pharma gets rich. Oh this shit pisses me off beyond belief. Can you tell?
Rezamatix":n64s8sey said:
Jeff Hilligan":n64s8sey said:
Rezamatix":n64s8sey said:
diet and exercise guys. cmon...this thread is super depressing.

How the fuck am I supposed to exercise when my kids, wife and all my employees take all my time? I mean, I want to take time for me...but the fucking horror that happens when I do is to stressful...

Discipline brother. Gotta NOT eat ANY crap. Get ready for a steady diet of Salads with chicken breast. Get up at 5 am and go for a 30 minute jog/walk run. Everyday. Don't eat ANY crap. STOP drinking beer. You have to burn more calories than you eat, and LOWER the calories you DO eat. Its all discipline. You can't blame family etc. YOUR health is more important. Losing weight isn't magic , its a science and ALL of the information out there can be dizzying, DIET and EXERCISE is REPEATED the MOST.

You can also sign up with a personal trainer, and MAKE this happen. Its ALL up to you.

Thanks you for the support. I have no people other than family in my life. Its a fact and its a choice my wife and I have made to be somewhat socially recluse. I moved away and in the 3 years since, I have not been able to connect with anyone in my daily life, a guy a friend a supporter. My mom was undoubted the cheerleader in my life and she is now gone. I have come to find out that in her death, I thought I was a person who did not need support. Boy was I wrong, I am a very needy in being supported and valued. Anyway thanks to you and Steve for making my joking post a bit of a RT friend wake up call!
sah5150":22fqxdh0 said:
Jeff Hilligan":22fqxdh0 said:
Rezamatix":22fqxdh0 said:
diet and exercise guys. cmon...this thread is super depressing.

How the fuck am I supposed to exercise when my kids, wife and all my employees take all my time? I mean, I want to take time for me...but the fucking horror that happens when I do is to stressful...
How are they going to feel when you end up with a heart attack?

You only get one body and you have to treat it with respect. There is no justification for destroying your health when everything else you do in life relies on it...


I'm in the same boat. I'm 5'7" and just topping 200 lbs. I've got my 50th birthday coming up in April and I've committed to dropping 50 lbs between now and then. Getting the time to take care of: my wife (blown out ankle about to go in for repair and just had carpal tunnel surgery so she is essentially useless at this point in time), a 4 year old (doesn't want to sleep alone and wont stay in bed), a 13 month old (who certainly can't be left alone for any length of time) and three dogs - and still do anything for me is a challenge. Then there's dishes, laundry, vacuuming, giving baths, reading bedtime stories, mowing lawns, grocery shopping and paying bills, not to mention guitar playing and going to work during the day. :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh:

I'm so tired all the time... :aww:

But I'm slowly getting a handle on getting the workouts in. They don't always happen but more often than not I'm getting in there and am able to do something productive.
I'm pretty much the same weight,height etc....that I've always been..5'10" 185/190 give or take. It's just that my body has taken it upon itself to relocate some things..Ya ass moved up into my belly etc...I also still have all my hair but it too has been my back,ears,eyebrows.. :lol: :LOL:
If you can drop your carb intake to under 200 a day your body will start to burn its fat storage for energy. Yes it's a pain in the ass but if you can survive the first 2 weeks of cravings and being tired, the lbs will come off quick. But you have to be disciplined..I did this years ago and it worked well. Increase your protein intake as well. On the weekends do what you wish. But if you can stick to this mon-fri I guarantee you will lose wt. Don't do the Atkins version because your cholesterol will go sky healthy protein.
I was doing fine up until a month ago. I made it down to 200 eating salads, clear broth based soups, etc. and one meal a day for a few weeks. Got me down from 240 to 200 pretty fast. No stretch marks ;)

Now I'm back up to ~ 210 :(

my target is 195 with a stretch goal of 190. I'm 6'5" and north of my 30s.

I'm going to skip dinner
rsm":3j7x6pvy said:
I was doing fine up until a month ago. I made it down to 200 eating salads, clear broth based soups, etc. and one meal a day for a few weeks. Got me down from 240 to 200 pretty fast. No stretch marks ;)

Now I'm back up to ~ 210 :(

my target is 195 with a stretch goal of 190. I'm 6'5" and north of my 30s.

