My big belly is getting in the way of my guitar playing!

  • Thread starter Thread starter PeteLaramee
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Who said Doritos????? That's the perfect American food...wash it down with a 12 of Mountain Dew.....there you go!
rottingcorpse":1umyk7yc said:
Thank the maker I have gorilla arms to reach around my Buddha belly to reach big Jim and the twins. I am built like a every way. 6'3 and 310lbs. With a permanent scowl. At least I am incredibly handsome and charming.

I have to be honest and say I'd rather be fat and enjoy my food than eat twigs and berries. Life is short anyway. Bring me bacon and nobody gets hurt.

That's the problem, life is too short and it will only be shorter if you are overweight. I am still a bit overweight and I hate it. I had a car wreck and was in bed for close to two years afterwards. I go to physical therapy daily but still need to lose more weight. My number 1 enemy has become sugar. Its really strange, I never used to be a sugar eater, I would have a soda with a meal every once in a while, and when I was done, the majority of the soda was still left. Now I cant seem to get enough of the stuff. I live for Coco pebbles, and soda. And I smoke, oh god, I need to stop both!! What I cant figure out is how I even started liking sugar, I didn't really used to like it. I also walk everyday, but the sugar seems to over power any kind of exercise. Its actually hard to cut it out of your diet, I cut back bigtime, but those damn coco pebbles are hard to kick man!
'63-Strat":t3vxzlow said:
Like Steve said, your health affects everything. You take it for granted until there's a problem and then it's too late. You wouldn't put shitty gas/oil/etc. in your car and expect it to run properly so treat your body like it's the only one you've got. Spoiler: it is. And every single cell in your body is being built with what you put in it. The old adage of "you are what you eat" is painfully accurate.

When I was growing up, there was no bad food in my house. My parents were health nuts, but by the time I was 12 or so, I stopped fiending for the stuff I saw other kids eating. You can get used to anything, my dad used to say, "Food is fuel, not fun!" I used to hate hearing it, but I was thankful for many years afterwards, That is, until I got fat, now I tell myself that. I think I might be a slight hypochondriac. Sometimes I think my heart beats funny, and I know it is because I am overweight, Being fat even messes with your mind. I never used to stress about my health, but now I do. I went to the doctor and said, "there is something wrong with my heart, I think it beats out of time sometimes." They ran every test there is and my heart is fine. But even though they told me it is ok, I start thinking, "maybe they missed something??" I know I wouldn't think like tht if I was in good shape. I need to kick sugar!!! Its amazing how sugar can put the weight on. I don't really eat really fatty or greasy foods. I eat a ton of sugar, but have cut some out. I will cut the rest out very soon.

Remember, FOOD IS FUEL, NOT FUN!!!!!
To go the other way - though "diet" is important, but exercise is more important. I was a certified trainer in my 20s, and a lot of "what works" has changed since then.

HIT (high intensity training) exercise, and instead of 3 squares, now 6 small meals throughout the day are vogue now.

You can't eat crap, but Michael Phelps was 10-12k calories a day - he just burnt it off.

Obviously you need to find the formula that works for you. Eating whole foods is a start.

But exercise is key. It will improve your overall health. It will rev up your energy, you'll sleep better (very important), help bones, joints and organs. You could eat salad every meal, lose your fat, but unless you were obese your overall health isn't much better. Skinny people aren't necessarily healthy. Our bodies were made to move. Period. Fuel it properly and move. Weight training isn't really moving, good to do to build lean muscle, but you need cardio. If your in the gym 1 hr a day, not losing weight, then you need to adjust your routine. Sure it's cool to max on the bench and show off your guns, but that isn't going to make the gut disappear. Exercise like you imagine a girl would. Cardio, Yoga, Pilates, hiking, etc. Mix it up. Change routines once a month. Shock the body. No ruts. Eat sensibly and your weight and health will improve dramatically. ;)
Shark Diver":1f01a43n said:
To go the other way - though "diet" is important, but exercise is more important. I was a certified trainer in my 20s, and a lot of "what works" has changed since then.

HIT (high intensity training) exercise, and instead of 3 squares, now 6 small meals throughout the day are vogue now.

You can't eat crap, but Michael Phelps was 10-12k calories a day - he just burnt it off.

Obviously you need to find the formula that works for you. Eating whole foods is a start.

