My big belly is getting in the way of my guitar playing!

  • Thread starter Thread starter PeteLaramee
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I don't understand the people in front of me at dunkin donuts while I wait to get an ice coffee. Today, fat fucker in front of me, making me wait. Gets a coffee, one of their shit sandwiches a bagel with chemical cream cheese, and 2 fucking donuts. If I did that every am, I'd be in bed by 11am. I don't know how people fucking do it. I have to work out 1 hour a day or I can't make it through the day and I'm up drinking kale shakes and eating oatmeal in the morning. Fucking boggles my mind.
billsbigego":3tumggyv said:
I don't understand the people in front of me at dunkin donuts while I wait to get an ice coffee. Today, fat fucker in front of me, making me wait. Gets a coffee, one of their shit sandwiches a bagel with chemical cream cheese, and 2 fucking donuts. If I did that every am, I'd be in bed by 11am. I don't know how people fucking do it. I have to work out 1 hour a day or I can't make it through the day and I'm up drinking kale shakes and eating oatmeal in the morning. Fucking boggles my mind.

depression and addicition

Got a job working from home a few years ago. Sit at a desk for hours and hours a day, day after day, week after week, etc.... never leaving the house. My schedule is so crazy it is hard to find big blocks of time to do anything like exercise.

I went all dairy-free, gluten free, egg-free, soy-free, etc.... last year. I actually gained weight over several months. I need to get back to back portion control cause I keep gaining weight, and I am currently heavier than I ever have been before.
billsbigego":174at4qt said:
I don't understand the people in front of me at dunkin donuts while I wait to get an ice coffee. Today, fat fucker in front of me, making me wait. Gets a coffee, one of their shit sandwiches a bagel with chemical cream cheese, and 2 fucking donuts. If I did that every am, I'd be in bed by 11am. I don't know how people fucking do it. I have to work out 1 hour a day or I can't make it through the day and I'm up drinking kale shakes and eating oatmeal in the morning. Fucking boggles my mind.

I don't understand that either. I see all these people hitting the drive thru at Taco Johns and Mcdonalds at 7:30 a.m. :confused: If I did that I would be farting, shitting, then passed out by 11 a.m.
PeteLaramee":1n5tguj5 said:
yngzaklynch":1n5tguj5 said:
Bro I'm one Dorito away from getting a stretch mark on my taint
:lol: :LOL: I think I just found the title of my next album.
Damn thats a funny line right there..
I found what has worked for my weight struggles has been my mindset. Instead of focusing on the foods that I am not allowed to indulge in I focused on what is most beneficial. Adding water to my diet vs having zero sugary drinks. Addition of healthier choices leads to less intake of food that will keep me away from my goals. When I do indulge in a higher calorie meal, I find it takes 6 to 8 meals for my metabolism and nervous system to get back on track. Think in terms of eating plan rather than diet restriction. Hope this helps in addition to what everyone else has eloquently covered.
I exercise like a beast then eat at midnight like a chocolate zombie. It's not about needing information for me, it's about discipline. I lost a few lbs this week, so that's a start. I'd like to not like ridiculous when I play my Peavey HP as that is a smaller body guitar and the contrast on me is tragic comedy. It's either lose 20-30+ or just buy a baritone SG or Buckethead LP.

Jeff: I think making a few Snorklers might help shake you out of it! People loved that mod... Mojo sent!
Mailman1971":2luuflup said:
All this talk of diet and exercise.
Not me. I am going to try to get as fat as humanly possibke. Maybe 800 or 900 pounds?
Who is with me?!!? :lol: :LOL:

IDKW, but curious...what's the largest mail carrier you have seen over the years? You would think the job itself would burn the calories.
crankyrayhanky":1uepvtz9 said:
I exercise like a beast then eat at midnight like a chocolate zombie. It's not about needing information for me, it's about discipline. I lost a few lbs this week, so that's a start. I'd like to not like ridiculous when I play my Peavey HP as that is a smaller body guitar and the contrast on me is tragic comedy. It's either lose 20-30+ or just buy a baritone SG or Buckethead LP.

Jeff: I think making a few Snorklers might help shake you out of it! People loved that mod... Mojo sent!

I'm thinking I should just switch to bass.

crankyrayhanky":1nb5yvjz said:
Mailman1971":1nb5yvjz said:
All this talk of diet and exercise.
Not me. I am going to try to get as fat as humanly possibke. Maybe 800 or 900 pounds?
Who is with me?!!? :lol: :LOL:

IDKW, but curious...what's the largest mail carrier you have seen over the years? You would think the job itself would burn the calories.
There is one guy. He is probably close to 350-400. Real senior carrier. No walking on his route. Just drive up and place the letters in the box. Works out great when rainy. Schmucks like me have to hoof it!
I did go from 225lbs to 140lbs in a short time. Would not recommend that method. :lol: :LOL:
Hovering around 160 now. But weight coming back little at a time.
Its hard to see myself like this thin since I used to do competitive body building when I was a teen. Always had muscles and in shape.
Think I posted a couple of pics of my competition a few years back. Sigh.......... :aww:
But still Trying to pick up the pieces still.
Did someone call my name? Even though my belly is getting a little big, I can still see my big wang while playing the guitar.
Like Steve said, your health affects everything. You take it for granted until there's a problem and then it's too late. You wouldn't put shitty gas/oil/etc. in your car and expect it to run properly so treat your body like it's the only one you've got. Spoiler: it is. And every single cell in your body is being built with what you put in it. The old adage of "you are what you eat" is painfully accurate.
Mailman1971":1khvi2q5 said:
All this talk of diet and exercise.
Not me. I am going to try to get as fat as humanly possibke. Maybe 800 or 900 pounds?
Who is with me?!!? :lol: :LOL:
I max out about 260 pounds..... I hit it three times. There is no way I could eat or drink more than that. Eating a pizza as I think about it. I can eat anything and not gain weight..... I put it on as soon as I start adding alcohol.

You guys are playing the wrong guitar if you no longer can see it..... Have you tried a Explorer ???
stephen sawall":26ykdjha said:
Mailman1971":26ykdjha said:
All this talk of diet and exercise.
Not me. I am going to try to get as fat as humanly possibke. Maybe 800 or 900 pounds?
Who is with me?!!? :lol: :LOL:
I max out about 260 pounds..... I hit it three times. There is no way I could eat or drink more than that. Eating a pizza as I think about it. I can eat anything and not gain weight..... I put it on as soon as I start adding alcohol.

You guys are playing the wrong guitar if you no longer can see it..... Have you tried a Explorer ???
We all know what guitar needs to be played if you cant see your junk. :D
crankyrayhanky":1mpqq6fo said:
I exercise like a beast then eat at midnight like a chocolate zombie. It's not about needing information for me, it's about discipline. I lost a few lbs this week, so that's a start. I'd like to not like ridiculous when I play my Peavey HP as that is a smaller body guitar and the contrast on me is tragic comedy. It's either lose 20-30+ or just buy a baritone SG or Buckethead LP.

Jeff: I think making a few Snorklers might help shake you out of it! People loved that mod... Mojo sent!

Dude, that's my hassle. My diet during the day is awesome. But when I watch TV (1 hour a night with wife) the carb cravings kill me.
I burnt a few hundred calories just laughing at the comments in this thread.
Back at the end of June, I started walking every day for about an hour at a good clip of 3 to 3.5mph. for almost 2 straight months. I've lost about 25 lbs since them. At work now, I simply cut out any kind of lunch and eat a small snack every hour. Something not carb based, or anything like that and more protein than anything else. Not an easy task, either but I have gotten used to it and I find that I no longer have the afternoon sleepiness that I used to get around 3pm.

As a family we try to eat much earlier than later. I have two young children (3.11 & 8.5) When I need something at night, I simply have a yogurt and a glass of water. There are days when you cheat a bit but in the end, you try to keep things going from there. I'm also on the treadmill walking for a least 45 minutes at the same clip at least 3 or 4 times per week. I coach my oldest son in hockey so I'm on the ice a couple of times on the weekends. During the week, I have hockey on one night as well. Try to drink a lot of water as well. It really does work!
Rock on, man! :rock: Do it!

evhfan":tcogtj7w said:
I lost about 40 lbs based on portion control and exercise...I need to do this again...good advice Steve

sah5150":tcogtj7w said:
billsbigego":tcogtj7w said:
crwnedblasphemy":tcogtj7w said:
Meal prep is one/if not the best thing to do. I grille up things for the whole week. Boil sweet potatos and steam big bag of organic u don't just grab and eat the fast easy things

I don't care what anyone says. Sweet potatoes are one of the best things you can eat.
Yup, full o' good carbs, vitamins and minerals. Frankly, baked potatoes are great too if people would just stop slathering them with butter, sour cream and bacon...

It's not that hard really to eat healthfully. Lean protein (salmon, chicken breast, turkey breast, eggs and egg whites, the occasional lean red meat), lots o' veggies and fruits, small amounts of good fats (walnuts, almonds, olive oil, etc.). Don't go crazy on the breads and pastas and if you are gonna do it, stick with whole grains and tomato-based pasta sauces. Avoid sweets, sugared soda, etc. Drink lots o' water.

Look, I'm 55 years old and 6"4" and 188 pounds. Not much fat on me, mostly lean muscle. I've gone through what most of us have with the slowing metabolism with age and varying activity levels. But as soon as I put on 5-10 lbs, I cut back on what I'm eating and get back down to the correct weight for me. Letting it go 25, 35, 50 lbs. is what makes it seem hopeless. Gotta nip it early I say. That said, there is all kinds of proof that no matter how much you've gained, you can lose it with SOME discipline and a lot of perseverance.

While I try to eat healthfully most meals, I'm certainly not on any draconian diet long term and neither do you have to be. It's about portion control more than anything (although you can't do control the amount EVERY time or you'll feel deprived). Take in less when your activity level is lower and you can eat more when your activity level is higher. Right now, I have the luxury of exercising a lot and I eat more, but when things kick up and I can't commit to this level of activity I'll eat less and maintain my weight. Exercise is important for other reasons, but as many have said, you could exercise all day long and still be fat if you over consume...

I eat bad stuff, guys. I allow myself a certain amount of meals that just taste friggin' good so I'm not deprived all the time. I had chicken and waffles this morning with fried chicken, spicy mayo, syrup, the whole nine yards. Absolutely hideous for me, but if I do that 3-5 times a week, it allows me to eat well and in smaller portions at every other meal. I drink alcohol, including beer too - you just have to moderate it.

When I'm trying to lose weight, I tighten things up. I'd maybe eat a bad meal 1-2 times a week, only drink on the weekend, cut portions a bit. Once I hit where I want to be (measured more on how my clothes fit that on actual scale lbs.), I'll amp up portions and drinks allowed a bit to match my current activity level.

I gotta say, all this talk of NO beer and NO sauces and NO pasta, etc., etc., etc, is just a recipe for failure. We all love to eat and drink GOOD food. If you don't give yourself a chance to indulge IN MODERATION, it always fails. Diets are bullshit and cannot be maintained over long periods of time. If you want to lose weight and MAINTAIN it, you can't be deprived all the time, or you'll binge and end up back where you started...

My random thoughts on this. If they help anyone, that would be awesome... :rock:
