7 Stringer
Well-known member
Yeah...Totally cool that you dig the Revv. To each his own, it just seems to be getting consistently negative feedback in this particular thread. In regard to the term "sterile" which has been used a few times to describe the Revv....I have to say that for me personally, I would have a hard time making a positive spin on that adjective when describing guitar tone. I think that most of us, even those who are looking for a tight, responsive, precise and percussive metal tone are still chasing....well tone, along with some warmth, character, and dynamics in our sound.
Agreed, but this is why we have multiple heads in our collection, they each have there own thing going. I love the Revv for it's metal attributes, and personally, it covers way more than that, but, always has that Revv signature tone, witch is something i like. Has a tightness and aggression that suits my playing.
Tone is sooooo subjective!!!!
Why does Rig Talk even exists!!!!?