Seems Hawaii is like Joes illegitimate grandchild.

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I'll just leave this here and you come to your own conclusions LOL. It's all manufactured to keep what's most important to the left which is "Division and control", without those two things democrats lose all their power.

Well DUH , all factcheckers are liberal funded and they deny EVERYTHING that's true when it doesn't fit the liberal narrative .

How could you not know this , I can post a whole shitload of things thats true that liberal funded sites will say is not true.

This is a great example of why so many get fooled they trust bogus factcheckers who affirm the mainstreams lies .

Israel Cohens great grandchildren admit that he said it .

That site is A VOX affiliate ha ha ha ha ha
“1) There is no record of a Communist leader, philosopher or pamphleteer by the name of Israel Cohen, in England or elsewhere; 2) No book or pamphlet entitled “A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century” is known to the Library of Congress, the British Museum or the National Union Catalogue which summarizes the holdings of 800 libraries in the United States; 3) No United States Executive or Congressional agency concerned with combating Communis m, all of which have extensive biographical and bibliographic data, have a record of an alleged Communist writer known as Israel Cohen; 4) The term “Communist Party” could not have been used by any Communist writer in 1912, since the term was not coined until 1917, when it was first used by the founder of the Russian Communist Party, Nicolai Lenin.

The Washington Star did establish, by contacting Israel Cohen, a well-known Anglo-Jewish writer living in London, that the real Mr. Cohen had never written such a book. The real Israel Cohen was general secretary of the World Zionist Organization from 1922 to 1939, and is the author of at least two dozen books, not one of which deals with Communism. Among Mr. Cohen’s works are a history of Zionism, travel books, and books dealing with contemporary Jewish affairs based on his broad experiences in Jewish work dating back to 1909, when he was secretary of the British Zionist Federation:

The Washington Star stated editorially, after tracing the hoax: “Certainly one innocent victim of this fraud has been Israel Cohen, of London, a journalist and writer of excellent reputation, whose name seems to have been gratuitously exploited as part of the fabrication.”
Well DUH , all factcheckers are liberal funded and they deny EVERYTHING that's true when it doesn't fit the liberal narrative .

How could you not know this , I can post a whole shitload of things thats true that liberal funded sites will say is not true.

This is a great example of why so many get fooled they trust bogus factcheckers who affirm the mainstreams lies .

Israel Cohens great grandchildren admit that he said it .

That site is A VOX affiliate ha ha ha ha ha
You’re an antisemitic liar.
Lets settle this once and for all , look up Israel Cohens great grandchildren as ask them ,they will admit the media will say its not true because it looks very bad for the communist party .

They will admit he said it and prove to you once and for all the mainstream media always lies.
@Bagel and Creamcheese @ArtTheClown

Some tidbits for you that are 100% true.

85 – 90% of Jews are Khazars You will find that approximately 85 – 90% of people in the world today who call themselves Jews are actually Khazars, or as they like to be known, Ashkenazi Jews. These people knowingly lie and claim that the land of Israel is theirs by birthright, when in actual fact their real homeland is over 800 miles away in Georgia.

In 1948 The Flag of Israel is unveiled. Despite tremendous opposition the emblem on the flag is a blue colored version of the Rothschild, “Red Hexagram or Sign.” This angers so many Jews who realize this Hexagram was used in the ancient mystery religions as the symbol of, “Moloch,” (described as a demon of unwilling sacrifice and is also interestingly the name of the stone owl the elite worship at Bohemian Grove), and, “Astaroth,” (described as the Lord Treasurer of Hell).The Hexagram was also used to represent Saturn, which has been identified as the esoteric name for, “Satan.” This indicates that anyone killed in the name of Israel is actually a sacrifice to Satan. These dissenting Jews believe the, “Menorah,” the oldest Jewish symbol should be used and pointed out that the Hexagram is not even a Jewish symbol, but of course as the Rothschild Zionists use it that is what ends up on the Rothschild, I mean Zionist, I mean Israeli flag

Great post. I was going to mention some of this but what good would it do?

I tried to clarify that I'm only riffing on the satanic globalist jews and they just got MADDER.

Your post probably has them fit to be tied.

“1) There is no record of a Communist leader, philosopher or pamphleteer by the name of Israel Cohen, in England or elsewhere; 2) No book or pamphlet entitled “A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century” is known to the Library of Congress, the British Museum or the National Union Catalogue which summarizes the holdings of 800 libraries in the United States; 3) No United States Executive or Congressional agency concerned with combating Communis m, all of which have extensive biographical and bibliographic data, have a record of an alleged Communist writer known as Israel Cohen; 4) The term “Communist Party” could not have been used by any Communist writer in 1912, since the term was not coined until 1917, when it was first used by the founder of the Russian Communist Party, Nicolai Lenin.

The Washington Star did establish, by contacting Israel Cohen, a well-known Anglo-Jewish writer living in London, that the real Mr. Cohen had never written such a book. The real Israel Cohen was general secretary of the World Zionist Organization from 1922 to 1939, and is the author of at least two dozen books, not one of which deals with Communism. Among Mr. Cohen’s works are a history of Zionism, travel books, and books dealing with contemporary Jewish affairs based on his broad experiences in Jewish work dating back to 1909, when he was secretary of the British Zionist Federation:

The Washington Star stated editorially, after tracing the hoax: “Certainly one innocent victim of this fraud has been Israel Cohen, of London, a journalist and writer of excellent reputation, whose name seems to have been gratuitously exploited as part of the fabrication.”
Do you REALLY know what Zionism is 'all' about? Not a smartass question, a real one.

TRUE history is very interesting and telling. What is being shown as history today is 99% false...................the written word is SO powerful so showing it is a very careful and deceptive procedure today.
Well DUH , all factcheckers are liberal funded and they deny EVERYTHING that's true when it doesn't fit the liberal narrative .

How could you not know this , I can post a whole shitload of things thats true that liberal funded sites will say is not true.

This is a great example of why so many get fooled they trust bogus factcheckers who affirm the mainstreams lies .

Israel Cohens great grandchildren admit that he said it .

That site is A VOX affiliate ha ha ha ha ha
I just googled “Israel Cohen great grandchildren” and found nothing confirming what you claim you lying antisemite. Of course you won’t post anything because you’re fucking making it up.
Jews Against Soros coalition was recently launched after leftists said criticizing Soros is antisemitic. “Attacking Soros for his influence on American politics, to say nothing of his nefarious agenda in Israel itself, isn’t antisemitic,” the group asserts. “It is simply a fact that Soros funds a huge proportion of the radical left in this country. And he must be stopped.”
I said I was done with otc but I just saw the report for this thread. So now I'm back. In the immortal words of Toby Kieth-"Let's have a party."

If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you.
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