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Please, you don't know much about Dave, do you?
I'd bet real money he'd have you crying like a little bitch in less than 30 seconds.
And laughing at you the whole time
Get off his dick.
Also I have never seen or gotten into a fight at a gun range.

Might have gotten into once with a dude who had his AK and sexy girlfriend who he was gonna
show off for in the spot to my left. Kept getting pinged with the occasional ejected casing.

Gave him a "really?" look and he realized he was in the wrong and kept his piece lower after that.
Thought maybe he might get in my face cause of the girl. DAMN she was distracting!
Just that he's a real asshole sometimes.
What did he do that you haven't done yourself X1000?
Posted something that was true, but you didn't like it?
Said something you didn't like?
I would put up a hundred things you've said that were completely off the charts, but I know it would be a waste of time... 10 people have already done that continuously for months and you still didn't get it.
I'll just laugh my ass off instead :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
Carry on...
I'll just laugh my ass off instead.
You another one that thinks the DC cops who got whooped on J6 are funny when they get emotional?
You try to defend the J6 rioters every chance you get like him too?

Fuck you asshole.
I could give two shits about your opinion of anything.
You another one that thinks the DC cops who got whooped on J6 are funny when they get emotional?
You try to defend the J6 rioters every chance you get like him too?

Fuck you asshole.
I could give two shits about your opinion of anything.
I do. I think it’s theater. People have no idea what corrections workers see and go through every day. These pussies see a little action once in their career and they get on tv and cry like babies. Gtfooh. Not to mention what our soldiers have to go through…if we ever meet up and you get a few beers in me and I will tell you some stories. Then you will understand why I consider them to be pussies. Of course with their limited experience that probably was a little scary for them. I dunno….
Might have gotten into once with a dude who had his AK and sexy girlfriend who he was gonna
show off for in the spot to my left. Kept getting pinged with the occasional ejected casing.

Gave him a "really?" look and he realized he was in the wrong and kept his piece lower after that.
Thought maybe he might get in my face cause of the girl. DAMN she was distracting!
I got burned in training during requalifacation one year. Spent casing landed perfectly on my neck, I raised up and it stuck under my collar. Burned me really good. I’m dancing around with a live weapon pointing in the air while waiving my arm trying to get the range officers attention. Everyone else looking and laughing at me….that sucked.
Of course with their limited experience that probably was a little scary for them. I dunno….

I can understand your perspective.

You are coming from a prison where you have to work on the edge 100% the time cause something
bad is going to go down - literally at any second.

These guys got one of the most plush gigs in all of cop world. Patrolling the US Capitol.
In reality probably a ridiculously boring job 99% of the time.

The highlight of an entire year for cripes sake is some crazy trying to drive over a concrete barrier
and they have to shoot him. AND they get interviewed on the evening news about it like it's the
2nd coming of Kennedy's brain getting splattered.

J6 was about as far from a normal day on the job for those guys as they could have probably imagined.

One guy gets dragged into the raging crowd and tazed so often he has a heart attack.
Big black dude has to fight like it's an ice hockey brawl- all while people are screaming NIGGER at him.
The short Hispanic dude was forced to retire cause of brain injuries from a job he really dug.

And to this day they have certain dicks in public wherever they go accusing them of being traitors.

I cut them a shitload of slack - all things considered.
You are a Trump supporter - your view is also tilted because of that.
I consider him the only real traitor - you plan on voting for him again.

No way we're going to see J6 the same way - that's cool.
Just don't post pictures of them being emotional and laugh like it's a big fucking joke.

Like Picasso ALWAYS did. He's a huge fucking asshole for that.

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I have been in a riot. Parts of that were legitimately violent. The vast majority was not. The talking heads comparing that to the holocaust and Normandy? C’mon man. Say what you want about tucker but when that footage was released…it showed how much the media has lied and manipulated shit. As well as the politicians. Fuck every one of them. It’s all shameful.
I can understand your perspective.

You are coming from a prison where you have to work on the edge 100% the time cause something
bad is going to go down - literally at any second.

These guys got one of the most plush gigs in all of cop world. Patrolling the US Capitol.
In reality probably a ridiculously boring job 99% of the time.

The highlight of an entire year for cripes sake is some crazy trying to drive over a concrete barrier
and they have to shoot him. AND they get interviewed on the evening news about it like it's the
2nd coming of Kennedy's brain getting splattered.

J6 was about as far from a normal day on the job for those guys as they could have probably imagined.

One guy gets dragged into the raging crowd and tazed so often he has a heart attack.
Big black dude has to fight like it's an ice hockey brawl- all while people are screaming NIGGER at him.
The short Hispanic dude was forced to retire from a job he really dug.

And to this day they have certain dicks in public wherever they go accusing them of being traitors.

I cut them a shitload of slack - all things considered.
You are a Trump supporter - your view is also tilted because of that.
I consider him the only real traitor - you plan on voting for him again.

No way we're going to see J6 the same way - that's cool.
Just don't post pictures of them being emotional and laugh like it's a big fucking joke.

Like Picasso ALWAYS did. He's a huge fucking asshole for that.

Fake news. Everybody knows it was just a calm tour of the capital. :rolleyes:
I had a big response written but realized that I was on a guitar forum and why the fuck am I even discussing this shit……it’s all fucked up and nobody is changing their minds about anything.
Amazing 100 million people watched it happen in real time, watched the replays on the evening news.
Everyone saw the headlines in the newspapers the next day - all over the world!

Yet Carlson shows a ridiculously whitewashed video and some start using it as if it's the proof
they've been waiting for all along that J6 was really no big deal.

Total WTF inside my brain. Am I suppose to be stupid? Are they that naive?



jan 6 was like the mostly peaceful protests but without all the deaths and destruction that happened….during the mostly peaceful protests….you see it one way, I see it another…clown world bro…
jan 6 was like the mostly peaceful protests but without all the deaths and destruction that happened….during the mostly peaceful protests….you see it one way, I see it another…clown world bro…
Apples and oranges though. The mostly peaceful protests had no chance of ruining our democracy like the peaceful capital tour could have. I can't believe that people actually compare the two.
fuck that...I like these hills here. speaking of which if anyone is interested a family has their "farm" for sale. 117 acres with two or three gas wells, couple old barns and a livable old house for 150k.....they would probably take less. It's out of town but not to far out. good roads all the way to it. In 15 years you could timber and get 150k easy. Get a big chunk of the price for it if you timbered it now probably. And did I mention free natural gas?
Ya but someone would have to be YOUR neighbor so there’s that little tidbit ?
They’d have to put up with the screaming gimp chained up in your basement.
What does this guy like like to you guys? Looks like he's been hanging out with Senator Byrd a little too much, that's what. Lol
