Our buddy was just indicted

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Thanks. I sure do like people that point out typos. They make me happy. Was supposed to be !!!!!! but sometimes I'm just not clever enough to work a keyboard. Doc TV was supposed to help me but....

It’s really just a ‘partial pivot’ when they do this😂

They realize they’re losing and desperately reach for anything they can😉
I was just showing how smart I am. He's the one that said it first, not me.
No doubt , TV guy has taken over as the "Expert on everything " since inbred is gone.
Well, I don’t have 100s of memes, I mean articles, that support my ridiculous, I mean logical and founded, opinions. But I know a thing or two.
Well, I don’t have 100s of memes, I mean articles, that support my ridiculous, I mean logical and founded, opinions. But I know a thing or two.
You're a MORON and don't know jack shit about anything actually . When you posted yesterday that you thought Biden won legitimately it outed you as one of the dumbest mo fo's on the planet .

Somebody who has zero basic common sense at all .
You're a MORON and don't know jack shit about anything actually . When you posted yesterday that you thought Biden won legitimately it outed you as one of the dumbest mo fo's on the planet .

Somebody who has zero basic common sense at all .

I actually ‘started’ to somewhat respect Dr fantom, playing the game as he tries soooo desperately here…

That’s Until he said Biden won fair and square.
Unfortunately He’s actually just not smart enough to think.
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Official Government reports suggest the Fully Vaccinated are acquiring Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome.

These experimental gene therapy injections are rapidly destroying the immune systems of those who have received them.

A worldwide Genocide is unfolding: Expert vaccine scientist Dr. Vanden Bossche

Dr. Bossche said that when you take the vaccine, very specific antibodies go into your immune system and neuter the nonspecific antibodies that are there to fight off all that attacks your body. It renders your immune system as totally nonfunctioning. It cannot defend you from anything else that attacks you.

What has been unleashed with the release and push of vaccines on people here and around the world is nothing but an unfolding Genocide.
The LEFT insist EVERYTHING IS A CONSPIRACY THEORY and leftists are stupid enough to believe them.

techmedic @techmedic.

There are eight different strains of HIV inside the Covid boosters. 6 months ago this information was labeled a conspiracy theory. Here we are now.

According to professor Luc Montagnier who won a Nobel prize for discovering HIV, everyone who got double jabbed and boosted should take an AIDS test because the results may surprise them.

Unfortunately, professor Luc Montagnier died on Tuesday February 10, 2022. Do you think this is a coincidence???
You’re very smart. You took multiple experimental gene therapy shots which destroy your immune system.
Get an aids blood test asap, Dude.
Serious? Are you serious? Wow, I better take you seriously then. You presented some great observations and gave me super advice. Thank you!
The reason many people are unaware about the "Great Reset" is because the mainstream insist it's a conspiracy theory but it's no conspiracy . All you got to do is listen to what comes out of the WEF Elites mouths because they tell you straight out that mass depopulation is first and foremost in achieving their goals .

The jab's are nothing but depopulation agents disguised as something potentially good to fool the masses . If people didn't get their info from the mainstream they would have never submitted to the jab's because they would have been aware what the WEF's goals were.