Seems Hawaii is like Joes illegitimate grandchild.

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Hey look everyone. We've got a neo-nazi posting here.

Hello nazi.

Look. I'm not getting into a name slinging match with you, but you're either a member of the synagogue of satan or even worse, just blindly defending it.

Hmm. I wonder what could be so bad about kissing a wall? Maybe because it's actually a satanic ritual where they symbolically FUCK SATAN and anyone who's anybody in American politics is required to kiss this wall?

But you go ahead and call names and place labels because I don't support this obscenity.


Look. I'm not getting into a name slinging match with you, but you're either a member of the synagogue of satan or even worse, just blindly defending it.

Hmm. I wonder what could be so bad about kissing a wall? Maybe because it's actually a satanic ritual where they symbolically FUCK SATAN and anyone who's anybody in American politics is required to kiss this wall?

But you go ahead and call names and place labels because I don't support this obscenity.

View attachment 236642

View attachment 236648
Fuck off Nazi. Just fuck off.
Weird, how did you ‘change your name’ on a banned account, Donnie?

He seems pretty stuck :dunno:

Donnie B.
Strandberg Junkie
Bagel & Creamcheese

He also claimed many times that he's never been banned from a guitar forum and we know for a fact that is not true.

This thread was pretty telling:

Oh well. I don't really care. Donnie reached out to me a few months ago and said I was right about the CharvelDan Syndrome diagnosis. As a non-practicing psychologist beginner guitar player I realize that mental illness is real and that one has to want to get better in order to seek treatment.

But you guys feel free to stand together....

 your circle jerk.
He seems pretty stuck :dunno:

Donnie B.
Strandberg Junkie
Bagel & Creamcheese

He also claimed many times that he's never been banned from a guitar forum and we know for a fact that is not true.

This thread was pretty telling:

Oh well. I don't really care. Donnie reached out to me a few months ago and said I was right about the CharvelDan Syndrome diagnosis. As a non-practicing psychologist beginner guitar player I realize that mental illness is real and that one has to want to get better in order to seek treatment.

But you guys feel free to stand together....

 your circle jerk.
Are you saying because a former name I used was banned, therefore I got banned from a forum and therefore my claim to never have been banned is bogus?

If so, well, HERE I AM. If I was banned I wouldn't be here would I?

Why do you always bring up your abandoned profession? Do you think it lends gravitas to your posts?
Are you saying because a former name I used was banned, therefore I got banned from a forum and therefore my claim to never have been banned is bogus?

If so, well, HERE I AM. If I was banned I wouldn't be here would I?

Why do you always bring up your abandoned profession? Do you think it lends gravitas to your posts?
The profession thing is just kind of a joke.
This whole place is a joke.
You guys are welcome to carry on as you do.
I only pop in for the lols.
Mostly I hang out in the main forum, the classifieds, and the tech forum.
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Look. I'm not getting into a name slinging match with you, but you're either a member of the synagogue of satan or even worse, just blindly defending it.

Hmm. I wonder what could be so bad about kissing a wall? Maybe because it's actually a satanic ritual where they symbolically FUCK SATAN and anyone who's anybody in American politics is required to kiss this wall?

But you go ahead and call names and place labels because I don't support this obscenity.

View attachment 236642

View attachment 236648
Stay in your house, Adolf.
The profession thing is just kind of a joke.
This whole place a joke.
You guys are welcome to carry on as you do.
I only pop in for the lols.
Mostly I hang out in the main forum, the classifieds, and the tech forum.
Ok. CU Later.
Look. I'm not getting into a name slinging match with you, but you're either a member of the synagogue of satan or even worse, just blindly defending it.

Hmm. I wonder what could be so bad about kissing a wall? Maybe because it's actually a satanic ritual where they symbolically FUCK SATAN and anyone who's anybody in American politics is required to kiss this wall?

But you go ahead and call names and place labels because I don't support this obscenity.

View attachment 236642

View attachment 236648
straight up antisemitism, white nationalist/neo-Nazi rhetoric and memes. This place is a fucking cesspool
I see PLX in the main forum and ccn sometimes. Most of the rest of you....not so much.
Fuck off Nazi. Just fuck off.
Stay in your house, Adolf.
View attachment 236729
straight up antisemitism, white nationalist/neo-Nazi rhetoric and memes. This place is a fucking cesspool

Nothing but labeling, name calling, and throw in an internet tough guy for good measure. What's telling is none of you dispute the message. You just attack the messenger.

Satanic luciferians each of you. Oh hey! I think I see a hole in the wall! Go stick a "prayer" in it!
Nothing but labeling, name calling, and throw in an internet tough guy for good measure. What's telling is none of you dispute the message. You just attack the messenger.

Satanic luciferians each of you. Oh hey! I think I see a hole in the wall! Go stick a "prayer" in it!
Damn right I’m going to attack the messenger. Go post on stormfront you antisemite.
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