Our buddy was just indicted

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Dr. Elizabeth Eads has been treating patients who’ve been seriously injured by the jabs and has now come out and stated that the COVID injections are actually injecting people with AIDS. Quote: “That is exactly what I am telling you. That is what the Spike Protein Lentivirus is. It is made up of HIV and AIDS along with SARS and MERS. That’s why the vaccinated and boosted are so sick.

That’s why they dominate the hospitalizations regarding COVID illness as well.” Further, because the immune system is depleted after taking the jabs, many kinds of disease, such as cancer, can spread like wildfire. Dr. Ryan Cole, says he’s seeing cancer up as much as 2,000% — from the vaccines.

The Covid-19 injections are decimating the immune systems of the vaccinated.

The booster shot has actually compromised the immune system of recipients even further, and an even quicker decline in immune system performance is happening .

Which leads us to ask why they are so desperate for everybody to receive a booster shot before they hit the point of total immune system failure?

This data suggests that the vaccinated population will now require an endless cycle of booster shots to boost their immune systems to a point where it does not fail but is inferior to that of the unvaccinated population, and we are seeing further clues hidden in official government reports that this is the case.
Well, I don’t have 100s of memes, I mean articles, that support my ridiculous, I mean logical and founded, opinions. But I know a thing or two.
Please enlighten me on this, Doc.
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You're a MORON and don't know jack shit about anything actually . When you posted yesterday that you thought Biden won legitimately it outed you as one of the dumbest mo fo's on the planet .

Somebody who has zero basic common sense at all .
One of the dumbest in the majority that happened to actually vote for him. Trump lost both majority votes. Or did Hillary cheat on the popular vote too?

Guys…I know you and yours like Trump. But there are a whole lot of people that just don’t.
One of the dumbest in the majority that happened to actually vote for him. Trump lost both majority votes. Or did Hillary cheat on the popular vote too?

Guys…I know you and yours like Trump. But there are a whole lot of people that just don’t.

Ohhhh ya, 81,000,000 😂😂😂😂
One of the dumbest in the majority that happened to actually vote for him. Trump lost both majority votes. Or did Hillary cheat on the popular vote too?

Guys…I know you and yours like Trump. But there are a whole lot of people that just don’t.
Well, some of us actually make voting decisions based on policy and not overemotional "feelings"
One of the dumbest in the majority that happened to actually vote for him. Trump lost both majority votes. Or did Hillary cheat on the popular vote too?

Guys…I know you and yours like Trump. But there are a whole lot of people that just don’t.

I saved this so I can use it again and again to prove just how full blown retarded you are .

A sample of democrat voter fraud that happened in 2016 and the 2018 midterms.

DNC Primary Election Fraud Caught On Camera In San Diego
Voters In Pennsylvania Report ‘Hillary Only’ Machines
Video Evidence Of Biggest Election Fraud In U.S. History
DNC To Sue Trump For Telling Truth About ‘Election Fraud’
Election Fraud: Texas Votes Switched From Republican To Democrat
Ten Million Dead Voters Officially Registered To Vote in one state
Election Fraud Underway As NBC Post Fake ‘Results’
DNC Election Fraud Whistleblower Found Murdered
Chicago ID Card For Illegal Immigrants Accepted For Voter Registration
Millions of Dead And Illegal Voters Discovered In Key Swing State
New Evidence Proves Hillary Won Popular Vote ‘Fraudulently’
Mathematician Uncovers Widespread Election Fraud
Hillary Accused Of Defrauding Arizona Voters, Investigation Ordered
USPS Mail Carrier Charged With Fraud After Tampering With Mail.
Award-Winning Democrat Official Arrested On 6 Felony Charges of Election Fraud
Democrat Party Chief Charged with Forging Voter Ballots
California Ballot Harvesting Favored Democrats, Election Fraud Expert Says
Florida Dems Caught Illegally Altering Forms To Confuse Voters In 4 Counties
‘Rampant’ democrat Voter Fraud Reported Across U.S.
Voter Fraud: republican voter Pamphlets Found Dumped In Trash Can
Investigation: Largest Ever democrat Voter Fraud Scam Detected In Texas
Federal Investigator investigating democrat voter fraud Found Murdered
DOJ Insider: Barack Obama Encouraged Voter Fraud For 8 Years
Journalist To Hand Evidence Of Mass Voter Fraud To Trump
Mexican Admits To U.S. Voter Fraud – Faces 8 Years In Prison
Authorities: Serious Clinton Voter Fraud Discovered In Michigan
Four Democrats Arrested For Running Voter Fraud Ring
Voter Fraud: 670 Ballots Cast In Precinct With Only 276 Voters
Uncovered Voter Fraud In New Hampshire Tipped State For Hillary
Chuck Schumer Demands Immediate Shut Down Of Voter Fraud Investigation
Democrats Announce They Will Block Trump’s Voter Fraud Investigation
Democratic Party Found Guilty Of Voter Fraud
Voter Fraud: Four Identical Mail-In Ballots Pictured In California
Widespread Voter Fraud Detected In Democrat Florida County
Democrat Party Leader Funded Massive Voter Fraud Ring, Says AG
New Jersey Democrats Charged With Illegal Mail-In Voter Fraud
Obama Illegally Transferred DOJ Money To Clinton Campaign
Thousands Of Fake Ballot Slips Found Marked For Hillary Clinton
Obama Administration Set To ‘Oversee’ U.S. Elections
Voting Machine SHOCKER: Video Proof Election Is RIGGED!
Voting Machines Stolen In Georgia Day Before Election, GOP Furious
Ballot Box Left Inside Rental Car By Democrat Broward County Employee
Texas Democrats Caught Assisting Non-Citizens To Enrol to Vote
Philadelphia Election Official Admits To Rigging Votes For Democrats
Feds Discover Tampered Ballots By Democrats In Broward County
Broward County Elections Supervisor Brenda Snipes is Funded by Soros
Democrats Paid Pennsylvania Election Officials to Stuff Ballot Box
Dead People Voting Early And Often For Hillary In Colorado
Man Proves Hacked Software Gave Hillary Stolen Votes
Computer Programmer Testifies He Was Hired To Rig Elections for democrats
Clinton Campaign Illegally Pay Halfway House Patients $300 To Vote
Voting Machine Caught Swapping Republican Ballot For Democrat
Republicans Have Proof PA Voting Machines Flipped Votes To Democrats
Democrats Arrested For Running Voter Fraud Ring In Mississippi
11, 000,000 Non-Citizens Are Registered To Vote In Blue Swing State
DNC Caught Registering Canadians To Vote In U.S. Election
New Californian Law Allows Illegal Immigrants To Vote Legally
Chuck Schumer Says Stopping Illegals From Voting Is ‘Racist’
Broward County Election Volunteer: I Saw Officials Duplicate Votes By Hand
Democrat Activists Caught Teaching Illegals How To Vote Twice
Bag Stuffed With Voter Forms Found Dumped in California
Mathematician Exposes massive democrat election Fraud.
Well, some of us actually make voting decisions based on policy and not overemotional "feelings"

