PSA: "Who is the real Larry?" thread is live

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Larry, if you haven’t yet, just send me the money or the proof and let’s bury this already, send SBlue his back panel or whatever, make things right and go to bed, wake up and start working on those amps people have on order.
You don’t have many people on your side here. I really don’t understand your motivation here. This shitshow is only going to get worse, and I’m honestly sick and tired of this shit.

Enough is enough.
I am willing to make Tiago a back panel if he lets me drive down to Nashville and play his amps. Dan can vouch for my kindness!
Really, it seems like it's more the exception than the norm that someone can both build a good amp/guitar/car/etc. and actually run a business.

100 percent. Just like people think because they are a good frontman, or a good player or whatever, doesn’t mean you have any sense of turning yourself into a brand/a business. Because anyone that’s ever made it realized that real quick, you have to brand yourself, and put on your business cap wayyyyy more often than your creative cap.
I never expected in a million years for this thread to blow up like this. There is so much shit slinging among members here, this thread has turned into some type of bizarre catalyst for members to take out their long held frustrations on each other. I think word of month has spread and people are tuning in to view the train wreck, this thread has taken in a new life beyond the original topic.
That‘s what I thought like one page ago.
It‘s hilarious and feels unreal at the same time.

It‘s like in those bad western movies where one guy picks up a barfight and suddenly, all the guys chime in and randomly get one each other throats.
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100 percent. Just like people think because they are a good frontman, or a good player or whatever, doesn’t mean you have any sense of turning yourself into a brand/a business. Because anyone that’s ever made it realized that real quick, you have to brand yourself, and put on your business cap wayyyyy more often than your creative cap.
very true in a lot of walks.

i used to caddy for an aspiring young pro golfer. kid always had to be the business guy first it seemed; smiling and greeting, texting and talking with potential sponsors...on and on. we were practicing prior to a tourney one day...while on the course between shots, he's on the phones talking to potential investors, manuf reps, texting with tournament corporate sponsors, etc.. he'd wrap up that call, grab a stick, hit a shot, then back on the phone... incredible concentration on his part, never rattled. but the amount of time away from actually practicing his craft to manage the business side was quite the juggle.
Larry, I can tell you enjoy philosophical questions very much. Taking this recent quote by you into consideration, let me propose one, actually two, myself.

"If this amp would have been my baby, made by my hands, then I'd have promptly used a gun - directly into my mouth :bleh:"
The above quote is referencing the MIC Randall Satan amp. My question is, which following scenario is worse?

A) If you made an amp that sounds like a MIC Randall Satan you'd commit suicide. (As per your quote)
B) If you made an amp that sounds exactly like a Larry PMM because it's built into the existing gutted chassis of an original run, made in Canada, handwired Fortin Natas amp!!!

Oh yes, I know all about that proposal. And how quickly and eager you were to take it on. Including fully pricing it out and scheduling it as well. No Marshalls allowed, only a genuine original run Natas was eligible.

In fact, the proposed schedule indicated this was a rather high priority project for you, to be completed in a mere 3 months and started very shortly after the initial enquiry. More seriously, what would this sudden, spontaneous uncharted new project mean for existing customers in the queue, patiently waiting for their own amps ordered at a much earlier date? More medical excuses to cover up this shamefully motivated, for lack of a better term, revenge build?
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36 pages in we have learned a few things.

Larry could have avoided this thread and not made himself look completely ridiculous, but he likes to entertain us.

Some fucking morons are so dense as not to understand what a PSA is. Or their trailer park mentality is that people that have money deserve to get ripped off.

Some people in this forum understand what @Dino 939 is talking about and it baffles me. I have understood three of his posts, but i like the guy. Makes me laugh.

Dan really wants me to speak in paragraphs.

I am not team catepillar. Perhaps i am too vanilla.

Ves medic hates the game and the c+

Larry is more powerful than most want to admit. He singlehandedly defeated and made the following builders undesirable: Fortin, Larry.

I want to fight several members on this forum. I feel like too many have never had their ass whipped by the dumb shit they talk. It builds character, and i am always here to help.