But exercise is key. It will improve your overall health. It will rev up your energy, you'll sleep better (very important), help bones, joints and organs. You could eat salad every meal, lose your fat, but unless you were obese your overall health isn't much better. Skinny people aren't necessarily healthy. Our bodies were made to move. Period. Fuel it properly and move. Weight training isn't really moving, good to do to build lean muscle, but you need cardio. If your in the gym 1 hr a day, not losing weight, then you need to adjust your routine. Sure it's cool to max on the bench and show off your guns, but that isn't going to make the gut disappear. Exercise like you imagine a girl would. Cardio, Yoga, Pilates, hiking, etc. Mix it up. Change routines once a month. Shock the body. No ruts. Eat sensibly and your weight and health will improve dramatically. ;)

Yep, most people lead such sedentary lifestyles now compared to what it used to require simply to get your basic chores done. When you had to make all your food/clothing/hand wash all laundry etc. yourself and cook every meal and constantly get water, chop wood let alone actual hunter gatherer societies etc. You gotta make time, even if it's simply going for a couple 20-30 minute walks/day that is a good start. Everyone thinks they're busy regardless of how busy they actually are, know what I mean? The people I know that are *really* busy are also really good at time management and they seem to be able to fit exercise in. Meanwhile I know people that mainly sit at home and smoke pot but if you listen to them you'd think they were just as busy :lol: :LOL:
Swimming is the best exercise. When I worked in Alaska I gained 30lbs.I was 240 when I moved to Hawaii. Lots of swimming, treading water, and I was quickly down in the 190's.i guess I need to move to Hawaii again :/

I can't, so I'm planning to buy a endless pool fast lane
I lost 30kg two years ago from 95kg to 65kg. I did gain some muscle so went up to about 70kg.

I found that my guitar felt lighter to hold, I had more endurance and generally enjoyed playing a lot more.
'63-Strat":1pwyxeuw said:
Shark Diver":1pwyxeuw said:
To go the other way - though "diet" is important, but exercise is more important. I was a certified trainer in my 20s, and a lot of "what works" has changed since then.

HIT (high intensity training) exercise, and instead of 3 squares, now 6 small meals throughout the day are vogue now.

You can't eat crap, but Michael Phelps was 10-12k calories a day - he just burnt it off.

Obviously you need to find the formula that works for you. Eating whole foods is a start.

But exercise is key. It will improve your overall health. It will rev up your energy, you'll sleep better (very important), help bones, joints and organs. You could eat salad every meal, lose your fat, but unless you were obese your overall health isn't much better. Skinny people aren't necessarily healthy. Our bodies were made to move. Period. Fuel it properly and move. Weight training isn't really moving, good to do to build lean muscle, but you need cardio. If your in the gym 1 hr a day, not losing weight, then you need to adjust your routine. Sure it's cool to max on the bench and show off your guns, but that isn't going to make the gut disappear. Exercise like you imagine a girl would. Cardio, Yoga, Pilates, hiking, etc. Mix it up. Change routines once a month. Shock the body. No ruts. Eat sensibly and your weight and health will improve dramatically. ;)

Yep, most people lead such sedentary lifestyles now compared to what it used to require simply to get your basic chores done. When you had to make all your food/clothing/hand wash all laundry etc. yourself and cook every meal and constantly get water, chop wood let alone actual hunter gatherer societies etc. You gotta make time, even if it's simply going for a couple 20-30 minute walks/day that is a good start. Everyone thinks they're busy regardless of how busy they actually are, know what I mean? The people I know that are *really* busy are also really good at time management and they seem to be able to fit exercise in. Meanwhile I know people that mainly sit at home and smoke pot but if you listen to them you'd think they were just as busy :lol: :LOL:

Pot and TV :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL:
You guys got me motivated.

Did good last night. Instead of Oreos @ TV time, I did some brown rice and a bowl of this.
Oh and just one small fist of Toll House chocolate morsels. Better than my usual 1/2 rack of Oreos.

Veggie soup. It's got everything in there. Lots of Tators.

Shark Diver":12hlo493 said:
'63-Strat":12hlo493 said:
Shark Diver":12hlo493 said:
To go the other way - though "diet" is important, but exercise is more important. I was a certified trainer in my 20s, and a lot of "what works" has changed since then.

HIT (high intensity training) exercise, and instead of 3 squares, now 6 small meals throughout the day are vogue now.

You can't eat crap, but Michael Phelps was 10-12k calories a day - he just burnt it off.

Obviously you need to find the formula that works for you. Eating whole foods is a start.

But exercise is key. It will improve your overall health. It will rev up your energy, you'll sleep better (very important), help bones, joints and organs. You could eat salad every meal, lose your fat, but unless you were obese your overall health isn't much better. Skinny people aren't necessarily healthy. Our bodies were made to move. Period. Fuel it properly and move. Weight training isn't really moving, good to do to build lean muscle, but you need cardio. If your in the gym 1 hr a day, not losing weight, then you need to adjust your routine. Sure it's cool to max on the bench and show off your guns, but that isn't going to make the gut disappear. Exercise like you imagine a girl would. Cardio, Yoga, Pilates, hiking, etc. Mix it up. Change routines once a month. Shock the body. No ruts. Eat sensibly and your weight and health will improve dramatically. ;)

