PSA - Pointless Ad-hominem Attacks - Updated 2023-10-26

  • Thread starter Thread starter Monkey Man
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Also I'd give it to his niece when she was thin(er).


I'd give it to her!
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In case anyone hasn't thought this through, what's everyone's major beef with the alts?

I'll tell you:
The fact that they "seem to think they can get away with abusing members whilst hiding behind masks".

The fact that they'll no longer be able to operate with ad-hominem's being their pièce de résistance should mean that those with ADS (Alt Derangement Syndrome) will have nothing to get their knickers in a knot about.

If the alts want to partake in rational debate / knowledge sharing, what difference does it make who they are? I'll tell you this too:

Play the ball, not the man. Problem solved.

Sorry but I have to retire for the day; will obviously attend to questions tomorrow.

I've said it before, but IMHO we're lucky that the mods are so-transparent here. In practically every other forum I've been a member of, PSA's such as this thread are locked to replies. No debate. No correspondence entered into.
If @dcburn mk.ii makes me feel bad about myself, am I allowed to report?
Deny it like YabbaDabbaKlanMan did about his disgusting comment about someones young son. The cancer remark toward you was distasteful. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. Sorry B&C, I know we get along good but that shit just ain't right man.
Well, we (you and I) can't agree on everything. If he linked where I wrote exactly why I find him so loathsome it might explain my extreme distaste. I know you still wouldn't agree but you'd perhaps understand.
Looks like antisemitism still isn’t against the rules here.
Calling a Jewish Senator a Nazi, the constant attacks on Soros here (I haven’t searched, I bet there are attacks on the Rothschild family as well)

There seems to be an uncomfortable amount of members here that are either direct adherents of the antisemitic Qanon/Pizzagate movements, or at least heavily influenced by those worldviews.

Core, day one tenets of the Qanon movement are that shadowy Jewish elites run a cabal of corruption and child sex trafficking/murder, and that Donny Trump, JFK and/or JFK Jr and MBS were going to round up hundreds of thousands of democrats, celebrities, and other political enemies and send them to Gitmo for military tribunals and execution. It’s pure bloodlust, and it’s a sick, dangerous doomsday death cult.

Any person calling themselves a Christian or ally of the people of Israel is an absolute hypocrite for holding these views about evil Jewish “puppet masters” (another centuries old antisemitic trope) pulling the strings behind all of this.