My big belly is getting in the way of my guitar playing!

  • Thread starter Thread starter PeteLaramee
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Lot of calories required to run that ship.

But he's set for 2 months, if armageddon sets in.
I was at my healthiest when I did Kung fu for 3 months. A lot of people push weights down the gym but to be fit, you need to be able to handle your own body weight and be supple. No good being able to bench 4 elephants if you can only do 2 pull ups.

I'd say the most important part of fitness is diet. You can improve your health and fitness massively and in a fairly short space of time by simply not gorging on pies.

Y'all seen Rick Graham's transformation? If you want some encouragement...
PeteLaramee":53nyayxo said:
yngzaklynch":53nyayxo said:
Bro I'm one Dorito away from getting a stretch mark on my taint
:lol: :LOL: I think I just found the title of my next album.
I've been under the impression that Doritos were intended to be taken orally! :lol: :LOL:
JimmyBlind":1zxynzy4 said:
I was at my healthiest when I did Kung fu for 3 months. A lot of people push weights down the gym but to be fit, you need to be able to handle your own body weight and be supple. No good being able to bench 4 elephants if you can only do 2 pull ups.

I'd say the most important part of fitness is diet. You can improve your health and fitness massively and in a fairly short space of time by simply not gorging on pies.

Y'all seen Rick Graham's transformation? If you want some encouragement...

Definitely agree. Guys that focus only on pushing big weight but still carry a lot of bodyfat are doing it wrong.
'63-Strat":2cjw3dyj said:
JimmyBlind":2cjw3dyj said:
I was at my healthiest when I did Kung fu for 3 months. A lot of people push weights down the gym but to be fit, you need to be able to handle your own body weight and be supple. No good being able to bench 4 elephants if you can only do 2 pull ups.

I'd say the most important part of fitness is diet. You can improve your health and fitness massively and in a fairly short space of time by simply not gorging on pies.

Y'all seen Rick Graham's transformation? If you want some encouragement...

Definitely agree. Guys that focus only on pushing big weight but still carry a lot of bodyfat are doing it wrong.
I started playing a lot of competitive tennis, so I stopped lifting weights completely because my right shoulder and elbow hurt constantly. Now I use resistance bands and do a lot of leg stuff with medicine balls and resistance bands and I'm never in pain, I'm more flexible, faster and I don't look any different than I did when I was lifting weights...

Cutting back heavily or cutting out completely fast food, processed foods and SUGAR, along with adding in some moderate exercise, will cause weight to drop off quickly.
John 14:6":19pnyyfm said:
Cutting back heavily or cutting out completely fast food, processed foods and SUGAR, along with adding in some moderate exercise, will cause weight to drop off quickly.
Not if you continue to take in more calories than you burn off. You can eat healthy food and still be fat. It's about portion control...

sah5150":3kpnhrlq said:
John 14:6":3kpnhrlq said:
Cutting back heavily or cutting out completely fast food, processed foods and SUGAR, along with adding in some moderate exercise, will cause weight to drop off quickly.
Not if you continue to take in more calories than you burn off. You can eat healthy food and still be fat. It's about portion control...

I agree that overeating can most certainly cause weight gain, but our bodies do react to and process differently the types of foods we eat. The whole "a calorie is a calorie" paradigm is simply not true. That said, you can still lose weight on a thousand calorie a day Twinkie diet. I was able to lose weight simply by eating less crap and sugar while keeping my calorie intake at roughly the same level. My doctor suggested I watch the movie "That Sugar Film" and I am very glad he did so.

Other than for basic health reasons, playing guitar is my biggest motivator to stay in shape. I am too damn vain!!! Guitars are like jewelry to me. It's doable guys! I am busy as f**k when it comes to work and family as well. My metabolism is crap and I am 52 to boot!! If I ate a quarter pounder, I would gain 5lbs!!! I don't even know how that is possible?? Anyway, discipline and willpower will get it done.
crankyrayhanky":2s794oot said:
Mailman1971":2s794oot said:
All this talk of diet and exercise.
Not me. I am going to try to get as fat as humanly possibke. Maybe 800 or 900 pounds?
Who is with me?!!? :lol: :LOL:

IDKW, but curious...what's the largest mail carrier you have seen over the years? You would think the job itself would burn the calories.