Yep, most people lead such sedentary lifestyles now compared to what it used to require simply to get your basic chores done. When you had to make all your food/clothing/hand wash all laundry etc. yourself and cook every meal and constantly get water, chop wood let alone actual hunter gatherer societies etc. You gotta make time, even if it's simply going for a couple 20-30 minute walks/day that is a good start. Everyone thinks they're busy regardless of how busy they actually are, know what I mean? The people I know that are *really* busy are also really good at time management and they seem to be able to fit exercise in. Meanwhile I know people that mainly sit at home and smoke pot but if you listen to them you'd think they were just as busy :lol: :LOL:

Pot and TV :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL:

The pot ain't so bad for me. I have a 6pm rule. 2 hits at 6pm then 2 hours of guitar, then 1 hour of TV. It's the TV that is the problem. I try to sit there and not eat and my brain goes "cookies, cookies, cookies" and I"m fighting with my head and next thing you know I don't remember what happened on the TV for the last 20 minutes. This is because when I was young, TV time meant cookie time. I'm 44 and trying to break the habit now :doh:
billsbigego":1k3xzbb4 said:
The only way to get rid of it is diet.
Gotta suffer, like it or not.
Working out is only 1/8 of the answer IMO
I work out more in a week than most people in a year and I'm 20 lbs overweight.
I eat a ton of shit at night when I watch TV for an hour.

Basically gotta cut out all whites. Sugar, pasta, bread. You know, all the good shit.
If you can discipline yourself at night to grab an apple or have some oat meal instead of a 1/2 rack of Oreos (yep that's me)
the weight will come off quick.

No beer, no booze.

The fastest way to do this is go plant based for a couple months. Easier said than done.


I cut out all booze back in March and have dropped about 35 and it stopped there. I'd like to drop another 30 but this is what it will take....period. I also hit the gym 5 - 6 days a week and have for years.
Best gear purchase I've made this year was a Fitbit Charge HR. I've lost 70lbs of fat since June 8th by following a 2500 calorie a day diet eating pretty much whatever I like and maintaining a 1000 calorie a day deficit. I go to the gym 5-6 days a week doing Boot Camps, Cardio Kick boxing, Treadmill, etc. The Fitbit App has been invaluable helping me kind of gauge where I'm at each day with calorie in vs out. I'm 47, sober 3.5 years, and feel better than I have since I was a teenage athlete in high school.

The only down side is that my joints aren't what they used to be and I've had some injuries. Severed biceps tendon, etc. Now I'm trying to find balance and not push so hard but it's tough with all the hot fit women in the fitness classes! :lol: :LOL:
billsbigego":xjof7ofv said:
The only way to get rid of it is diet.
Gotta suffer, like it or not.
Working out is only 1/8 of the answer IMO

Depending on your age and whether or not you have a freak metabolism (i.e. you don't gain weight), this is exactly right. Eating good food and eating it in right sized proportions is the only way. Exercise helps for sure not only because you feel stronger/better but it helps your metabolism, but it's entirely possible for gordo to be in good muscular and cardio vascular shape and still be obese.
yngzaklynch":2pozhy1x said:
Bro I'm one Dorito away from getting a stretch mark on my taint

Spit soda all over my partner said "What's so funny"? I told him what you wrote, and we both laughed on and off for about 10 minutes. Great line!!!! :lol: :LOL:
billsbigego":5450vbat said:
You guys got me motivated.

Did good last night. Instead of Oreos @ TV time, I did some brown rice and a bowl of this.
Oh and just one small fist of Toll House chocolate morsels. Better than my usual 1/2 rack of Oreos.

Veggie soup. It's got everything in there. Lots of Tators.


You guys got me motivated. Last night I ate a family sized vegetable hot pot to myself and lost 7g.

Tomorrow? The world!
I went the other way. Back down to 175 (6' 1). Work stress..
I telecommute, my job is IT related. Essentially I sit at a desk for 40 hours a week, and I was eating far more calories than I was using. I was 5 ft 6 in tall and 195 lbs.

I dropped about 40 lbs in 2012 by limiting calories using an app and walking between 2-5 miles per day. 2 days a week I have a martial arts class. I never cut out alcohol entirely and still have fast food a couple times a week. I did drop nearly all my soda consumption and order the sandwich rather than the whole meal.

I found there is a certain weight threshold around 165 lbs. When I drop below that, most of my aches/pains/issues go away. They come back if I exceed it. The easiest way to maintain the diet was to get into a routine and plan my meals ahead. I followed the same menu most days during the diet.

I did gain some of the weight back, but I'm staying under 165 lbs. My eating habits aren't as restrictive as they were during the diet, but they never went back to what they were before the diet.
Lot of folks I work with have the "IT GUT" :D

I don't know how these guys do it. Fucking chinese food at noon, or a steak and cheese sub. Oh I know how they do it. They drink 12 cups of coffee per day.
I give them shit about the sugar in their coffee. "What, I only put 2 sugars in it." Two sugars x 12 cups a day. Heh.
I work at home now 5 days a week, so it's good, I stand while I work, I wash my car, work out, clean the house, play with the cats and I work circles around all the schlumps at the office.