This entire forum, all your digs at everyone here that has a different world view, suggest you are overly emotional. You say you have a different sense of humor. You don’t tail on one another the way you do people that disagree with you. You aren’t telling one another, “shove a bowling ball up your mothers pussy.” You are 100% over emotional. And in an entirely stunted way. Give us a break.
This entire forum, all your digs at everyone here that has a different world view, suggest you are overly emotional. You say you have a different sense of humor. You don’t tail on one another the way you do people that disagree with you. You aren’t telling one another, “shove a bowling ball up your mothers pussy.” You are 100% over emotional. And in an entirely stunted way. Give us a break.

And yet here you are😉
Play the game.
This entire forum, all your digs at everyone here that has a different world view, suggest you are overly emotional. You say you have a different sense of humor. You don’t tail on one another the way you do people that disagree with you. You aren’t telling one another, “shove a bowling ball up your mothers pussy.” You are 100% over emotional. And in an entirely stunted way. Give us a break.
Well, keep trying. Maybe we'll conform to your beliefs like you seem to desperate to have happen.
I was going to take your advice until I read your unhinged post right above and decided you're a paranoid lunatic.
I'm kind of glad you didn't take my advice actually , now don't forget you should have been stuck 14 separate times already as of todays date according to the CDC so if you have only been stuck 13 times contact a 24 hour pharmacy immediately and tell them that you're on your way over to get jacked again . No need to thank me bud , I look after fellow forum members that I care a great deal about .:thumbsup:
This entire forum, all your digs at everyone here that has a different world view, suggest you are overly emotional. You say you have a different sense of humor. You don’t tail on one another the way you do people that disagree with you. You aren’t telling one another, “shove a bowling ball up your mothers pussy.” You are 100% over emotional. And in an entirely stunted way. Give us a break.
Who is us? Inbred, BeerandPizza, Donnie B, Diary of a Vaxman? Those are just stand up examples aren't they?
This entire forum, all your digs at everyone here that has a different world view, suggest you are overly emotional. You say you have a different sense of humor. You don’t tail on one another the way you do people that disagree with you. You aren’t telling one another, “shove a bowling ball up your mothers pussy.” You are 100% over emotional. And in an entirely stunted way. Give us a break.

You’re absolutely right Dr fantom👍
We should all take a good lesson from Donnie here on R/T, just to keep our emotions in line.
You NEVER call him out, so you must approve of his behaviour.

Should we follow his example, Doc?

Would you suggest playing the game more like Donnie does?

Trumps biggest mistake was saying he was going to permanently take out elite pedophiles which is like a death sentence .

A World Economic Forum insider has admitted that the globalist elite pulled the trigger on the Trump arrest when Trump vowed last week to dismantle the elite pedophile power structure that has captured governments across the world and goes all the way to the top.

One of the very first things Biden did was permanently disband all of Trumps country wide child sex trafficking task forces .

There are the criminal elements including child trafficking networks and pedophiles, we don’t like to talk about that, but we must. I believe they are at the core of much of Donald-hate and the continual push in the media to distract, distract, distract. Human traffickers despise Trump .

It’s entirely the Trump’s administration’s actions that lead to the decline in the numbers of active child, sex slave rings, and his Justice Department is 100% responsible for the immediate halt of “http://www.backpage.com.” This website was where 80% of all global human trafficking was originating from. Go look again at this website it’s been seized by the FBI with a wonderful big government seal to show all the pedophiles that the game’s up and there’s a new sheriff in town. President Trump did that pretty much immediately after getting into the White House. Damn that evil man! I blame Trump for the destruction of that industry, brick by brick, starting with, so far, about 35,000 children rescued worldwide.

It’s shocking but not surprising that people are generally still not aware that Trump directed the focus of America’s law enforcement upon the pedophile rings, busting thousands of them across the land, thousands of pedophiles put in prison over the last three-and-one-half years. That’s probably Trump’s greatest legacy and why the “news” is especially silent. If you’re a pedophile doing business, you have 800,000 reasons to hate Donald. That’s how many children go missing in the USA every year.

Let me repeat again, not a word in the mainstream news about something so majorly wonderful, as literally tens of thousands of little children being rescued from the clutches of pedophiles across America. Every day, another group of pedophiles is caught and goes down the river – thousands of them. Read about Operation Broken Heart by our Justice Department. Can you imagine why we hear nothing but crickets? It has been going on four years now folks – not a peep. Not even on Fox.
Full story below: