There have been multiple assassination attempts on DJT

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Sure they could. The big change wasn't modern weapons dude. It was people. Back then there was very little desire of mass murder by normal citizens.
I think it's hard to say what constitution they would draft in 2024. Impossible to say really. One can only speculate.
Yup--cut their tits and dicks off and see what happens
You guys have a charming way with words but in terms of criminals and low lifes I do think they should bring back public floggings and castrations and amputations for thieves etc. Eg Rape - castration, theft - amputate a hand, other offences - a good old flogging.

FFS - in 3rd grade my teacher caned me 27 times. I know because I had a competition with a guy in 4th grade - we were in the same composite class.

If they can cane a 3rd grade child they can do an adult version on today's adults.
I think it's hard to say what constitution they would draft in 2024. Impossible to say really. One can only speculate.
Also irrelevant. There is one constitution and barring the prescribed protocol for amending it, people who dislike it should get the fuck out and go somewhere more to their liking. Simple as that.
You guys have a charming way with words but in terms of criminals and low lifes I do think they should bring back public floggings and castrations and amputations for thieves etc.
Castration or death for rapists for sure. Thieves ? Maybe. Cut a few hands off and the rest will figure out what not to do.
Also irrelevant. There is one constitution and barring the prescribed protocol for amending it, people who dislike it should get the fuck out and go somewhere more to their liking. Simple as that.
Never updating the constitution for modern realities is the political equivalent of being a quaker or something.

However, I'd hate to see what the democrats would do to it. So I kind of get why it's frozen in time. The devil you know is better than the devil you don't know.
Never updating the constitution for modern realities is the political equivalent of being a quaker or something.
No it isn't. The constitution was made difficult to change on purpose and for a very good reason. This is not mob rules brother. It's not a democracy. It's a republic. Media manipulated morons should not be able to scream the loudest and get our government changed to suit their fucked up ideas.

Regardless of what you think you know, the vast majority of Americans do not want more gun control. Just because the media hypes up school shootings and shit, which constitute a minute fraction, as in statistically insignificant, of murders, that doesn't mean we should allow the fucking useless, inept and corrupt government to dictate to us what kind of fucking guns we can own. When those cock suckers give up theirs and disarm hood rats and shitbags then we can maybe have a discussion about what guns I can own. Until then they can all go fuck themselves.
It's not a democracy. It's a republic.
And that is basically the point I was making about the president vs the prime minister.

The US system is a Democratic Republic. The democratic part basically determines the supreme ruler for the next term. The President is more powerful than a Prime Minister.
And that is basically the point I was making about the president vs the prime minister.

The US system is a Democratic Republic. The democratic part basically determines the supreme ruler for the next term. The President is more powerful than a Prime Minister.
No it isn’t. It’s a representative republic.
Well what do you call your elections if that's not democratic. What do you think voting is.

The representative part is democratic.
It’s democratic the way your healthcare is socialist. That is just because an action confirms to democratic ideals that doesn’t mean the country is a democracy. Besides, the popular vote doesn’t win the presidency. Representatives, the electoral college, wins the presidency. Representative ? Understand now ?
It’s democratic the way your healthcare is socialist. That is just because an action confirms to democratic ideals that doesn’t mean the country is a democracy. Besides, the popular vote doesn’t win the presidency. Representatives, the electoral college, wins the presidency. Representative ? Understand now ?
The electoral college up until now has been a rubber stamp. My understanding is that MOST states simply assign the winning party a vote for its electorates if the majority of their electorates in that state have gone a certain way in the election.

We have proportional representation in this country too. Each electorate goes to a certain party after preferential vote counts are taken into account... it's just the outcome just determines the seats in parliament ergo the winning party - it's not a presidential election where it determines the President directly.

I would still call the US a democracy you still vote for your President and your election determines the number of seats in your parliament but it is a republic. Hence I called it a democratic republic. Yes it's also representative.
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The electoral college up until now has been a rubber stamp. My understanding is that MOST states simply assign the winning party a vote for its electorates if the majority of their electorates in that state have gone a certain way in the election.

We have proportional representation in this country too. Each electorate goes to a certain party after preferential vote counts are taken into account... it's just the outcome just determines the seats in parliament ergo the winning party - it's not a presidential election where it determines the President directly.

I would still call the US a democracy you still vote for your President and your election determines the number of seats in your parliament but it is a republic. Hence I called it a democratic republic. Yes it's also representative.
You can call it whatever you want dude, but you're wrong. The winner of the popular vote has lost the election like 3 times just this century so far.:rolleyes:

Using the word democratic as an adjective is all good and well, but this government was NOT intended to be a democracy. It was specifically framed to NOT be a democracy. Read the link I posted.

