A germ likes warm and wet - human mucous membranes being the luxury 5 star hotel for them.
Someone infected breathes out a few million tiny droplets of moisture (think of the fog you see
when it's freezing out). A person nearby inhales one of the drops and BOOM, the germ has
a new home and immediately starts fucking like a million bunnies - spreading baby germs all
through your body, with your lungs being the top floor suite.
Because the germ is novel, our defenses don't recognize it. By the time they are alerted of danger
you have a billion of the little critters attached to the insides of your lungs.
Your body sends in the army, navy, air force, and marines with all guns blazing to bomb the shit
out of all these alien invaders. The germs are destroyed, but in the process the healthy tissue
nearby is badly damaged
That's the part of the body's filtration system that takes the pure O2 from the air we breath
and feeds it to all of our organs. In some cases the damage is bad enough that we need help
with more oxygen - that's when the ventilator comes in.
Sometimes the tissue heals and sometimes it doesn't and your organs start slowly dying off
one by one.
Covid19 doesn't kill you.
Friendly fire does.
So basically, the current vaccine is an orientation for your defenses so they can
recognize the germ and stop it a lot sooner - using a shitload less bombs and bullets.
Side note: I've read ER stories where people are coming in and they immediately check their
blood oxygen levels and find the person should basically be unconscious, but their adrenaline
has kept them temporarily going. Many of them are on a ventilator within hours of walking
into the hospital!