I'm going to skip dinner

Tell us what you ate specifically on a regular basis. My problem is I need a strict regimen. Eat this at this time, that at that time. I guess it's the boot camp in me still.
I'd eat salads with low fat dressing, romain/radicio blend, carrots, onions, pepperoncini, hard boiled egg. I'd make a pot of soup on Sunday and try to get it to last all week. 1 -2 pounds of meat/fish, 1-2 veggie/beef/seafood broth - low sodium Swanson, and a pack of frozen Publix brand vegetables for soup or gumbo. I'd drink coffee in the morning, have soup and/or salad around 2-4 PM usually or say soup for lunch and salad for dinner, drink water all the time, and green tea in the evening. One alcohol drink per night max.

I was hungry all the time though for the first few weeks, then it wasn't bad, then I didn't notice it at all...and I hit 200. I looked and felt better, girls/women noticed.

Unfortunately, I got back on the chuck wagon. I need to do this again.

edit: I also cut out snacking in between.
I've never been huge but got up to almost 190 and for me that's pretty big. I stopped drinking soda and started drinking water (which I hated). Dropped 20 lbs in a year from just doing that. And I didn't completey stop drinking soda or beer or what not, just my main drink became water.
Meal prep is one/if not the best thing to do. I grille up things for the whole week. Boil sweet potatos and steam big bag of organic u don't just grab and eat the fast easy things
Whether or not we can see the fret board or body parts as well any more you guys still rip it up on guitar and it's evident that we all still love it. Do our best and enjoy were we've been and were we are going!

You guys are great!!
crwnedblasphemy":2z8uf59k said:
Meal prep is one/if not the best thing to do. I grille up things for the whole week. Boil sweet potatos and steam big bag of organic u don't just grab and eat the fast easy things

I don't care what anyone says. Sweet potatoes are one of the best things you can eat.
Yep, gained 20-25 lbs just over the last year. Kind of like Hilly. Dad passed away, I'm an only child so taking care of Mom, teens in the house (with issues!) and then all the other crap/responsibilities. Have never been a worry stress guy at all until the last few years. Starting having a beer or two per night. Put on the lbs. quickly. Ugh. Too much work to get it off. Sucks. I figure get my kids out on their own, take care of Mom and that's about it for my usefulness anyway so I'll be pretty much done here in not too many years.
billsbigego":3ly26z9j said:
crwnedblasphemy":3ly26z9j said:
Meal prep is one/if not the best thing to do. I grille up things for the whole week. Boil sweet potatos and steam big bag of organic u don't just grab and eat the fast easy things

I don't care what anyone says. Sweet potatoes are one of the best things you can eat.
Yup, full o' good carbs, vitamins and minerals. Frankly, baked potatoes are great too if people would just stop slathering them with butter, sour cream and bacon...

It's not that hard really to eat healthfully. Lean protein (salmon, chicken breast, turkey breast, eggs and egg whites, the occasional lean red meat), lots o' veggies and fruits, small amounts of good fats (walnuts, almonds, olive oil, etc.). Don't go crazy on the breads and pastas and if you are gonna do it, stick with whole grains and tomato-based pasta sauces. Avoid sweets, sugared soda, etc. Drink lots o' water.

Look, I'm 55 years old and 6"4" and 188 pounds. Not much fat on me, mostly lean muscle. I've gone through what most of us have with the slowing metabolism with age and varying activity levels. But as soon as I put on 5-10 lbs, I cut back on what I'm eating and get back down to the correct weight for me. Letting it go 25, 35, 50 lbs. is what makes it seem hopeless. Gotta nip it early I say. That said, there is all kinds of proof that no matter how much you've gained, you can lose it with SOME discipline and a lot of perseverance.

While I try to eat healthfully most meals, I'm certainly not on any draconian diet long term and neither do you have to be. It's about portion control more than anything (although you can't control the amount EVERY time or you'll feel deprived). Take in less when your activity level is lower and you can eat more when your activity level is higher. Right now, I have the luxury of exercising a lot and I eat more, but when things kick up and I can't commit to this level of activity I'll eat less and maintain my weight. Exercise is important for other reasons, but as many have said, you could exercise all day long and still be fat if you over consume...

I eat bad stuff, guys. I allow myself a certain amount of meals that just taste friggin' good so I'm not deprived all the time. I had chicken and waffles this morning with fried chicken, spicy mayo, syrup, the whole nine yards. Absolutely hideous for me, but if I do that 3-5 times a week, it allows me to eat well and in smaller portions at every other meal. I drink alcohol, including beer too - you just have to moderate it.

