PSA - Spamming in OTC - Updated 2023-04-19

  • Thread starter Thread starter Monkey Man
  • Start date Start date
Everyone is sick and tired of the fucking troll accounts.

And your the biggest one Donnie.., everybody paying attention knows your really that ass clown ShredSquatch.

Pro tip:

If you find yourself wondering whether or not you should post particular pics / GIFs again, you've probably already made your point and would otherwise be venturing into territory the mods and members wouldn't appreciate.

IOW, if you're thinking, "Should I do it again?", you've likely gone too-far or are treading the limit already.


It's so simple.

Post a funny GIF that works within the flow of a thread = Funny. Everyone chuckles.
Post a GIF repeatedly with the sole intent of annoying a member = Annoying. To everyone.
Donnie B is giving his expert advice on how to properly behave in the off topic section of a gear forum. ????‍?‍?
To be fair, he did pretty-much get it right in this instance bro':

It's so simple.

Post a funny GIF that works within the flow of a thread = Funny. Everyone chuckles.
Post a GIF repeatedly with the sole intent of annoying a member = Annoying. To everyone.
Jesus H. Think up a new reply moron.

If anything, it was a friendly warning for you. Fuck it. I'd rather see you get the boot anyway.

Thanks for your advice, Chuckles.

I can see from your history on here, that your number one concern is to keep Rigtalk ‘respectable

Great job, Chuckles?

On behalf of everyone, a big thank you.
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Thanks for your advice, ?Chuckles?.

I can see from your history of racist, vile, homophobic, violent, baiting, trolling posts, on numerous gear forms, that your number one concern is to keep Rigtalk ‘respectable’ ???

Great job, Chuckles:hys::hys::hys:

On behalf of everyone, a big thank you.