I miss making fun of tonedingdong and wonder: did anyone ever read his book? Adventures in bedroom guitar or some trash..what a fucking moron.
Haha, now you've actually provoked me to a rather childish reaction that would actually fit your personality structure much better. But today it doesn't matter after only 2 hours of sleep.

I've now put all the cash I have at home on a tray.
Consider this a nice favor that I'm doing you, even though you totally don't deserve my effort.
But if you have enough patience you can count it for me because I honestly don't know exactly how much it is.

View attachment 140854

Yes, and then I had something else in a drawer that I would never get out otherwise, because I consider it an 'iron emergency reserve', so to speak

View attachment 140857

Then there still would be two bank accounts in balance because I would never draw a checking account into the red.
Then two credit cards, one with 7,500 euros, the other with 12,000 euros overdraft facility, which I refill from the bank account immediately after the claim

There's still plenty available on PayPal too, although the payment to the lawyer has been deducted from that
A safe deposit box in a bank house with ~some~ precious metal in it

About 500 pieces of NOS ECC83, of which about 300 pieces only Tungsram
Then about 400 power tubes, 180 of them NOS RFT EL34 and exactly 76 NOS Mullard EL34, only Xf2
The rest are NOS RCA & GE 6L6's, NOS Genalex GEC KT66's & KT77's, several NOS Bendix Red Bank 5992's, etc. etc.

But yes, as you've already said - I don't have money to hire shit ?
Oh you my poor, mentally ill ex-customer ?‍♂️
Even with all that money to afford, you rather be a thief and keep Steve K's deposit and Disfigured's payment for the tubes that you never sent out.
Highest class piece if shit master thief.
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I wouldnt send that kind of money overseas for anything in the first place. fuck that
He ordered / paid 11k or so to someone he never met, a one man operation on a different continent. I don’t get it either.
If I am reading this correctly and it seems simple enough. Larry knowingly shipped an incomplete amp missing the rear protective back grille panel for the tubes and acknowledges doing so in the email notifying the buyer of the situation and then promising to send it later. Now after asking for two years for his back panel you continue to gaslight the guy telling him here it was a "GIFT" and because Sblue is pissed at you for sending an incomplete product and now publicly decrying it so you taunt him with the back panel that you didn't and won't ship which rightfully belongs to the BRAND NEW amplifier which was sold by you. That would be like you buying a brand new Porsche and Porsche telling you we're shipping the car without the wheels center caps but we will send them later....After two years you're pissed off and you rant and rave at your local dealer demanding your wheels center caps because "Dammit you paid for them" otherwise the car is incomplete without them. The Porsche dealer then tells you because you acted inappropriately and yelled at them they are no longer going to give you the wheel center caps and to PISS OFF.

It isn't a gift Larry..... it's part of the amplifier which you knowingly sold without it. Now you won't send him the grille because he publicly had to call you out yet you try to spin it like your customer is the one with no integrity. According to this email Larry's position is not defensible in any way.

After two years I think anyone would be pissed off no matter what the price $2500.00 or $7,000.00......the amp was knowingly shipped without the back panel, imagine the uproar if Dave Friedman sent BE Deluxes with no back panels promised to ship them them and never delivered.....I imagine there would be all kinds of thread on forums just like this........:dunno:

Larry I would be the first one here to defend you but your argument isn't defensible after reviewing the attached document. Do you deny this is you in the email? If you had just sent the grille to the guy you wouldn't have to expend so much energy to obfuscate, gaslight and be less than honest regarding the subject and then threaten legal action on top of it. Yeah... I imagine you don't like the things he is saying to and about you....but all you had to do was ship the guy his REAR GRILLE for his amp of which he paid you full down payment waited patiently for for years and then paid his remaining balance in full for you to ship it incomplete.
Exactly. Thanks you for understanding.
Even with all that money to afford, you rather be a thief and keep Steve K's deposit and Disfigured's payment for the tubes that you never sent out.
Highest class piece if shit master thief.
I hope the Gov't takes it all from you when they realize you're selling $7k to $9K amps and paying them tax only for the $850.00 receipt that you send with the purchased amp.