Here we are near 60 pages into this thread and @acceptance @VonBonfire you've both been presented with mounds of evidence for earth being a sphere. Scientific, mathematical, experimental, practical, observational, photographic, first had accounts, historical, and even biblical evidence. You've dismissed it all. It's fine and dandy if you want to live in your own reality on this subject, but if you're going to try to invalidate globe earth or validate flat earth you're going to have to provide something substantial to back up your claim. All you've done is say "I can't see the curve" or called things fake in a attempt to justify your position. In the same manner you haven't presented anything but flawed logic to back up your claim of flat earth. A video of someone pouring water on a basketball and saying it doesn't stick isn't going to cut it.
It's obvious there's nothing that would convince either of you that the earth is a globe/sphere. At this point I don't think you'd believe you own eyes if we all chipped in to send you up to space to see for yourself. You'd likely have some asinine excuse like the window was dirty and only made it look like the earth was round.
If at some point one of you can present some actual clear cut, valid evidence of your flat earth claim I'll hear it out. But you're going to need some evidence that's on par with what you have been presented on globe earth. And don't try to cop out with some it hasn't been worked out excuse. You should be more than capable of doing some background work and deriving a mathematical formula or something to back up your stance. Until then I think it's time to back away from your argument and stop digging that hole even deeper.
And I'm not even sure why @VonBonfire is continuing to advocate for a flat earth. You've clearly stated the orthodox church's stance and by extension your stance is "we don't know." I'm sure I'm wrong here, but I would think that would at least make you open to all theories of the shape of the earth and not be dismissive of everything but flat earth. By continuing to advocate for flat earth, that puts you at odds with the official stance of the orthodox church. Wouldn't contradicting the orthodox church make you a heretic?
You guys run along and keep living in your altered reality. Come back when you have something that can substantiate your claims.