So if da "system is rigged" and he won 2016 its not ? And 2020 he lost and its "rigged" again.

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Trump is unmistakably, extraordinarily popular. Does anyone honestly believe Killary, Biden or Kamala would win in fair contest against him? ...No one would be complaining if it was Romney against these people for example. And then there's the evidence of cheating. On the other hand, Dems tried blaming the Russians, which was made up from whole cloth.

he’s very popular but also polarizing. People that hate him talk about him as much as those who love him, so his popularity doesn’t really reflect his acceptance.
Plus he’s annoying enough that the people in the middle will vote “not trump” too
imagine not seeing that all the points on the graph ARE BETWEEN 25 AND 55 PERCENT

Lol wtf are you talking about? Of course all the points are between 25 and 55. That’s why they used them, to make her “rise” look exaggerated. If it was 0 to 100 the “rise” would be hardly distinguishable.

That’s why I said not to trust it.
Lol wtf are you talking about? Of course all the points are between 25 and 55. That’s why they used them, to make her “rise” look exaggerated. If it was 0 to 100 the “rise” would be hardly distinguishable.

That’s why I said not to trust it.

Do you really think 30% is hardly noticeable, or are you confusing this with those zoomed in graphs of wall street stocks that are misrepresentative? Either way it's not what you're insinuating.
Do you really think 30% is hardly noticeable, or are you confusing this with those zoomed in graphs of wall street stocks that are misrepresentative? Either way it's not what you're insinuating.

I literally said “don’t trust the graph”. Even when I agree with you retards you are too butthurt to see it lol
I literally said “don’t trust the graph”. Even when I agree with you retards you are too butthurt to see it lol

Apparently you're too fucking stupid to understand that a rise of 30% is only "Exaggerated" when its from 1% to 1.3% and that's the "30 percent"
Apparently you're too fucking stupid to understand that a rise of 30% is only "Exaggerated" when its from 1% to 1.3% and that's the "30 percent"

No. I think it is purposely misleading to plot a graph in a way that whomever made that graph chose to.
No. I think it is purposely misleading to plot a graph in a way that whomever made that graph chose to.

Then you're an imbecile, and don't actually understand when a graph is actually misleading and when it isnt.

You see, if a graph shows a "30%" increase that is statistically irrelevant, and then zooms in on the data, it would be misleading.

You're just doing the bullshit where you pretend every graph that's zoomed in on relevant data is "misleading" because you saw it on some fucking stupid boomer facebook post.

Take the L, retard.
Then you're an imbecile, and don't actually understand when a graph is actually misleading and when it isnt.

You see, if a graph shows a "30%" increase that is statistically irrelevant, and then zooms in on the data, it would be misleading.

You're just doing the bullshit where you pretend every graph that's zoomed in on relevant data is "misleading" because you saw it on some fucking stupid boomer facebook post.

Take the L, retard.

Like I said, too butthurt
he’s very popular but also polarizing. People that hate him talk about him as much as those who love him, so his popularity doesn’t really reflect his acceptance.
Plus he’s annoying enough that the people in the middle will vote “not trump” too
I agree he's polarizing. I am not convinced as many people hate him as the media would have you believe. It is rare for a president as popular, albeit controversial, to lose an incumbent election. I think people thought it was plausible because he is controversial. But when you couple that with all the other election irregularities, and that Biden, like Kamala, was in no way an inspiring candidate, it starts to seem unlikely. It's kind of a tough call but I think Trump is liked by his supporters more than hated by his detractors, whom I believe are less numerous than those that support him. But a well designed objective poll should give the best insight as most of what I'm claiming is reasoned but subjective.