Our buddy was just indicted

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That's it? No witty Freud themed responses?
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar


A Message Today From President Donald Trump​

March 31, 2023

We sit as spectators to a battle, some with various levels of engagement to the fight, but we are spectators, nonetheless. Most watch, many are called to action, the feeling within each spectator is increased deliberateness. We are not the target, we are protected by the target, thus the nature of our focus on the battle.

As we watch the battle, it is worth considering that we are -after all- only spectators, and yet our feeling is very real… very purposeful… very engaged.

Imagine what it is like to be the target, to be the one inside this furnace of hatred and yet never backing down from the flames…. This is the inspiration that President Trump brings to an abused, forgotten, silent majority, and yes… he has a message. WATCH:

How would we know that most die in the 2-7 year time frame. It's been what, three years? That was about the stupidest thing I've seen said here yet.

You can worry about it, I won't.
I'm not worried about it at all because I wasn't stupid enough to submit to the jab .

What Dr. Paul Alexander Was Told Privately About the VVV’s in 2020​

I was told in discussions with FDA, CDC, NIH, Moderna, & Pfizer officials in Washington at HHS July/August 2020, their grave concerns, why they must be silent as in fear for safety and careers.

I was told by these officials, in confidential secret discussions, that in about 6 to 6.5 years from roll-out, in those who take the injections, they feared mass auto-immune disease and deaths and they anticipated constant deaths from the injections . They said that the COVID injections could never work, especially the mRNA platform. It never worked in the animal model and was pathological. They told me that in about 6 to 6.5 years, there will be a huge surge in deaths in persons who take the injections. They advised me they nor their families will ever take any of the COVID injections.

I am being open with you to inform you. I am sick and tired, years now, of the lies and fraud and disaster put out by the media, the alphabet health agencies, etc. You trusted your public health officials, you think ‘they care about you’. Well, they never cared about you, your family, or the truth.

