OK...What Amps Do You NEVER Regret Selling?

  • Thread starter Thread starter angelspade
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Yeah...Totally cool that you dig the Revv. To each his own, it just seems to be getting consistently negative feedback in this particular thread. In regard to the term "sterile" which has been used a few times to describe the Revv....I have to say that for me personally, I would have a hard time making a positive spin on that adjective when describing guitar tone. I think that most of us, even those who are looking for a tight, responsive, precise and percussive metal tone are still chasing....well tone, along with some warmth, character, and dynamics in our sound.

Agreed, but this is why we have multiple heads in our collection, they each have there own thing going. I love the Revv for it's metal attributes, and personally, it covers way more than that, but, always has that Revv signature tone, witch is something i like. Has a tightness and aggression that suits my playing.

Tone is sooooo subjective!!!!

Why does Rig Talk even exists!!!!?
I have never once investigated a tube amp in the hopes that it would sound solid state...That said, I absolutely can appreciate that cold and clinical high gain sound that say Tommy Victor perfected with his boosted Marshall Valvestate.

Cleansing has an absolutely crushing tone, love Tommy's tones and playing.

Can do that with the Revv!!!!!?
I'm a little surprised by some of the amps people couldn't wait to get rid of. I guess I was expecting to see a lot of Crate & Bugera amps listed here and not so many of the big boy amps. But then I'm not that surprised either. Our ears differ so much that one person's ear garbage is another's perfect tone.
I'm a little surprised by some of the amps people couldn't wait to get rid of. I guess I was expecting to see a lot of Crate & Bugera amps listed here and not so many of the big boy amps. But then I'm not that surprised either. Our ears differ so much that one person's ear garbage is another's perfect tone.
Yep, preference...that's all it is. As an example I've never gotten along with Bogners but for plenty of people that's their main amps. One thing I learned along time ago is not to force myself to like something regardless of price, build, brand or what was hot at the moment. And IMO I think alot of people have/and always will get hung up on that. For me it's either going to work or it won't and I feel no need to have a collection of stuff that's "almost" there or just doesn't work and I'm not looking for various tones, I have the one tone I dig and that's what I shoot for. But again, it's all subjective, nothing more.
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Ampeg VH-140C
Crate GX-130 C
Mesa single rectifier
Randall Warhead (first version)

I like some Randall SS amps but I could not jive with the Ampeg VH-140C, very cold, sterile buzz machine. Sure it's brutal in a old school way but it's thin and was not very loud for 140 watts. Same thing with the Crate GX-130C, even worse and had even less guts than the Ampeg, I doubt it could hang with a drummer. The Warhead takes it though, not a usable sound in that amp at all. I dug the Cyclone though, which was made around the same time.
ISP Theta head. I fought hard to get one of the first ones available because on paper I seriously thought it would be insane for high gain with lots of tweak-ability and looked absolutely cool AF. Built in decimators. Big solid state wattage. And I was a fan of Buck Waller's work in the past. Tried super hard for a few months but just couldn't get a tone I liked. Had a good bro come take it and try his hand at it, to no avail. That one was my first heart breaking amp experience. Nothing I have purchased since then has hurt me like that amp did. Therapy and medication in the form of tequila has helped a little, but I can still see that amp in my mind and feel my soul die a little.
I still have nightmares about that amp... so many knobs and such horrible tone no matter how you turned them! ?
For me it would have to be every Randall amp I've tried since they started making tube amps again. I wanted Dimebag tone with added tube awesomeness, but every one was a muddy, dark, shitty sounding mess with no balls or bite. I see why Randall is now out of business .
I sold my Marshall JVM410 and didn't feel I was missing anything. I have another at the moment and I feel the same way about it, but I'm keeping it around to do some comparison clips at some point.

I also sold a Mesa Dual Rectifier Roadster that sometimes I forget I even owned. At the time I also had a Rev G which just kicked the crap out of it to my ear. Super versatile and not bad sounding, just didn't have that extra oomph.

It's hard for me to justify selling anything that does something special, even if it's not necessarily my favorite sound. That's probably why I'm a lot harder on amps that are versatile, since I'd rather have 20 one-trick-pony's than one amp that halfway does 20 sounds - but I'm just fooling around in a home studio, it'd be a lot different if I were gigging.

Last one is a bit of a "hot take," but I never got along with the Marshall Silver Jubilee. I had one for a really long time - years - and it sat mostly unplayed, it just didn't speak to me. Over on the Marshall forum I did a (admittedly crappy) video on it, then sold it, and caught a lot of flak for it - I guess I just wasn't "playing the amp right." So peer pressure got to me and I bought another one a while later, and I pretty much still feel the same way about it.
PRS Archon 100 watt. Just wasn’t my thing. I could live with it but to me very uninspiring. My H&K GM40 was better if that tells you anything. Thinking bout the GM40— wonder if slaving it into a Power station would help ? Just a thought
I still have nightmares about that amp... so many knobs and such horrible tone no matter how you turned them! ?
Remember me having three stacks of cabs in that little room? The three Randall V2 heads? Just a huge wall of crap...
Shit was totally outta control. I gave those cabs away, a stack at a time. Dumped the V2 heads for next to nothing once I got the Kerry King head and that first ENGL. Then it was off to the races with the amp flipping.
One of us shoulda kept one of those Prophecy heads.
Seems like along with the Revvs and ENGLs, a bunch of us struggle with Mesa Rectifiers as well. I'm actually surprised that there arn't more Diezel VH4s making this thread as they seem to be a very polarizing, love it or hate it kind of amp.
I have had feelings similar to many in this thread regarding some of the amps.

I am usually able to fix the issues with different tubes, bias or eq (both before amp and in the loop.)
Mesa Badlander. Fuck that over-hyped trash amp. Modern Recto that doesn't need a boost? Chyea right, that amp was a wimpy pile of electronics. Maybe I'm bitter because Mesa took a year and a half to fulfill my order (custom headshell)? Maybe I'm bitter because I sold my Rev G to get it? Maybe I'm just bitter that it wasn't what was promised and hyped to be.