When I'm trying to lose weight, I tighten things up. I'd maybe eat a bad meal 1-2 times a week, only drink on the weekend, cut portions a bit. Once I hit where I want to be (measured more on how my clothes fit that on actual scale lbs.), I'll amp up portions and drinks allowed a bit to match my current activity level.

I gotta say, all this talk of NO beer and NO sauces and NO pasta, etc., etc., etc, is just a recipe for failure. We all love to eat and drink GOOD food. If you don't give yourself a chance to indulge IN MODERATION, it always fails. Diets are bullshit and cannot be maintained over long periods of time. If you want to lose weight and MAINTAIN it, you can't be deprived all the time, or you'll binge and end up back where you started...

My random thoughts on this. If they help anyone, that would be awesome... :rock:

I lost about 40 lbs based on portion control and exercise...I need to do this again...good advice Steve

sah5150":3fqc3md8 said:
billsbigego":3fqc3md8 said:
crwnedblasphemy":3fqc3md8 said:
Meal prep is one/if not the best thing to do. I grille up things for the whole week. Boil sweet potatos and steam big bag of organic u don't just grab and eat the fast easy things

I don't care what anyone says. Sweet potatoes are one of the best things you can eat.
Yup, full o' good carbs, vitamins and minerals. Frankly, baked potatoes are great too if people would just stop slathering them with butter, sour cream and bacon...

It's not that hard really to eat healthfully. Lean protein (salmon, chicken breast, turkey breast, eggs and egg whites, the occasional lean red meat), lots o' veggies and fruits, small amounts of good fats (walnuts, almonds, olive oil, etc.). Don't go crazy on the breads and pastas and if you are gonna do it, stick with whole grains and tomato-based pasta sauces. Avoid sweets, sugared soda, etc. Drink lots o' water.

Look, I'm 55 years old and 6"4" and 188 pounds. Not much fat on me, mostly lean muscle. I've gone through what most of us have with the slowing metabolism with age and varying activity levels. But as soon as I put on 5-10 lbs, I cut back on what I'm eating and get back down to the correct weight for me. Letting it go 25, 35, 50 lbs. is what makes it seem hopeless. Gotta nip it early I say. That said, there is all kinds of proof that no matter how much you've gained, you can lose it with SOME discipline and a lot of perseverance.

While I try to eat healthfully most meals, I'm certainly not on any draconian diet long term and neither do you have to be. It's about portion control more than anything (although you can't do control the amount EVERY time or you'll feel deprived). Take in less when your activity level is lower and you can eat more when your activity level is higher. Right now, I have the luxury of exercising a lot and I eat more, but when things kick up and I can't commit to this level of activity I'll eat less and maintain my weight. Exercise is important for other reasons, but as many have said, you could exercise all day long and still be fat if you over consume...

I eat bad stuff, guys. I allow myself a certain amount of meals that just taste friggin' good so I'm not deprived all the time. I had chicken and waffles this morning with fried chicken, spicy mayo, syrup, the whole nine yards. Absolutely hideous for me, but if I do that 3-5 times a week, it allows me to eat well and in smaller portions at every other meal. I drink alcohol, including beer too - you just have to moderate it.

When I'm trying to lose weight, I tighten things up. I'd maybe eat a bad meal 1-2 times a week, only drink on the weekend, cut portions a bit. Once I hit where I want to be (measured more on how my clothes fit that on actual scale lbs.), I'll amp up portions and drinks allowed a bit to match my current activity level.

I gotta say, all this talk of NO beer and NO sauces and NO pasta, etc., etc., etc, is just a recipe for failure. We all love to eat and drink GOOD food. If you don't give yourself a chance to indulge IN MODERATION, it always fails. Diets are bullshit and cannot be maintained over long periods of time. If you want to lose weight and MAINTAIN it, you can't be deprived all the time, or you'll binge and end up back where you started...

My random thoughts on this. If they help anyone, that would be awesome... :rock:

All this talk of diet and exercise.
Not me. I am going to try to get as fat as humanly possibke. Maybe 800 or 900 pounds?
Who is with me?!!? :lol: :LOL:
Here's a damn good lunch if any are interested.
I make this all the time.

Boil potatoes, cherry tomatoes, onions and some garlic cloves.

Boil the shit, drain, mash it all up and put some black pepper and lemon juice on top. Tastes good, no butter or oil. Energy. Good shit.