I can't believe I am arguing basic simple shit I and everyone else here learned in grade school with a guy who has never set foot on American soil. Tomorrow let's have a conversation about what a shithole Tregear is and the fallacy of practicing allegiance to a government who imprisoned you on the bottom of the sphere shaped earth.
You do know more people are killed with hammers than AR’s right?
The vast majority of murders are committed with pistols, anyone could get a semi auto pistol and go into a school and kill just as many people, but nobody brings that up.
The mental cases that mean to go in and kill children would still do it if you collected every AR in the country. ARs have been in common use by civilians for 50 years, why is it that for all that time it wasn’t a problem until the last 15 or so? Because people are more screwed up than ever and no laws are gonna change that.
There are between 20-30 million ARs in civilian hands in the US, they fall under the “common use” clause in the 2nd Amendment, there will not be any collecting them from lawful citizens unless you want to start a civil war.
There are multiple ways to greatly reduce the number of school shootings that could stop 90% of them, but it will require law changes that have to do with mental health records and juvenile records to be tied into the background check system already in place.
Don’t you think it would be better to start there and actually improve the situation rather than start a civil war?
I know you said you don’t have any problems with pistols, just ARs, but do you really think once they are allowed to collect ARs it would stop there?
Surely you don’t believe that. Think about what you are saying. Let them collect the scary looking black rifles that are only responsible for a tiny percentage of killings, but let everyone keep the pistols that kill more people than any other firearm on earth?
They have made ARs the bad guy because they want to get a foot in the door for confiscation that will ultimately lead to full disarmament of US citizens. That is the goal.
Lawful gun owners are done with idiots who act like people who never break laws are the problem. The are measures that could easily be taken if they were serious about a solution, but they have proven by their inaction on the matter that they are not serious people at all.
They have ignored proposals that address the changes to tying mental health and juvenile records along with social media flags to the background check system. Why would any sane person do that in the face of this situation?
Because they need emotionally charged issues to get us to a place we submit for our own good and hence the greater good.
It may be different where you live, but where I live there will be no collecting weapons of any kind that are lawfully owned. We don’t care wether or not everyone else in the country approves. We elect Sheriffs who have made crystal clear they will be a firewall to any unconstitutional law regarding the 2nd Amendment and we will back him in whatever the context requires.

Strange there has never been a school shooting here, everyone who lives here is very well armed. There must be tens of thousands of guns In my county and we don’t have any of those problems ….

Addressing just one aspect of your post; a well-armed population area, I always think of Texas as a prime example. One of the worst school shootings took place there, I'm sure most of those in that area were gun owners but it made no difference when the (inept) police department took over the situation.
And yes, mental health evaluation should be a part of gun ownership but IIRC, the NRA also helped block that aspect of proposed gun laws.
Addressing just one aspect of your post; a well-armed population area, I always think of Texas as a prime example. One of the worst school shootings took place there, I'm sure most of those in that area were gun owners but it made no difference when the (inept) police department took over the situation.
And yes, mental health evaluation should be a part of gun ownership but IIRC, the NRA also helped block that aspect of proposed gun laws.
No they didn't and in fact it is already the law. Another example of the inept government not even enforcing the laws already on the books while they keep pressing for more laws that will do absolutely nothing except shield lawmakers from criticism for their lack of meaningful action to stop criminals. The people stopping the mental health thing are the woke fuckers who don't want to stigmatize the mentally ill. I guess you have never filled out a 4473 ? It says right on the fucking form people that have been involuntarily committed or adjucated mentally deficient are "Prohibited persons". Do you think it's the NRA that kept the military from putting the psycho they kicked out on the list for the NICS system ?

At any rate the gnashing of teeth over what is statistically insignificant as far as crime goes is just retarded. Such a small amount of dead kids are the result of AR-15s that in the big picture it isn't even relevant.

Do you know what would actually stop these tragedies from occurring though ? What the NRA and most gun rights groups have been sayng forever. Make schools a hard target. We fucking protect banks and politicians with armed personnel but we just leave our kids totally unprotected. It's ridiculous.

And if you think banning AR-15s is going to be the magic button that stops "Mass shootings" you are delusional. We had an AWB in the 90s. It did absolutely nothing to the crime rate.

Did you know that rifles ( of ALL types, not just semi autos or AR-15s) are used in less than 1% of all gun crimes ? Literally more people are killed by hands and feet every year than by any type of long gun.

Worst of all though is the trying to legislate by emotion bullshit. Feel good shit that does nothing but infringe on honest people's rights. Trying to compromise with people that want you completely unarmed is retarded. We have tried the "Give a little bit" approach many times and it always results in anti-gun advocation for even more gun control. It's always just one more law that will fix everything right? High capacity magazine bans. Now red flag laws. They will never stop dreaming up new laws to try to foist on us in an attempt at a death by 1000 small cuts strategy of total disarmament of the citizenry. Why do you think they have allowed crime to flourish ? Letting criminals out of jail, defunding police departments, refusing to prosecute murderers, particularly in black on black urban crimes. They don't WANT to stop crime. If they did they wouldn't be going after law abiding citizen's rights would they ?

Most of us have absolutely had enough of their bullshit. You want to compromise with retarded leftists who don't give a fuck if an illegal alien rapes and kills your family members, then YOU go and destroy YOUR guns and leave the fucking rest of us out of your retarded bullshit.
Do you know what would actually stop these tragedies from occurring though ? What the NRA and most gun rights groups have been sayng forever. Make schools a hard target. We fucking protect banks and politicians with armed personnel but we just leave our kids totally unprotected. It's ridiculous.

And if you think banning AR-15s is going to be the magic button that stops "Mass shootings" you are delusional.
100% They need dead kids to keep the "gun control" narrative alive. It's blatantly obvious.