Haha, now you've actually provoked me to a rather childish reaction that would actually fit your personality structure much better. But today it doesn't matter after only 2 hours of sleep.
I've now put all the cash I have at home on a tray.
Consider this a nice favor that I'm doing you, even though you totally don't deserve my effort.
But if you have enough patience you can count it for me because I honestly don't know exactly how much it is.
View attachment 140854
Yes, and then I had something else in a drawer that I would never get out otherwise, because I consider it an 'iron emergency reserve', so to speak
View attachment 140857
Then there still would be two bank accounts in balance because I would never draw a checking account into the red.
Then two credit cards, one with 7,500 euros, the other with 12,000 euros overdraft facility, which I refill from the bank account immediately after the claim
There's still plenty available on PayPal too, although the payment to the lawyer has been deducted from that
A safe deposit box in a bank house with ~some~ precious metal in it
About 500 pieces of NOS ECC83, of which about 300 pieces only Tungsram
Then about 400 power tubes, 180 of them NOS RFT EL34 and exactly 76 NOS Mullard EL34, only Xf2
The rest are NOS RCA & GE 6L6's, NOS Genalex GEC KT66's & KT77's, several NOS Bendix Red Bank 5992's, etc. etc.
But yes, as you've already said - I don't have money to hire shit ?
Oh you my poor, mentally ill ex-customer ?