Once again.... WHATS COOKING?!

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Made a Bourbon Maple Pecan Pie. 100 proof Evan Williams, some good maple syrup Ive been holding onto. Candied the pecans in honey. Probably gonna give everyone the beetus.


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Made a Bourbon Maple Pecan Pie. 100 proof Evan Williams, some good maple syrup Ive been holding onto. Candied the pecans in honey. Probably gonna give everyone the beetus.
HOLY SHIT! I'm not even a pecan pie fan but I'd gobble that. That BiB Evan Williams is one of the tastiest inexpensive whiskeys available. And honey candied pecans combined with that would be killer.

That reminds me, I have some Irish Honey I've been meaning to use in a desert. Irish Honey, for those not in the know, is Irish Whiskey infused with honeycomb, caramel and vanilla. That shit poured over ice-cream is ridiculous. I also make a nice mocha syrup and combine some Irish Honey with it to make a dessert topping that's killer. Chocolate, honey, coffee, caramel. Gah. WANT SOME NOAW!
I've got some pics to upload. Cabin trip again so keep in mind I have no kitchen luxuries.

This pic would sum that up...

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Made a Bourbon Maple Pecan Pie. 100 proof Evan Williams, some good maple syrup Ive been holding onto. Candied the pecans in honey. Probably gonna give everyone the beetus.
you ever see the movie american pie? yeah that's all i'm sayin...
So the first night I had dehydrated mashed potatoes, and then I added some bacon, butter, black pepper, potato chip crumbs and cheddar cheese - had that along with Andrias steak. Second night was black beans and chicken - that was my favorite.







creole injected and spiced turkey, stuffing, roasted asparagus, corn pudding, sweet potato casserole, mashed potatoes n gravy, hot rolls, deviled eggs, pumpkin-pecan and apple pies, cranberry conserve.....all home made. probably other stuff but I can't remeber.
Started a sourdough starter Monday. It overflowed the jar yesterday and had to be transported into something bigger. Duh. Should have seen that one coming.

The plan is a to make sourdough this weekend, and keep the starter going to make bagels and/or smaller loaves next week.

Todays agenda: Ham and tater soup. This is literally a leftover dish. Crock pot with leftover gravy (we make ham gravy fairly runny so it's not the thick stuff most are used to), chunked up ham, chopped taters, carrots, onions, some thyme, some fresh cracked pepper and just a pinch of salt. I put that together before leaving for work and have the wife stirring it every hour or two.

That and fresh baked buns will be supper. Hoping to have leftovers of that soup when the sourdough is baked. That should be a good match.
Wow man, an awesome match! :rock:

The soup alone sounds absolutely-perfect and the buns will be the perfect icing on the cake. :thumbsup:
The soup was a little salty, but good otherwise.

The sourdough starter needed to be split this morning during its feeding, so I used it to make butter biscuits. Didn't think to take a pic. Essentially, flour, baking soda, salt, butter stirred until crumbled, sourdough starter. Mixed until sticky, rolled flat, cut into 2" discs and baked. Split 'em open warm and buttered them and :love:. Ridiculously quick to toss together. I'm thinking I may split the starter and build it up to make a big batch of these to use for breakfast sandwiches.

Homemade pizza tonight and fresh sourdough bread for sammiches tomorrow. Gonna be a good weekend.
Oh yeah, great weekend in store for ya brother. To think that all I have is some slightly-rotten salad in the fridge. :LOL:

Big shoppin' day today. Gotta go walkies in the heat for grocamaries. :doh:
My kind of thread.

My little spot the other night.


Searing on the infrared burner side.



This was the secret ingredient:


Dinosaur mac n' cheese because kids.

We don't have many asians/chinese people here in the Midwest where I live, and most of the ones that did live here either left or never came back from China last year. So I have making Chinese food (american style take out, not authentic) and I gotta say I am getting pretty damn good.
@jaxadam, that's the most-awesomely-bullshit house I've seen in a while, mate. :worship:

I'd be happy to move in and die there. :LOL: