Our buddy was just indicted

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I haven’t seen anyone on either side that impresses me. I would have thought Kamala, but she hasn’t done anything of note as VP. Pity. She is an intelligent, competent woman. It’s a tough time for
Are you talking about butter scotch?
I’m sorry…what was your question again?

Found it. I thought he was incompetent and greedy. I thought he did more to divide people than any previous president of my lifetime. He had no interest in running the country. He only wanted to make personal business deals. He is constantly fabricating reality. It is undeniable.
I didn't ask you what you thought of HIM. You've made that clear. I asked you what you thought about the state of the COUNTRY , as a whole, when he was in office.
I haven’t seen anyone on either side that impresses me. I would have thought Kamala, but she hasn’t done anything of note as VP. Pity. She is an intelligent, competent woman. It’s a tough time for politics.
Holy shit balls comment , Batman :oops:
I didn't ask you what you thought of HIM. You've made that clear. I asked you wht you thought about the state of the COUNTRY , as a whole, when he was in office.
I thought it became hostile. But I also knew, once he started campaigning the first time around, the seeds were sown. All those folks that were pissed off that they had a black man running the show, one they So badly couldn’t accept they had to have an alternate reality in which he wasn’t a US citizen, but an devious mastermind Muslim here to destroy America (that’s the United States). And, damned if we are gonna let that Clinton bitch tell us what’s what. Let’s elect this idiot that treats everyone like crap into office. He doesn’t discriminate. Everyone is beneath him.

Is that sufficient?
I thought it became hostile. But I also knew, once he started campaigning the first time around, the seeds were sown. All those folks that were pissed off that they had a black man running the show, one they So badly couldn’t accept they had to have an alternate reality in which he wasn’t a US citizen, but an devious mastermind Muslim here to destroy America (that’s the United States). And, damned if we are gonna let that Clinton bitch tell us what’s what. Let’s elect this idiot that treats everyone like crap into office. He doesn’t discriminate. Everyone is beneath him.

Is that sufficient?
Not really, but I'm starting to see a pattern here.
Not really, but I'm starting to see a pattern here.
That I think he was a shitty president and that what people like about him is that he makes it, not only ok, but normal to treat others like garbage? Yup. It’s a pattern. Look around this place. It is all any of the anti-libs do. Treat everyone else like garbage. Make things up about them. Wish horrible things upon them. It’s uncanny.

This little microcosm is Trump wrought and what he brings to the table as a leader. It’s ugly and unnecessary.
That I think he was a shitty president and that what people like about him is that he makes it, not only ok, but normal to treat others like garbage? Yup. It’s a pattern. Look around this place. It is all any of the anti-libs do. Treat everyone else like garbage. Make things up about them. Wish horrible things upon them. It’s uncanny.

This little microcosm is Trump wrought and what he brings to the table as a leader. It’s ugly and unnecessary.
How about removing your velvet emotions out of it and then answering my question.
You have just proved my point. Trump spoke at it. Bush senior and junior. Reagan, Thatcher. As well as centrist like Blair, Clinton and Obama. The last three are not communists by the way. I don't think they were big fans of Marx or the Levellers or the Diggers.
I think you may be on to something. What's your point again?
The Trump/Jesus shit is fucking scary!
Even Davey above is equating Jesus and the Orange fuck.

You cult dudes are royally fucked up!

Fucking worthless cult.

🤡You’re right, Chuckles, maybe we should all be violent, racist, homophobic, vile retarded fucks like you are? 🤡😂😂😂


Get some mental help dude👍
That I think he was a shitty president and that what people like about him is that he makes it, not only ok, but normal to treat others like garbage? Yup. It’s a pattern. Look around this place. It is all any of the anti-libs do. Treat everyone else like garbage. Make things up about them. Wish horrible things upon them. It’s uncanny.

This little microcosm is Trump wrought and what he brings to the table as a leader. It’s ugly and unnecessary.

Found it! Get your diaper changed grammy. Your stinking up the whole joint. To call this post a stretch would be putting it mildly.

Yes, look around this place. Posters unafraid to say what they mean. Well at least the conservatives. Libcucks speak in riddles. Can't drag a straight answer out of them most of the time.

You did attempt to answer some questions though so maybe your pantys are just dusty.