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A wise man makes his own decisions.

If one of those decisions just happens to align with public opinion, then what?

I don't buy my gear based on popularity. Same goes for the music I listen to.

I did my research, spoke with some trusted friends in the medical field, and read
lots of online stuff from as varied a sources I could find.
Then, being very wise, I made my decision.

Factored in the decision was what's also best for the other humans I interact with.
If one of those decisions just happens to align with public opinion, then what?
You mean public opinon that's driven by the main stream media propaganda machine? The very machine you're obviously aligned with and in bed with?

Bunch of prime specimens breathing hard in close proximity with one another day in and day out?
Germs gotta LOVE that shit!
No wonder a football training camp could be a super spreader.

And will you guys please make up your minds.
Is the vaccine shit because it was developed too quickly, or is it shit cause it's not a miracle cure?
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Bunch of prime specimens breathing hard in close proximity with one another day in and day out?
Germs gotta LOVE that shit!
No wonder a football training camp could be a super spreader.

And will you guys please make up your minds.
Is the vaccine shit because it was developed too quickly, or is it shit cause it's not a miracle cure?
Very true. I was reading a research study where people in the medical field who work in close proximity and who are fully vaccinated, keep spreading Covid back and fourth to each other. This constant spreading has caused the virus to mutate. It is thought that had they caught Covid and created natural antibodies, the re-transmission would have been considerably less.
I was reading a research study where people in the medical field who work in close proximity and who are fully vaccinated, keep spreading Covid back and fourth to each other. This constant spreading has caused the virus to mutate. It is thought that had they caught Covid and created natural antibodies, the re-transmission would have been considerably less.

Again, makes perfect sense.
It wasn't making headlines until Delta showed up.

And really, if a germ is going to learn anything first it's going to be how to best grab hold of a host.

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Wishful thinking on the MSM ever reporting anything honest. The whole media agenda is to steer narrative and spread disinformation. More and more people are waking up and seeing the MSM for what it really is and always has been.
I just want to know how Donald spends all his renminbi he makes from being on here.
Wishful thinking on the MSM ever reporting anything honest. The whole media agenda is to steer narrative and spread disinformation. More and more people are waking up and seeing the MSM for what it really is and always has been.

What about all of the news organizations in the rest of the world?

Top story today from Kenya, Africa.


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What about all of the news organizations in the rest of the world?

Top story today from Kenya, Africa.
I guess the news is trustworthy because they tell you the sports scores around the world. :jerkit:

I expected more and better from you than that though I knew you couldn't deliver.
I expected more and better from you than that though I knew you couldn't deliver.

Deliver what?

Question for ya.
If all MSM on the planet is BS, what's your sources for news and what's going on in the world?
Deliver what?

Question for ya.
If all MSM on the planet is BS, what's your sources for news and what's going on in the world?
Deliver what? Deliver something more than an article saying vaccines were My sources are not CNN, FOX etc. although I think CNN might be able to tell me accurate box scores on a good day. Not all news is MSM, you know this.
Deliver what? Deliver something more than an article saying vaccines were My sources are not CNN, FOX etc. although I think CNN might be able to tell me accurate box scores on a good day. Not all news is MSM, you know this.

How many country's headlines you need?
They're super easy to find.

And you didn't answer my question.
Or are your news sources a secret or something?
Was just thinking, 5 billion shots.
Assuming some fatality rates from it:

1% (C19 rate) - 50 million dead
0.1% - 5 million
0.01% - half a million

If 1 in every 10,000 vaccinated people were dying from the shot it'd be major headlines everywhere.
That'd be over 37 thousand dead here in the US alone based on the current vaccination totals.
There is a thought that the VAERS system only shows 10% or less of what’s really going on, since it’s a long process to log in data (this is taken from pre-Covid stats). Quite possibly there could be several hundred thousand people that have died just from the vaccine. The vaccine that doesn’t prevent Covid or stop the spread of it. Think about that. It’s freaking scary.
The vaccine that doesn’t prevent Covid or stop the spread of it. Think about that. It’s freaking scary.

The vaccine's main purpose is to keep folks from getting so sick from Covid that you need a hospital/ventilator.
If we live long enough they may develop one that does more, but this one is a fast-track band-aid to keep
our hospitals from overflowing.

Serious question, do you know how Covid kills you, or why it results in having to be put on a ventilator?
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A germ likes warm and wet - human mucous membranes being the luxury 5 star hotel for them.
Someone infected breathes out a few million tiny droplets of moisture (think of the fog you see
when it's freezing out). A person nearby inhales one of the drops and BOOM, the germ has
a new home and immediately starts fucking like a million bunnies - spreading baby germs all
through your body, with your lungs being the top floor suite.

Because the germ is novel, our defenses don't recognize it. By the time they are alerted of danger
you have a billion of the little critters attached to the insides of your lungs.

Your body sends in the army, navy, air force, and marines with all guns blazing to bomb the shit
out of all these alien invaders. The germs are destroyed, but in the process the healthy tissue
nearby is badly damaged

That's the part of the body's filtration system that takes the pure O2 from the air we breath
and feeds it to all of our organs. In some cases the damage is bad enough that we need help
with more oxygen - that's when the ventilator comes in.

Sometimes the tissue heals and sometimes it doesn't and your organs start slowly dying off
one by one.

Covid19 doesn't kill you.
Friendly fire does.

So basically, the current vaccine is an orientation for your defenses so they can
recognize the germ and stop it a lot sooner - using a shitload less bombs and bullets.

Side note: I've read ER stories where people are coming in and they immediately check their
blood oxygen levels and find the person should basically be unconscious, but their adrenaline
has kept them temporarily going. Many of them are on a ventilator within hours of walking
into the hospital! :oops:
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…But, but the sheeple were told the vaccine would not only keep us from getting Covid, but keep us out of the hospital. ?

Im sure Donnie will move the goal posts and post some more misinformation.