Like I said, working out / cardio has little to do with it IMO. Case in point. I was working with a friend of mine last Summer, plumbing a new house. They were paving the road that day. Was like 95 deg out. There was this guy, like 3 bills minimum. Walking around. Shoveling. Walking behind the paver on the hot tar. The guy was soaked in sweat.

My buddy said "how much beer and pizza do you have to eat, to do that work everyday and be that heavy?"
bonedarrell":9mx5vsho said:
Other than for basic health reasons, playing guitar is my biggest motivator to stay in shape. I am too damn vain!!! Guitars are like jewelry to me. It's doable guys! I am busy as f**k when it comes to work and family as well. My metabolism is crap and I am 52 to boot!! If I ate a quarter pounder, I would gain 5lbs!!! I don't even know how that is possible?? Anyway, discipline and willpower will get it done.

Gotta basically get use to starving and not eating a ton when you eat meals. Nuts and apple in the afternoon for a pick me up. At night some dates or something light. The other thing is whole foods. I made that vegetable soup, but loaded it with potatoes. It's not prime rib, but it's doable. And with the taters in it, a small bowl will keep you full for hours.
Biggest thing is to cut the carbs. They are in everything it seems. When you eat carbs your blood sugar spikes, your body releases insulin which triggers your body to move that sugar into fat because too much sugar in your blood will kill you. The insulin response is aggressive because how toxic high blood sugars are which causes your blood sugars to crash which causes you to crave sugars. It is a never ending cycle. The only way out is to limit carbs for a month or so so that you will change the foods you crave. You need to replace the carbs with other nutrients, either protein, or fats. Too much protein is not great for you, so healthy fats as in as close to natural as possible no seed oils, or industrial oils. Stick to avocado oil, olive oil, fish, or pasture raised animal fats. I have been eating like this for about 3-4 years, and my energy levels are higher than ever, and I dropped 30 lbs, and I have stayed at that weight, 5'10" 190lbs, but I have a large frame.
GuitarGuyLP":2cls01im said:
Biggest thing is to cut the carbs. They are in everything it seems. When you eat carbs your blood sugar spikes, your body releases insulin which triggers your body to move that sugar into fat because too much sugar in your blood will kill you. The insulin response is aggressive because how toxic high blood sugars are which causes your blood sugars to crash which causes you to crave sugars. It is a never ending cycle. The only way out is to limit carbs for a month or so so that you will change the foods you crave. You need to replace the carbs with other nutrients, either protein, or fats. Too much protein is not great for you, so healthy fats as in as close to natural as possible no seed oils, or industrial oils. Stick to avocado oil, olive oil, fish, or pasture raised animal fats. I have been eating like this for about 3-4 years, and my energy levels are higher than ever, and I dropped 30 lbs, and I have stayed at that weight, 5'10" 190lbs, but I have a large frame.
Word Brother....Word... :thumbsup:
Have to cut out Sugars and Carbs. Fat will melt.
Just got to redue the diet. ;)
When I was in the military and my metabolism was top notch, I was double-fisting Twix bars, drinking Cokes for hydration and staying up until 4:00 AM watching "Headbanger's Ball". Now I'm 45 and can't do any of that or I feel like I got hit by a Mack truck. :)

I still play soccer in an adult soccer league and run a few times a week. I was doing some lifting but two hernia surgeries and shoulder problems might have put an end to that. I am fairly thin for the most part but I have been having issues lately with high glucose (sugar). The doctor wants me to cut down. I tell you guys, the weight/large size is just one part of it. You would be amazed what happens to your body when you get prediabetes/diabetes. I'm on the border right now and don't have either but every issue from losing eyesight, frequent urination, etc., etc. happens when your body is trying to flush sugar so cut a lot of that out.

It is like we said in the military, fitness and eating has to become a part of your life like sleeping and breathing. You can do any type of exercise like folks mentioned above and it is about cutting back. If you have the waffles and chicken like Steve did in the morning, then take it easy the rest of the day.

The best part about getting in shape is how your mental and physical energy shoots through the roof and you feel great!